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Melissa Valdez just finished getting out of college and she has been in and out of a job. She had to deal with the death of her father in a car accident and help out with her mother who was devastated and shocked. Her mother became a drug addict and has been lying to her daughter about being sober, so she can have a roof over her head. Melissa tries to make ends meet by working three jobs to support both of them. In the span of this hardship her boyfriend was caught cheating with her mother and she left for a while to stay with a friend. But she realised that if she leaves her mother they will lose the house. Her mother wasn't really doing anything and the responsibility was on her. Everything changed when she decided to work as a secretary in the Red coffee company. It was one of the leading companies in the coffee industry. Jaden Bradley on the other hand, was a billionaire who was supposed to get married to Tricia Hadley, whose father was a big investor and their marriage was a planned one to strengthen the alliance between families. Until he got to interview Melissa and decided he would hire her without much deliberation. They couldn't stand each other and he could only threaten to fire her but he couldn't. He soon fell in love but will they last considering the secrets that hovering over them.

Chapter 1 BRUTAL

The final hours of her life were brutal.

She didn't know what else to do, she didn't know how long she had cried, she was so wracked with pain, so desperate not to believe that her father was dead. She barely knew how she got to a motel.

She was twenty three, working in a coffee shop, she was bright, suave, eager and before the death of her father, she loved life. Now she just prayed that she could move on.

She had to accept her loss or remain in the dark, sinking in misery.

A sob bubbled up in her throat as she laid on her bed and stroked up. She cringed away as much as she could, she drank to stupor the night she heard the death of her father.

She was told that her father died in an accident because he was drunk while driving but she believed that he died in an accident, that's all.

Her friend, Namora, brought her to the motel, to pass the night there as well, same age as Melissa, childhood friend, nevertheless, a sister.

"I think you should go home, I will give you a call, to check on you "Namora assured Melissa. Even though, in her heart, she knew it was useless leaving her here, saying it to her as well because the loss was deep, Melissa was so close to her dad than to her mum, he was her everything.

"Go ahead, I will be fine, with my dad. I want to screeeeaaaaaam.... ..!"

Two ladies, in their late thirties discussing behind them, got distracted by the cracked loud voice that shook the silent zone.

"please! "the two women said in unison with a threatening glare.

Namora never wants to leave Melissa in her sober state "I would not leave you here, you would be fine, I wonder why Charley has not called you? "

"He might be stressed with work, he is not to be judged, he gives me a fair shake "

"A dose of one's own medicine, in this crying shame?" Namora said.

"Don't tell me you are using that phrase on me, old lady "Melissa gave a wry smile.

Her eyes were closing slowly, and finally she slept like a baby that was beaten to sleep.

Her name was Melissa Valdez.

It was a sad day, a day that she wished never existed, the air was harsh and mild on her, with blurry sunshine beaming down. A hard breeze drifted by, under the trees, it was just a bit cooler.

The perfect sort of day to scream out her pain to make the air warmer.

She approached her house, her dog started getting anxious. She has never seen her dog in an anxious state, though she is trying to recover from her sober mood. She thought it was because of the death of her father.

Not in the six years she'd had him. But there he was, pulling against his leash, like he was determined not to let her take their normal routes to the back door.

"Come on, Brownie ,you wanted to have a puppy pote with chicken today, right? "

Come on, remember? "

She tried to take another step, but the big yellow retriever sat down. He wasn't going an inch to the house.

Just then, faintly, oh so very faintly, she heard... ..something.

Brownie growled, "hush " she murmured, reaching down and resting a hand on his head. He had his hackles up, his entire body braced and tensed "easy dude, just take it easy "

Standing in the front of the house, with her head, cocked, she listened. The hard breeze that had been blowing all day abruptly died and all those faint sounds of life she could always hear in the street faded down to nothingness. A heartbeat passed, then another.

Something seems odd.

The sounds came again. It was from her family's house. Someone was screaming? threatened ?

She scowled absently, concentrating, there the sounds were there again, she could not go in without a weapon, so, she chose to discern.

Her brow puckered as she focused, trying to lock in on the sound better .

Brownie whined in his throat and tugged on his leash, demandingly. Melissa turned her head, trying to follow that sound to the direction in the house. It was gone, though. The breeze returned faintly and all she could hear now were voices and sounds of cars passing on the road.

Still, the faint memory of that suspicious sound, whatever it was, sent a shiver and anger down her spine.

"You know what, Brownie? " she murmured.

"I think you're right, let's go inside the house "

She only had a few hours left before she had to go to her second job anyway .

"....there "

He stood over her, studied her appearance. The gleaming blond strands were shorn now to chin length, perfectly straight, even as could be.

Her eyes, sightless and fixed, stared overhead.

That sexy blank on her face irritates him but he wasn't surprised. She was not the only girl, he had seen this coming, after all.

The life had gone out of the young girl and once, that fight was gone.

Well, it was a normal routine. The young girl was weak, looks pale and lifeless but faintly breathing James Bradley decided to keep the young lady alive, giving her the chance to be his mistress, yet, he would do whatever he pleases to her. Her life belongs to him, for as long as she could live.

He heard a knock on the door, before he could hide the lady, Jaden Bradley walked in, grimacing, his eyes met the young girl that was lying unconsciously on the mansion bed.

"You seemed like you freaked out "James said.

"yeah, you could say that "

Jaden was trying to focus on the reason he came to see his father, and should pay more attention to what concerns him, than to an issue that has turned into a habit.

For some reason, he thought sent some shiver down his spine, his father's action disgusts him.

"It sure doesn't sound like it freaked you out, I mean, that's what happens everyday, you love what you see, right? "

"Nope ,what the hell! Why would I love this disgusting sight, your life is filled with cruelty "

Let's talk about the reason you came to my room, without waiting to receive my permission to walk in. It probably had something to do with the project, right? "

"I can't sign the contract with the bakery firm. They are requesting for a huge share, which is not what was discussed "

"Don't accept the contract if you don't want to, your instinct might not be false "

This was the only reason he loved his father, the encouragement that seems perfect when it has to do with family business.

For about two seconds, James and Jaden were silent. Then, his father burst into laughter "oh, dear, she would be fine, she is not gone, just relaxing. "

"Do, she is now your mistress, or you're making her useless like others "

"She looks different, special, she might submit to my orders"

"You're a pervert, you know that? "Jaden grinned at his father.

Jaden's father, James Bradley was the CEO of Red coffee before he soon took over, a billionaire, he finds fun sleeping hard with young girls, especially virgins, and then making them useless. Very cruel and mean, one of the reasons his wife divorced him.

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