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The Gifted Lineage

The Gifted Lineage

Myst Titles


As usual am to give my name and introduce myself but my story is kind of unusual. No worries, I'll let you be the judge of that! My name is Nikolas and Yes, that is how my Nikolas is spelt...back to the point! My name is Nikolas Canton, son of Theodore and Tracy Canton, nephew to Samael Canton, cousin to Desire Canton and not to forget older brother to the annoying Francine Canton. My family history is kind of lets say complicated. Back in time my predecessors were born with different kinds of special abilities. Some of them could command the elements, some could speak with the animals of the wild and most of them could peer into the minds of others. Of course the people who were normal deemed them "children of the devil". They grouped their hate under the leadership of the Bennetts. A family of hunters with a mission to rid the world of evil. Sometime around the 1700's, they succeeded in hunting every one of them and burning them to stakes... Well, all except my ancestor Sir Damien Canton who fled to a small settlement called Versil. He continued his lineage which vined down to my sister, Desire and I.... As times changed we found new ways to hide just as they found new ways to hunt us. "And thats my story nothing more to it" yeah, right! I wish it were that simple. All was peaceful, at least for a little while. Till the city of Versil elected itself a new mayor. Mr. Bathlomeow Bennett clogging Versil with his little minions. They are here now, the running is enough. The city of Versil is ours and if I have to I will fight till their very end.......

Chapter 1 It isn't safe here anymore

#Nikolas (Point of view)

I love Versil, I love my home. The beautiful blue apartment at the end of Beckley Street....my safe space.

Morning seems to be coming on great, even though I had horrifying dreams for the most part of the night courtesy of my lovely Franny. Maybe if I call her that a few more times it might actually come true.

I woke earlier than my alarm...

"Thats a first!" I pushing myself out of bed. Though I prefer nights when everyone else is asleep, mornings aren't all that bad.

As usual, I went through the early morning routine of a bath and all other necessities mindlessly and when I was done I stood front of the mirror for assessment. My dark brown hair combed into its usual side patted style. My black orbs as dark as they have always been just like my mom's.

Ring. Ring..... My alarm rang out. I tapped the button and took in a deep breath to steady myself before walking out of my room all ready for school. I shut the door behind me making sure the key turned trice before pulling it out. The last time I left my room open I came back to an army of bull frogs placed there by you know who. Passing Franny's door I fought back the urge to knock for no reason.... "I have to be the adult here!" I thought.

"Mum! Whats for breakfast!?" I yelled going down the stairs.

"Great, you up early! I was about to come wake you!" she said. Her voice came from her room and not the kitchen even as the kitchen utensils sang. Francine's cooking! Which means Mum and Dad are about to drop one of their sudden voyages on us. Not this time...

"No!" I said rushing into her room to find her already dressed.

"Not now Nik. Our flight leaves in 20 minutes!" She spoke facing her dressing mirror as she worked on her light make-up.

"Mayor Murder was elected last week and the two of you are leaving your children here...alone!"

"Nik we haven't heard from your uncle Sam in months. Yesterday we received an S.O.S from San-Francisco. We have to go check it out!" she explained putting on her earrings.

"How are you sure that its him!?" I wasn't convinced.

"We aren't, so we have to find out!"

"It might be a trap!" with a sigh she stopped and turned to me.

"We are Canton, we do not leave any one of our own behind. Yes, it might be a trap but I don't think there is a trap that can hold your father and I. With that said, I want you guys to go to school, just like any normal day be careful and the both of you look out eachother as always!" I sighed in resignation. No soul could ever look into those trusty black eyes and resist the look on her pear shaped face cased by a straight blonde hair. Giving me a curt nod she smiled.

"Your Dad's already in the car, you go have breakfast we'll call as soon we arrive!" she said as we walked out of the house. I waved them goodbye watching the car pull out of the driveway into the streets.

"Awn! Baby's going to Miss Mummy and Daddy!" her taunting voice came before her entrance with the mountain of pancakes.

"At least I show mine unlike somebody who shoves everything into their heart thats more like a bottomless pit of black goo!" I retorted joining her at the table.

"Thats so nice of you Nik, you say the sweetest things!" she gave a hearty smile taking every joy I was supposed to feel from my come-back.

"Peep. Peep" A horn rang out. My best friend Caleb Angelo always impatient to get to school. As for me I don't see the need for school. I can just read books and learn. Going to that post-pubescent psyche ward every day is just dramatic overkill.

"You coming with us or taking the bus?" I asked. Her mouth, full of pancakes couldn't provide me an answer so she waved the keys to mums car. Grabbing my backpack and jacket from the counter I went out to Caleb's blue Lexus. The car he loves way more than he does himself. Once, I scratched the hood by mistake and I suffered agonizing torture from the prank master for a week. He might not be good in a fight but when it comes to traps and pranks even I with my abilities don't stand a chance.

"Hey Buddy! You in a good mood today!" I said as I settled into the front seat.

"Why wouldn't I be? Its the first day of school after long break, Victoria just got back from New-York and everything couldn't be more perfect!" He put the car into motion pulling out of the drive way.

Caleb and Victoria were... I don't know how to put it... the on and off couple or something like that. Victoria, hottest queen of Versil High. I think she been through half of the guys on the soccer team but when it comes to Victoria and Caleb nothing compares to that. The only issue is, I can't stand her. Our relationship is one of mutual dislike maybe its because there is always something I hate that she drags Caleb into who in turn drags me well back to reality...

"Oh come on! I thought she was going to resume late. Great! So what torture do you have planned for me!?" I asked getting my earphones out of my bag knowing the conversation was leading to a lesson on having fun.

"There's a party at the abandoned power plant tonight and you are coming!" he blinked his blue orbs at me.

"No am, not!" I retorted plugging my earphone into my phone.

"Yes, you are. I don't get how you aren't into these things. Am 80% sure you are the only virgin among all 30 of us and you are already 17. They're starting to ask questions you know!"

"What questions!?" I paused.

"Words been going around that you are..." he paused.

"....you know!" He added.

"That I am what!?" I asked.

"That you into guys and not girls which is totally fine!" he finally spat it out and I sighed in relief. Of course they do, being the only who doesn't live their traditional life of total fun and all sex they would think I am... maybe I am. The truth is I don't really know because I have never felt anything strong for anyone and you wouldn't blame me. Having to hide a vital part of me to avoid being discovered is sailing every relationship in the direction of failure. Well, that's a problem for another day.

"So, what if I am!?" I asked teasingly...

"Wait are you!?" he asked wide eyed like someone shocked by a thousand volts.

"I might tell you if I am at the end of today. Right now I just want to get through the Monday!" I said just as my earphones went into my ears. He drove into the school parking lot and parked next to Mrs. Trevor's car. The worse teacher/human in all of Versil High. She teaches Biology and unfortunately I have Biology on Mondays first period. Caleb was still talking probably trying to ask his earlier question but my earphones were set to the highest.

I am not the most popular kid in school neither am I the least, I am lets say... somewhere in the middle, exactly how I like it. While Caleb on the other hand was dubbed by the cheerleaders life of the party. Speaking of parties... I wonder who throws a party on the first day of resumption. Its probably Austin our star striker or Dave the lead defender or the she devil herself, Victoria!

"See you in chemistry!" That I understood as he left for his Math class while I proceeded to Bio to have all the fun sucked out of my day.

After settling-in at the middle row center where I always sat Mrs. Trevor blabbed on about the human nervous system not paying any attention to me... fortunately.

To my pleasure my next two classes went by in a blur and soon enough it was lunch time. Right after Chem, Caleb took off with Victoria. I bet they are in the closet somewhere doing what I do not want to even think of.

"Finally some quiet time with my food!" I sighed sitting down with my tray in front of me.

"Hello Brother!" Francine took a seat opposite me. No... No... Franny hates sitting at this table so there's definitely trouble.

"Why are you here!?" I asked a smiling Francine with her usual ghoulish glint in her eyes.

"When did it become a crime to seat next to my amazing older brother!?" She drew a 2 and a stroke with her fingers on the table with meant two hunters. Grace! Just one day... one normal day that's all I ask.

"Yes, its a crime if you are here to ruin my day!" I signed: first a circle and a question mark in the middle asking of their locations.

She replied drawing a circle with a gentle tap to the 12 and 9 axis.

I bent my head taking in a deep breath. Slowly air left my lungs and just when I was almost out of breath I closed my eyes. All the minds around me popped up like empty rooms waiting for me to occupy them. I moved from one to another till I got to the one I wanted. A little push I tuned in having his recent memory shown to me in flashes...

Through his eyes, an arrowhead logo... then a man I don't recognize handing his partner an envelope... His partner was the only one who saw the contents. I left his mind and went in search of the other. It didn't take up to a minute to find him. I slid in and viewed the memory I wanted. A photograph of a face I've seen a lot of times. That perky look and resting bitch face... Victoria! Gotten what I wanted my consciousness came back to my body with a gasp.

"They aren't here for us!" I said to Franny reaching for my burger.

"So, who are they here for!?" she asked concerned. That's unlike Franny she usually doesn't care.

"Why do you care?"

"Think about it Nik. These are Bennett's goons, they only go after people like us. Whoever they are after must be gifted!" she explained.

"Only Sir Damien survived and we would know if our family tree had another branch since there is a beautiful portrait of it hanging in the library!" putting down the burger I opened the pudding cup instead.

"Unless Sir Damien wasn't the only one who escaped. Who are they after!?" she asked again.

"Victoria!" I whispered as one of them walked past our table taking the exit at the opposite end of the cafeteria.

"Huh! Why would they go after a human? Unless she's gifted like us!"

"That or they want us to attempt taking them out!" I said finally taking a dive into my burger.

"I don't understand!" one of her brows went up in confusion.

"They are dressed in their complete private security uniform flying the arrowhead logo. They never do that. In the past, they use very discreet methods. They know there are people with gifts here in Versil but they do not know who exactly. What better way to make us show ourselves than to attempt a rescue!" I completed my explanation and took a spoon full of pudding....

"Oh this pudding is so good!" I moaned as the pudding made love to my taste buds.

"Seriously! How can you even think of food at a time like this let alone eat!" she snatched the pudding cup from my grasp.

"Hey! I didn't have breakfast this morning!" I yelled.

"Nik! Have you thought about the possibility of Victoria being you know...? Like us! She will need protection from them!" she released it back to me and clasped her hand on the table.

"Well that won't be much of a problem anymore!" I said staring at Victoria leading Caleb into cafeteria by one arm while his other arm held a tray as they walked towards our table.

"Hello Francine!" Victoria said getting a tight smile from Franny as a reply.

"Nik my dear, it's so nice to see you again!" she took her seat between Caleb and I, crossed her legs stretching one of her vine like arms went over my shoulder. Her strong perfumed dousing my appetite like water to fire.

"Trust me the feeling is not mutual!" I smiled taking her arm off my shoulder and dropping it by her side.

"Nik! There were these two weird dudes in some kind of uniform asking around 'bout you. They wanted to know where you live and when I pointed you out to them they just left without saying a !" Caleb said before he stuffed his face.

"They must be from the academy I applied for last summer!" I lied because I couldn't exactly tell him who they really were.

"I didn't know you applied for an academy!" He removed the tomatoes out if the burger tossing them aside as if they were poisonous.

"It's a really long story... Franny can you come show me where the weird sound you heard was coming from when you drove mum's car this morning!?" I asked politely getting up from the chair.

"I thought you said you knew how to fix it. Am really not in the mood for car repair right now!" she took a long sip amidst a smirk irritating me further.

"Francine! Parking lot! Now!" I said sternly trying not to lose my cool. She finally obliged and walked out with me into the hallway. During lunch everybody eats in the cafeteria leaving the halls and classes ghosts of their former self.

"They know who we are! It isn't safe here anymore!" I excluded the slight panic I felt.

"For you! I on the other hand have a party to attend so I have to go home early to select a gorgeous outfit!" her little devious smirk enthroned on her lips as she folded her arms.

"Francine!" I gritted my teeth.

"Okay! Look, all we have to do is to lay-low. They can't come after us without proof, right!" she said.

"How do you know they don't have their damn proof already?" I said totally frustrated.

"It doesn't even matter. They come after us they lose their heads!" her voice added a little edge.

"Seriously? Am the one who can make people do stuff all you can do is just trigger hallucinations!" I exclaimed. Regretting it the moment it came out of my mouth. The smile on her face turned upside-down turning her face to one of rage right before she stormed off. I should go after her but given my experience with angry Franny it's best I let it go.

With a sigh I went to my next class to watch the history of America unfold before my eyes. My thoughts took up the rest of the day giving me relief only when the closing bell rung. I couldn't get out of school fast enough, didn't even say goodbye to anyone as i rushed to the bus.

Finally seated I pulled out my earphone and plugged it in playing some soothing music. My head tilted backwards trying to clear my head but it back fired plummeting me into series of thoughts.

Why are they suddenly in Versil...? They usually came in small groups which we can handle but this... This is just... Grace! My fingers went down hard on the volume button drowning out all my thoughts all the way home. The bus came to a stop and I got out taking a short walk to my house. Pulling out my keys from my bag, I let myself in.

Pancakes yes! I went straight to the fridge!, got some and stuffed them in the microwave. Now, the maple and raspberry syrup in the pantry. In three minutes ding! The oven rewarded me. With my price in hand I went to my go-to place in the whole house, the basement.

Down the staircase into the dark and stuffy basement, navigating my way through patches of cobwebs and dust I got to my destination. An old desktop computer under dusty brown sheets. With much ease I typed cannon on its exposed keyboard and the wall opposite me slid to reveal my paradise.

The Canton panic room. Uncle Sam built this as an anniversary present for my parents.

Brightly decorated in a modern decor, a computer station with its army of keyboards and screens watching over the house through hidden cameras and opposite it a living area with a comfy couch and huge flat screen television. A few vending machines, coffee makers and water dispenser crowned it all.

Making myself comfortable I slid my phone into a docking station and activated the perimeter security. Rolling my chair to another screen I brought up the movie I rented on Netflix. I tapped the play button ignoring the mountain of homework judging me from the confines of my backpack on the floor opposite me. A few bites of Franny's delicious pancakes and my eyes felt as heavy as sandbags. Maybe a little nap will do me good...


Ring.... Ring..... Ring.... No! Franny! Just a few more minutes! The annoying vibration persisted getting louder and louder with each ring. My hands went for my alarm clock before my ears recognized the sound. As if possessed by a demon I jerked out of the chair.

"I fell asleep in the panic room?" The movie still played on even though I have no idea how it began. I rotated my chair to the source of the vibration. A video call from Caleb.

"Maybe he wants to see if am going to the party!" I slid the button to receive.

"Nik...Nik! Where have you been we've been trying to reach you...Know what, forget that! Help!" Franny screamed. The video, dark and destabilized as she ran with the phone.

"What... whats wrong!?" I asked with worry settling in.

"We were on our way home when..." The phone was ripped from her hand and Caleb was on.

"Nik! I have no idea why she's calling you instead of calling the cops! Some psychos... make that a group of psychos tried to take us from the school parking lot. We escaped into the tunnels beneath the bleachers. If there is any way you can help... Help!" his brows furrowed in confusion as sweat covered his face.

"Caleb put Franny on the phone!" I said as my feet found the ground.


"Franny how many?" I asked locking the door behind me. Grace I forgot no car! I went back in through the garage.

"At least thirteen...armed with some kind of gun. A bullet scratched Victoria's arm but nothing serious!" she explained.

"Try to exit through the library, I'll be there in a few!" hanging up I took a moment to gather myself. Grace! Why must there be violence! The door to our old and dusty Impala opened with a loud metal crank. I tore open its seat and pulled out a revolver. I went to the driver seat and took out a holster and my trusty pocket knife. I grabbed the keys to the motorcycle and rode out of the garage with one destination in mind.....

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