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Alpha Meets His Dangerous Luna

Alpha Meets His Dangerous Luna

Maria Lynette


In addition to being a billionaire, Sebastian Caliente is a powerful werewolf known as the alpha. Because of his extraordinary abilities, which include the ability to read minds, possess lethal senses, and quickly repair himself, he is the most serious and destructive alpha. Because of his exceptional skills, which include the ability to read minds, possess lethal senses, and quickly regenerate himself, he is considered as the most dangerous and powerful alpha. Sebastians' fatal sense of ability gave him the suspicion of who would be the threat within the pack, but his only fatal flaw is getting slaughtered when he is an in human image, because his strength would not function properly unless he is in the figure of a werewolf. After that, he encountered Hermione, a mortal in his sense, and imprinted her with the memory of Luna. Despite the fact that she is a woman, Hermione Deborah is regarded across the mafia world as being the most vicious and ruthless mafia boss. She was the one who ended up being responsible for the deaths of all of the mafia members that tried to kill her. She solely adheres to one concept, and that is to never cause harm to a person who is not responsible for it. She was unwilling to accept any of the numerous proposals that were made to her before she could arrange a meeting with the proprietor of the Miarca Institute for Business. The chief executive officer, whose name was Jagger Miarca, transformed her into a werewolf and appointed her as his beta wolf, or the wolf who holds the position of second in command within the pack. Hermione gained a superpower that allowed her to conceal herself and block mind readers like Sebastian when she transformed into a werewolf. Jagger then gave her a mission to make Sebastian fall in love with her, spy on him, steal something from him, and then kill him afterward. Hermione successfully completed all of these objectives. After spending time with Sebastian, does it seem likely that Hermione will be able to kill him? And will Sebastian be able to forgive Hermione, even if she broke his heart, despite the fact that she did it? Is the level of love and trust between them sufficient for them to stay together? Which tribe do you think is going to come out on top, the Miarca Pack or the Caliente Pack?

Chapter 1 Who is she

Sebastian gently opened his eyes as the throbbing pain throughout his entire body made him feel as if he had been severely beaten by someone. He endeavored to recall the events that transpired just prior to his loss of consciousness, in the hopes of discovering the cause of his blackout.

"Ouch!" Sebastian growled in response to the intense stinging he felt from the base of his neck all the way down to his spinal cord. He then gripped his neck with his left hand in order to check whether or not there was a gauze covering it.

Sebastian furrowed his brow as he tried to remember who it was that had bandaged up his injury. Because one of his functions as an alpha werewolf was to have lethal senses, the ability to read minds, and rapid wound healing, he does not require bandaging or antiseptic for his wounds to heal. The only drawback to his gift was that if he were to sustain injuries while still assuming the form of a human, his ability to quickly repair himself would be rendered ineffective, and the wounds he would sustain would be excruciatingly unpleasant.

It was an advantage for him to be wounded by the figure of a werewolf in order for his power to be activated. This was the only circumstance in which his wounds would heal swiftly, and the wound itself did not cause him any discomfort at this time.

When Sebastian was trying to remember how he received the wound that extended from his neck to his spine, he was staring at the nav bar matter and giving it his best effort when a brief memory popped into his head. It was unclear, but he seemed to recall a fuzzy memory of himself battling a large number of werewolves in the Land of Promise who were creatures he had never encountered before. Since he was the owner of that island and his pack was the most powerful pack that lived there, it was only natural for him to know each and every one of the werewolves that lived there. In fact, he knew every single one of them.

"Who in the hell are those werewolves that I have battled against?" Sebastian questioned his own inquisitiveness. But just as his inquiries were about to devour him, he became aware that he was in a space that he was not familiar with. The room was really interesting to look at, but he had the impression that he was being held captive in that chamber.

When the door opened, Sebastian was about to stand up when he saw a woman enter the room where he was waiting wearing a black shirt, black pants, and black boots. She was also carrying a black purse. He examined the woman from her feet all the way up to her face, and the stunning brown eyes she possessed mesmerized him the entire time. Those were the most stunning eyes he had ever seen, but at the same time, they were the coldest he had ever encountered in all of his years of looking into people's eyes.

Sebastian was unable to move because the signals of his werewolf transformation, which included an overwhelming urge to consume, caused him to feel thirsty all of a sudden. His senses were informing him that the woman standing at the threshold was none other than his mate, Luna, and that he should touch the woman who was in front of him.

"But that simply cannot happen!" Sebastian yelled at himself in his head, arguing to his instincts that it was absurd for an alpha werewolf to have imprinted on a human. According to the written prophesy left by his ancestor, a werewolf was destined to remain a werewolf. Sebastian's ancestor had left this prophecy.

Before he opened his mouth to speak, Sebastian made an effort to suppress his emotions by clearing his throat. He did so in an appropriate manner and asked, "Who are you?" Because his appearance is modeled on that of a human, it was necessary for him to exhibit the softer side of his personality.

Before ultimately responding to his inquiry, the woman stared at him intently for a full minute before doing so.

"I am Hermione Deborah."


"Let's party, everyone!"

The Christmas Party was hosted by Caliente Group of Technologies this year, and it was held inside the building's main hall. Everyone from the staff to the investors and stockholders to the CEO himself was having a good time at the celebration. At the party, it was obvious that everyone in the hall was blessed, as evidenced by the fact that some people were eating with glee while others were dancing joyfully on the stage. The volume of the music was turned up, and the crowd was getting even more animated as a result.

During this time, Sebastian Caliente, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Caliente Group of Technologies, was casually lounging in the aisle bar area of the hall. He was content to sit back and take in all of the happy faces around him tonight. While quietly surveying his workforce, he took a few sips from the beverage that he had previously purchased from the bartender. He had a limited ability to read thoughts. Because of the nature of his power, he was able to read everyone's thoughts inside the hall. Because of the nature of his expertise, no one can beat him when it comes to reading people's minds; yet, this ability does have some restrictions.

As a human being and an employer, he was responsible for the well-being of each and every worker in his organization. He was not the kind of employer who would subject his workers to servitude, manipulate them, take advantage of them, or require them to perform duties that were not part of their job description. Sebastian makes it a point to always treat his staff fairly and with respect, just as he expects the same treatment from them in his role as CEO. He is of the opinion that kindness and respect should be shown to one another at all times and that everyone should treat others with dignity. Even though he was a werewolf, he pretended to be human by being generous and sincere toward people for once. He wanted to give the impression that he was just like them.

While Sebastian was enjoying his beverage, he had a thought that brought to mind something that could make his workers even more content. He was able to deduce from the way his system worked that his staff would be appreciative of his proposal. Later on, he signaled the DJ to pause the music by standing up from his seat, walking to the center of the stage, looking at the person who was in charge of the music, and lifting his right hand as a signal to do so.

When the DJ realized what the CEO's signal meant, he immediately put an end to the music being played. From his vantage point in the center of the stage, Sebastian was able to survey the entire audience, which included not only his employees but also his investors, stockholders, and business partners.

"Since Christmas is coming up and I love you all-" he interrupted his speech and laughed to himself while nodding, eliciting laughter from the audience. He then gave them one more glance and exhaled deeply before continuing, "-I am pleased to inform you that-" Everyone in the crowd was waiting eagerly to hear what Lucas had to say, and it was absolutely amusing to watch their expressions of anticipation as they did so. "- I will provide you pay for the 13th and 14th month in advance!"

Everyone was taken aback by the news. They appear to have just heard something astounding because their mouths are all shaped like the letter "o" and their eyes are wide open. Well, that was indeed unbelievable. However, despite the fact that everyone working in Steely enterprises was aware of Sebastian's elegance, thoughtfulness, and deference, this sort of thing always caught everyone by surprise, and they were always grateful to him for doing it. The wages and benefits offered by steel businesses have historically speaking, been among the best. In addition to the 13th and 14th-month bonuses that were given to each and every employee, they also received a travel bonus from the company. This benefit consists of the corporation paying for the employees' family vacations.

After everyone had collected themselves and worked out what Sebastian had stated in their heads, that was when they howled and yelled in such ecstatic joy.

Yohoooooo! The manager who oversaw the company's financial matters praised another employee by exclaiming, "You are the best, Sir Seb!" The staff of the business refers to their manager as "Seb," which is an abbreviation for his given name, Sebastian.


The hallway was filled with a variety of good responses from the people who were inside, and Sebastian could not help but grin as he observed his staff members grin with such enthusiasm. Sebastian had the ability to read their minds, and at the time, every one of them is thinking something different. Aside from the fact that he can quickly recover from any injuries he has, he is able to read the thoughts that are going through the brains of both humans and werewolves due to the fact that his power involves the minds of people.

Because, with the exception of his secretary, no one else at his workplace is aware of the fact that he is a werewolf.

To be continued...

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