A story of a young lady named annena who coincidentally met Zigi, an old time enemy at higher institution. She doesn't want anything to do with him. But her enemy is stretching a hand of friendship towards her. Still she didn't accept his request until her old time enemy proved it with his life. Her old time enemy was initiated to join a secret sect where he later became their leader. The members had made plans to kill annena, as soon as he knew their plans he made attempts to stop them but it was too late he had to sacrifice himself for her to prove his love Just For Annena.
It's a sunny day on Yemerk University Campus. The university was established a year before.
And on this blessed sunny day, students are being admitted into the institution. It is a new experience to all the students as they happened to be the first set of students admitted since the establishment of the University. The institution admitted students from all part of the country into various courses of study based on their performance in any of the Senior School Certificate Examinations (either WAEC or NECO), JAMB and Post UTME examinations. Students from all sorts of departments met at the Dermie Hall for the first time for an address by the Vice Chancellor. It took a long while before the Vice Chancellor stepped into the auditorium to address the students. Moreover, some students were already frustrated and lost patience because of the poor ventilation of the hall. As the institution was recently established, there haven't been much development.
As soon as the Vice Chancellor stepped into the Hall, the newly admitted students of the institution rose up from their seats and clapped as he stepped on the podium. The applause continued for quite a while until he beckoned them to stop clapping and have their seats. This respectful behavior elated the Vice Chancellor; he faced his Personal Assistant and whispered to his ear to bring in the snacks and drinks they had brought for the students. He looked up to the students and said ''I sincerely appreciate the warm welcome you offered me. I want you all to know that you had made the right choice by choosing to come to Yemerk Aduole University and I promise you that you won't regret your actions. I am Dr. Jerenje Jugor. I am popularly known as Dr. JJ. I know you must have heard a lot about me. Rumors here and there; but today's, I will tell you more about myself. I am Dr. JJ as I said earlier, I am a Ghanaian, I am a close friend to the founder of this University. We went to the same college, but he's was my senior then."
As the VC was giving his speech his Personal Assistant came back to quietly tell him that the drinks and snacks will not be sufficiently shared to the students. The Vice Chancellor whispered back to him to bring the drinks and snacks all the same; as he was prepared to handle the situation. Immediately his P.A. smiled and briskly walked out of the hall.
The Vice Chancellor continued his address by telling them the institution is owned by his friend, who is also a Ghanaian. His friend had pleaded him to run the operations of the institution; so that he will be able to attend to his other businesses. The VC went ahead to seek the cooperation of all the students and members of staff to help build an enviable institution. He further said that he love and practice an open door policy, as such that staff and students are permitted to write suggestions on the areas they seek for an improvement and that the school proprietor will not hesitate to consider any advice that will help the school reach greater heights. The students and members of staff in unison responded with an applause.
As he was about to speak again, his Personal Assistant brought in the snacks and drinks with the help of some other members of staffs, to the delight of the students, who responded with a more thunderous applause, coupled with a standing ovation. The Vice Chancellor, apparently got distracted and had no choice but to prematurely end his speech and asked the snacks and drinks to be offered to the students.
The snacks and drinks were shared among the students so that it would be sufficient. Two seats mate were asked to share a drink but they both have snacks. The Vice Chancellor had intended to tell the story of the mystery behind the Ghanaian-run University established in Nigeria; but he was not privileged to do that because of the students' reaction when the drinks and snacks were brought in.
Among the seats mate that were to share drinks on this occasion were Zigi and Annena. The two had met at a party so day before. At the said party, Zigi almost hit Annena while driving his father's car because he was drunk. They had left the party with hatred for each other. Surprisingly, Zigi turns right to face his seat mate and was shocked to see Annena by his side. He wanted to swap seat with someone, even, anyone at all; but was unable to do that because Annena had also seen him. The drink was given to Zigi, while they were both given snacks. Zigi opened his mouth to speak but before he could speak Annena quickly told him that she doesn't care for the drinks. Zigi stared at her as she ate her snack and said, 'If you think I will apologize for the scene you created at the party, then you must be a joker; I hate you with all my heart.' As he said that, his heart skipped a beat. Maybe, it was just a face-safe mechanism. Did he really hate her? Annena stared at him with her beautiful and glowing face, with sparkling eyelashes and glazing red lips without saying anything. Zigi's heart began to beat faster to the extent that he could not talk clearly. He look to see if anyone was watching. Good for him, no one nearby seems to notice. Everyone was having a good time with his/ her seat mate that they were not ready to leave the hall; even though there was poor ventilation. He turned around to apologize to her but she wasn't on her seat. Looked around; but she was nowhere to be found. What could have happened? He was left disturbed.
A few minutes later, they were all asked to leave the hall and go to their respective hostels. Everyone had made new friends at the hall, but not Zigi. The only good thing that came near him, he stupidly have shoved away. He then made up his mind that when next he sees her he will without fail apologize. Zigi then went to his hostel to sleep. His mind has been greatly disturbed. His conscience pricking him hard.
When Zigi woke up, he had forgotten all that happened at the hall. He felt light and lively again. He went out and made new friends. Among his new friends were Malek, Teejo and Sege. They later became his very close friends.
Annena, on her part, didn't even put to mind Zigi's attitudes. She made new friends of both genders. Some of the students got to their hostels to cook and made their bellies happy. While some went out of the campus to get themselves some foods, nibbles or drinks. The day ended calmly with a smile on everyone's face.
They all woke up the following day, took their bathe and went to class. Zigi and Sege were students of the Forestry and Wildlife Conservation Department; and they had never had a five-hour class before, they had to endure that day. At a time, Sege was already sleeping and snoring that everyone was curious. Zigi tapped him to sit up so that he would not embarrass himself. Malek and Teejo were of the Peace and Conflict Resolution Department. While Annena belongs to the Guidance and Counselling Department.
After staying one and half months at the institution, Annena had been able to understand and cope with the school life and systems. She had begun to encourage her dispirited friends to take time to understand the institution's principles and not do anything that will thrash their dreams or tarnish the name of the institution. They soon re-christened her "Counsellannena". And this nickname stuck on her like a generational curse. Before she knew it, she had became popular in the institution with this nickname. This news spread around the institution that a girl called Annena from the Counseling Department of the Institution had been given the nickname "Counsellannena" because she had been able to convince a considerable amount of students from leaving the institution. When Sege heard this news, he tried to become Annena's friend, but he was denied the opportunity; and this made him hate Annena as he likes to be close to popular students on the Campus. Malek and Teejo are fond of the habit of always envying popular students, this made them naturally hate Annena. When Zigi heard the news he wasn't of any opinion. He only remembered what he did to Annena not knowing that Annena was the person they were talking about. He had had it in mind that when next they meet he would apologize. Before then, Zigi had made attempt to locate Annena's hostel, but he doesn't know her name, even till the moment her counselling prowess was trending. Neither did Annena know Zigi by name.
Later that evening, Zigi made attempt to check the Dermie Hall of Residence for Annena. While he was going, a motorist was about to hit him, he swerved to evade the collision, but fell into the roadside drain. He had acquired some cuts on his face and body. He actually did not know, or care to know; for he was unconscious.
Not too long after, some campus students found him and took him to the nearest hospital. Soon the rumour went viral on campus that Zigi was dead.
Is Zigi really dead?