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Carolle N


All Reina Valentine has ever known is Death and Despair. As a Royal, the Queen of all Vampires, she is dubbed as the pinnacle of a race, the fearless leader who was destined to bring their kind into an age of prosperity. She, however, prefers the company of the shadows. Darkness is her solace and for almost a century, she slumbers and embraces it... Right until she is awoken to a world beyond her wildest comprehension. A threat larger, more dangerous than Vampire Hunters has assailed their world and her return is integral to dispel this great tragedy from coming to pass. New alliances are made, old wounds are torn open and the dawn of a new age is in the horizon. This may just be her new beginning- the rebirth she never knew she needed. ** Zero Alexander Black is the charismatic CEO of one of the world's largest international corporations. His days are dominated by spreadsheets, board meetings, and charity galas. So when the beast from his dreams appears before him and attacks him in the real world, his entire life is turned upside down. Folklore and fairytales appear to have always been true, and for some reason, it wasn't as shocking to him as he expected. Not when it put him in front of Royalty and the woman of his dreams. His empty, forlorn existence comes to life with adventure, near-death experiences, all of which fill the void in his heart. For the first time in his life, he is truly Alive. Follow their adventure as they fight to not only liberate their world but save it from plunging darkness. A love story blooms, one that was written in the stars all along...

Chapter 1 Prologue


The figure raced through the darkness, urgency filling every single one of his pores. He was still struggling to wrap his mind around the events that had come to pass. No one and nothing could have prepared him for what he had discovered. It was a cataclysmic truth that threatened to destroy everything and everyone. The fate of the world was in his trembling hands that broke through the double doors leading into his home.

I must send a message to them. I must warn them of what is to come...before it is too late for any one of us...

He repeated, almost like a mantra as he took off down the halls of his home.

Although the barrier around his estate was firm, created to keep out the creature that was hell bent on hunting him down, it would not hold out under the beast's catastrophic attacks. Not when the Lord of the Manor had become as weakened as he now was. He had managed to weaken the creature, to keep it at bay and buy enough time to return to his home, to the only place he could make the necessary preparations for what was to come.

But not without a price...I have become rusty it seems...

He murmured, now fully cognizant of the searing pain in his abdomen area.

He knew he had beared the brunt of its attack. He could feel the adrenaline slipping from his veins, giving way to shock and worse due to the blood loss. He, however, did not have time to stop the process, to heal himself. Not when he could feel the foreboding claws of the creature that was struggling with the barrier that would crumble soon.

I must focus. I must warn him. He will be able to save us all. He is the only salvation we have, the only hope we have of surviving...

Rifling through the documents in his office, he released a small breath once he came upon the one he needed. Hovering his bloody hand over the small book, he focused all his energy upon the parchment, sighing in relief once the warm glow began to inscribe words upon the blank page. His energy was quickly dwindling, not only from the blood loss but from the severity of his injuries.

Please make it in time...please reach him....

He murmured over and over again, his gaze travelling to the floor to ceiling windows in his office that offered a direct view of the expansive backyard and the rolling green fields of his estate. His family's legacy. One that would now belong to the most precious person in his life. The thought lifted his spirits whilst also bringing him immense sadness. This was not the future he wished for him but the fates had made up their mind.

A resounding crack followed by a ear splitting shattering brought him back to the present, reminding him of the precarious position he was now in. Time was up but so was his spell that had sent the message as intended. A wide, bloody grin settled upon his lips as he collapsed against his chair, his heart now beating a steady rhythm as he stared at the now blank page.

I've done it...I have finished my mission successfully. It is now up to him...

The thought filled him with relief despite the pain radiating through every part of him and the otherworldly screech of the monster now fast approaching, ready to end his life.

The room was momentarily filled with a flash of green, signalling the arrival of the hiss companion who looked just as haggard as he was. It was to be expected, though. A master and servant were mirror images of each other. They were both clutching at straws now, both of them at the edge of a dark pit.

"Sire...I managed to hold it back for as long as I could but I'm afraid we are too weakened to win this battle. We must perform the spell now!"

The being stated, urgency filling its words as it knelt before its Master, its other half. They had both sworn to protect each other, to work together to shield the world from creatures of darkness. Neither one of them had been prepared for this current threat, one that threatened the very balance of the Universe.

"I know, but I am not sure if I am strong enough anymore..."

The man murmured, feeling the exhaustion begin to wade over him despite the looming threat that was growing closer and closer, ready to destroy them both and finish its own sinister mission. The being shook its head, a small smile on it as it took its Master's hand.

"I know, Sire. Which is why I stored power within my own reserves for you. Use me as your vessel. Let us destroy this beast together."

The two shared a look with the man on the chair releasing a breathy laugh before he called forth his soul energy, his eyes glowing a radiant green as he did this.

"As always, I can count on you to be the less reckless one between us. Thank you, for staying by my side all these years and protecting me. Together, we shall end this creature and send it back to its maker!"

The two shared a firm look before the being disappeared, leaving only a radiant green glow that engulfed the entire office.

The creature screeched to a halt right at the threshold leading into the room, its sinister gaze landing on the man on the chair who grinned bloody at it before flipping it off. The spell was complete and the creature knew it as its otherwordly eyes widened and it turned to make it's escape.

"You will not get away from me so easily, beast! The spell is complete. I call forth the power of the goddess and invoke Arkana!"

The man declared loud, his words sending a ripple of energy throughout the entire office as blinding green light stretched forth into the rest of the house and the estate in a wave of energy that destroyed the creature, turned it into ashes. The power was blinding, radiating throughout the Quarter and impacting all of the supernatural beings within. They all knew the energy signature.

How could they not when it belonged to the most powerful Hunter in the Supernatural World? A Hunter who had performed one of the three Soul Pillar Spells.

Zachary Black, the most powerful of Hunters, was gone...


Raiser Valentine stared at the parchment before him, the words inscribed therein confirming all that he and his partner had suspected all along. He couldn't help the small smile that stretched across his lips despite the implications of the information before him. Although their friendship had started off rocky, Raiser could not remember a time when he had failed to believe in Zachary's incredible abilities. The man was a legend in his own right and had proven it yet again.

He, just like his ancestors, had proven himself worthy of the Black family name and the title of protector of this world. He was a greater man than Raiser could ever put into words and knowing that the world had lost such a great warrior brought sorrow to the Vampire Royal's heart.

"Thank you, my friend. Your sacrifice will not be in vain."

He murmured, watching the parchment burst into flames once he finished reading it. A sure fire way of communication to avoid any sort of spying, Raiser knew that the information would stay between them. That they had achieved a win over the creatures that had been hunting them both.

He stared down at the massive patch of black before him, the only sign that the beast in question had attacked him in the first place. Although his injuries were slowly healing, the beast had done its damage despite being eliminated by the powerful Royal Vampire. Raiser didn't want to imagine how much worse the catastrophe would have been if he had sent his Servants to battle instead of tackling the creature head on.

I am glad they were not here...These beings are more powerful than we anticipated... We must devise ways to stop them...

Raiser used his enhanced speed to return to the Manor, his arrival alerting his two servants who were quick to approach, shock on their features at the sight of their Master's injuries.

"Your Highness...your injuries. They are not healing as quickly as they should. Shall we call your Ihor so that you can be able to feed?"

William was first to speak up as he and Finneas approached their Master, ready to assist him in any way they could. His words and their concerns were, however, met with a shake of the head from the Prince of Vampires whose gaze was focused solely on a door they did not often access. The two servants shared a look, each of them confused by their Master's initiative to enter the lower chambers rather than head to his room to rest.

"Master...we really should have you feed. You have ben weakened considerably by this attack..."

Finneas tried once more as he followed his Master, his words met with a simple glance from Raiser that was enough to silence him. The look was not menacing in any way. It was a silent plead for him to trust his actions, trust that his Master knew what he was doing. The three threby began the descent into the deepest bowels of the Spanish style Manor, neither one of them saying anything as they walked the familiar hallowed halls that were lit only by gas lamps.

Intricate markings lined the walls, recounting the story of the Royals, Vampires who were the pinnacle of their race. They were purebloods, untainted and powerful enough to shift the very scales of world power. They, however, chose to rule from the darkness. and expand their kind's influence from the shadows. The Prince of Vampires had done an incredible job on sustaining their kind, his quick witted decisions and influence over the Aristocrats propelling the Vampire Race to incredible heights.

He has, no doubt, performed beyond the Queen of Vampire's expectations...

"Ignosce, soror, sed tempus est reverti,"

Raiser murmured as he stared at the massive double doors that would lead them into a chamber he spent many of his days in, in the presence and counsel of his older twin who was the rightful heiress of the throne, the true Queen of Vampires. William and Finneas shared a look, each of them shocked to the core by their Master's words but said nothing as they watched him will the doors to open and reveal the candle-lit room.

Apart from the two tombs in the middle of the room and a chair beside one of them, the room was sparsely decorated and with good reason. There was, after all, living being residing within. It was a resting place, a chamber created for the sole purpose of stasis for the Royal Family. Raiser proceeded forth with sure steps, his body feeling the impact of the energy within the room that confirmed what he already knew.

The Stasis was upon him too. After a century of fighting it, it had returned with a vengeance and called to him to rest, replenish his energy. The signs had been there, more so now with the injuries that were not healing instantly as they should. The chair was welcome as he collapsed into it, exhaustion straining each of his limbs and pulling his body taut with tension. He wished that it had not reared its head now, that he could stay longer and fight the incoming battle by his sister's side.

I will be a burden upon her...I must trust that she will be able to handle it. She will know what to do...

The two servants watched from the sidelines, each of them in shock and awe at the sight before them. Neither one of them had ever imagined they would be present to witness the resurrection of the Queen of Vampires. The rumor mill had churned information for centuries, affirming that she would not return soon. Although it'd been 100 years since she left her throne to her younger brother, no one had anticipated her return to be now.

This will send ripples throughout our world...The Queen's return must mean that the threat is more than Prince Raiser can handle on his own...

And that scared the two servants more than anything. Never had they faced such a menacing opponent. Indeed darker times were coming.

Raiser placed his palm against his wounded abdomen, smearing blood upon it before he placed it ontop of his sister's tomb. The contact brought forth an immediate reaction as the symbols carved ontop of the tomb began to glow. The ancient language, one that was said to belong to the gods, was coming alive, shifting as the spell began to take effect

"I, Raiser Matias Valentine, Vampire Prince and first of my name, call forth the Crimson Star. Heiress to the throne of Blood, my beloved sister. Awaken, Reina Lucia Valentine, and rule our Household once more. The throne awaits your return as do your people. It is time to return to the world of the living, hermana."

Raiser whispered the last part once he finished the incantation, watching as the top of the tomb began to shift its glow.

Crimson light filled the room, the candles burning brighter as the top slid away to reveal the occupant within who slowly emerged, levitating above the tomb and looking resplendent in a white gown. It was a haunting scene that resonated with the Prince whose heart was filled with warmth at the sight of his sister, a smile on his lips once he looked upon her.

Power radiated from every pore of her being, the immense energy leaving the two Servants staring in awe as they struggled to keep their wits about them. Reina's eyes slowly opened, revealing two red orbs that flittered throughout the room before landing right on the three men before her, two of whom were quick to bow low before their Queen.

Reina was, however, fixated on her twin brother as the scent of his blood permeated throughout the entire room. Confusion flittered through her features momentarily before understanding clouded her features as she lowered herself to the ground and approached her twin.

"Brother...who did this to you?"

Her forehead rested against his in greeting, just as they always did when they were younger. Although her voice was calm and collected, Raiser knew well enough not to trust face value when it came to his sister. Not when he could sense the volatile anger that coursed through her veins. She was pissed and barely holding it together only because she had to make sure he was okay. He hadn't realised how much he had missed her tender touch and concern up until that moment, as she held his hands firmly in her own.

She has always been my big sister first and foremost, even though I took the role of protector quite early on in our lives...

"Its a long story, one I don't think I have the strength to narrate to you. I can, however, show you..."

Raiser murmured, closing his eyes and allowing himself to link his mind with his twin's own. Images flashed across Reina's sub conscious detailing all that she had missed over the century that she had been in Stasis. By the time Raiser was done, the newly awakened Vampire had caught up on everything and her body hummed with anger at those who had dared harm her brother.

"Thank you, brother. Now, it is time for you to rest and regain your strength. You should not have waited so long to wake me but I am grateful for your sacrifice. I promise that I shall eliminate any and all threats looming. Your hard work will not be tainted by anything or anyone. I will continue from where you stopped."

Reina promised, earning a tired smile from Raiser. His Stasis was upon him and with Reina's help, he settled into his own Tomb.

"I knew you would know what to do...Promise me that you will not do everything on your own. Rely on the other Households for the time being. I promise that as soon as I am sufficiently rested, I will return to your side."

Raiser stated firmly, earning a light chuckle from his twin as she leaned down and planted a soft, chaste kiss on his forehead.

"Do not worry too much, brother. I will be fine. Rest and replenish your power. I will see you soon. I promise."

The younger twin nodded, allowing his body to crash and accept the sleep that assailed him just as the tomb slid shut and the ancient characters stopped glowing once they locked it in place. Reina placed her hand atop the structure, instantly missing her other half. She knew she could always come down and see him, just as he always did, but she wished that she had been able to have more time with him.

I failed you, brother, and for that I am sorry. I promise that I shall protect our people. I'll make it up to you, one way or another....

She turned to face the two servants who were still bowed low before her. A smile ghosted her lips at the sight of William, her long time serving servant who had fulfilled her orders to stay beside her brother and protect him.

The man had never failed to perform his duties exceptionally and so did Finneas, her brother's servant who had been with Raiser as long as William had been with her. She could sense his sadness, his anger at himself for not having done enough for his master. The same turmoil of emotions that had been going through her was mirrored in the servant's own soul.

"You may rise, Finn. William. Thank you for staying by my brother's side and protecting him as you have. I hope you know that his decision to face that creature was soley his own, a way for him to protect you from a powerful enemy. We value our Servants just as much as you value us. I hope you can both focus on helping me eradicate this evil and finish what my brother started."

Her words resonated with the two men who nodded, resolve replacing their turmoil of emotions as they each granted her a firm look that echoed their readiness to face whatever was to come. She smiled slightly, pleased at the sight before she descended the steps and began to make her way towards the double doors.

"My Master...will you not be awakening the other Servants? Shouldn't your Household be full in the event that this threat becomes a menace that we alone cannot contain?"

William inquired, his words laced with truth. He was right. There was a possibility that the threat they were facing could require all hands on deck. It was a daunting thought, one that echoed to the power this new foe possessed.

A power I will assess first before making any rash decisions...

Reina murmured as she stared at the inscriptions on the wall on the other side of the Tomb. She had missed them all, could not remember when her entire household was awake at the same time but she knew it was best to keep them out of this until it was absolutely necessary.

"Not yet, William. Let them rest, for now. When the time is right and after we have assessed the threat, we shall revist their involvement in this battle."


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