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Black Diamond

Black Diamond



"Ouchh! Stop it you dick head!" 'I shrieked as he pushed me through the hard wall behind me.' "Hah! you still have the energy to fight me?" 'Sange said amusingly as he pressed me with his hot and muscular body, He felt so strong that I can't even go against his firmness, I felt my body so hot all of the sudden.' "Stop Resisting and damn kiss me." 'I suddenly felt electricity rushing through my veins as his lips claimed mine, his soft lips caressing mine felt so damn hot, I felt my own lips tremble as his tongue devoured my mouth, I can't stop myself from responding , his kisses we're so seductive.' "I knew you liked my kisses, I should've done it sooner." 'He said embracing and kissing me over and over again, I felt so hot as he moved his hand on my tummy caressing it as our kiss deepened, his hands slowly moved up to my chest, caressing it with his gentle but firm hand, I moaned as his hands found one of my nipple and wrapped it with his fingers, it felt like I was losing my mind from the excitement,'

Chapter 1 Beginning

Knock Knock! , Knock Knock!

Yasha's pleasant sleep was interrupted by the loud banging of the door.

"What is it?! such early in the morning!"

She yelled as she jumped out of bed to figure out who had disturbed her peaceful sleep. She hasn't been resting well because she often has nightmares, but she got a decent night's sleep last night for some reason. Perhaps because she hasn't used her Alice.

An Alice is a type of charm that allows her to locate misplaced items, people, and places. She also has her Nullifying Alice that shields her consciousness from some corrupted spells used by mythical beings of old times to control humans.


She screamed opening the door, but to her surprise, it wasn't her sibling who was disturbing her peaceful sleep, It was some strange good looking guy.

"Hello there, I see that you're awake now," Lance said while hiding his smile.

" What in the world....who are you? why are you at my house? who let you in?" Yasha asked continuously to the mysterious guy.

"Slow down with your questions hahaha, your mom's calling you downstairs, she's busy making breakfast, so I volunteered to wake you up."

Lance replied with a grin on his face, his pearly white teeth shining brightly and his small cute eyes were quite amused looking at her.

"oh really?" still suspicious of his words.

"Yes, and before you head downstairs, why don't you change your clothes?" Lance said, staring at her gray tank top and long jammies.

Yasha was puzzled, and she finally realized as she looked down at the clothes she was wearing.

"oh shit, damn it! go to mom and wait for me there" she shouted and slammed the door, embarrassed, and quickly changed into proper clothing.

"All right then, take your time," Lance said, with a grin on his handsome face.

He smiled as he walked downstairs, he had no idea that her favorite teacher would have such a beautiful daughter. His smile remained even as he walked down the kitchen.

"oh god, what the hell happening, why does this happen so early in the morning." she groaned while changing her clothes.

While Yasha is getting ready, her mother has prepared their breakfast that they'll share as she and Lance talk.

"There you are... have you woken up Yasha?" Sierra asked.

"Yes, she's changing right now, and she'll be here any minute, your daughter is much more fascinating than I imagined," Lance answered.

"She's a little peculiar, but oh well, and she's kind of good at catching on to things so be careful, I'm not that confident to stop her," Sierra chuckled.

"Well, absolutely, every unusually gifted youngster like hers is welcome at the academy you know that yourself teach, you can indeed be guaranteed of that," Lance reassured.

"hmm, I hope she does what I asked her to do, she'll be much safer with her kind," Sierra said worriedly.

"I hope so, the other professors are already eager to meet her," Lance replied while drinking coffee.

"Is there going to be a new professor at school?" Yasha interrupted.

'cough...cough...' Lance nearly choked on his coffee after being startled by Yasha's presence.

'Wait, what?.... How come I didn't detect her presence?' Lance wondered.

"Here's a glass of water, drink this instead, you definitely need this more than your coffee," Yasha mocked as she handed Lance the cup of water.

"What's with the reaction people? Is someone's cat killed or something?" Yasha sarcastically asked as she made her way to devour a delicious meal.

"How....did you...do that?" Lance sounded baffled.

"What? to get water? you actually go to the sink and get a cup, turn on the faucet, and there you are, you got yourself water. simple right?" Yasha responds with mockery.

"You know that's not what I meant," Lance answered, still astonished he didn't detect Yasha's presence.

"What did I tell you? hmm, Lancelot?" Sierra chuckled, teasing Lance.

"Okay, I get it Geez, does this mean she inherited her father's ability?" Lance asked solemnly.

"Whoa whoa! hang on, dad's ability? what did he mean by that?" Yasha asked, dropping her silverware and glancing at her mother puzzledly.

"Okay, okay, I know you have a lot of questions, but for now, I want you to finish your breakfast and then we discuss this in the living room, okay?" Sierra insisted.

Yasha and Lance exchanged glances before continuing to eat without uttering a word.

After finishing their meals, they go into the sitting room to talk over something that Sierra and Lance would like to explain to Yasha. Sierra started speaking with the two.

"Dear, I know you're confused right now, but I just wanted to tell you that....you're going to transfer schools within the next day," Sierra anxiously stated.

"What?.... I don't get why I have to transfer schools mom, what's going on?" Yasha asked, bewildered.

"Well, actually, you won't be transferred if you didn't do anything, but instead you used your ability to help someone, which is wonderful to know, but you should've been careful because it's not just a few individuals who desire your abilities Yasha, and believe it or not, you're in serious trouble," Lance explained thoroughly.

Yasha was surprised to hear this, she had not planned to use her ability, but it appears that she is already being observed.

"And your plan is to transfer me with this guy I just encountered? Isn't that a little late now? This is ridiculous!" Yasha exclaimed.

"Honey, listen to me, Lance isn't just a student like you, he was one of my most trusted students when I was still teaching in the academy and now he's one of the best instructors, I know you're shocked right now but I want you to trust me okay?" Sierra reassures Yasha.

"And even though! this isn't what I intended mom, I didn't mean to use my ability like that," Yasha grumbled.

"I know dear, but would you kindly understand it just this once? you are much safe and secure there," Sierra explained gently.

"You'll be with me there, Yasha, and I'll be able to protect you and your mother," Lance guaranteed.

"Who are you, my stepfather?" Yasha asked, irritably.

"Yasha, please dear, can you at least consider thinking about it?" Sierra pleads.

"Mom, haah, could you please give me some time to think about it? I still have a championship to take part," Yasha explained.

"All right, after the tournament, we'll go to the academy," Sierra affirmed.

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