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The forgiving heart

The forgiving heart

plord kardox


sorry do you really think that is all, did you really think that will end it, did you really think that is all we need, cut your craps Tony, you are nothing but an asshole" Micheal said angrily "yes Michael I really hope saying I am sorry can end the pain and mistakes I made" Tony said softly.

Chapter 1 One

The rain finally stopped in the morning. A Monday morning moving and Marshall has to go to work. Micheal is a young boy at 22 years. His parents were killed in an accident 10 years ago and ever since he has been carrying his burden alone. He is a tall, black and lanky man. Although he tried gym centre for a while but stopped.

"what a great morning" he said still feeling a little bit sleepy, after some while, he cleared his bed clock, 7:08am. His work time is 8am. Now he got 50 minutes to get dressed and get to work. Getting a shower and dressed and having a quick breakfast took him less than 30 minutes, he has always been a fast guy from his little age and whenever he do things in a swiftly way he remembers his mother words when he was seven "slow and steady win the race" she will always say and he will replied "that is an old adage mum it can't work anymore in the century we are now". He smiled when he remembered the word and go to his work place.

Sheba company deals with all kinds of clothing materials. All over the nation, the company has been rather d the third best clothing producing company. Tony, who is the Ceo of the company has received numerous awards for his company's services. Now, Micheal is appointed to be the sales manager of one of the group of the company. At first, Michael did not like the job due to the fact that he think that the job did not befit him, having a first class degree in economics and doing a lot of numerous research for the financial sector of the country. If not for some backstabbing he would not he here applying for a job, but when he saw the pay of the job and its benefits his mind changed. Getting to the company, he went to his dicretor who will give him further instructions. The director big office, Micheal was amazed looking at the office greatness.

"good morning director" Micheal said politely

"good morning Micheal I hope you had a good night" he replied without taking his face from the computer.

The director is a very big man with a chabby face with that Micheal thought that the director will weight nothing less than 100 to 150kg.

"yes sir" Michael said smiling lightly

"I congratulate you on your new job and I hope that you will put in your very best" he said lifting up his face and looking at Micheal with a smile.

"yes sir I will put in my very best"

"that's good" he said nodding his head positively "take these files and have them treated meanwhile go to the group D sales department that is where you will be working". Micheal receives the file, bows his head and leaves the director office. His office is quite good and well furnished, it befits a sales manager, "time to get to work" he said to himself, went to the computer and switched it on to begin his new work.

At 5pm, Micheal signed out and left the company as many ex workers testify the company stress the hell out of you. Damn hell he thought. The company offers the money required for the stress, everything seems balanced to him. Now he had to get home, freshen up and have a lot of damn rest. "now work is going to be stressing me out" he said slowly and borad a bus going to his home. At home he was surprised to see his aunty. She had not come and visit him since the time he had come to the country. Even when he sent his word that he was seriously sick she did not come all she did was to send enough money to pay the bills and a warming word of hope. Atleast he thought she had been supportive but not showing around too often.

"welcome back Micheal, how is your new day at work" she said holding a cup of water in her hand and facing the television.

"it was fine and damn all stressful" he said as he slump over the chair. He looked at his aunt for a while and continued "but you did not tell me you are coming and if I am correct this is the first visit in last three years". Now his aunt has to give him a convincing answer to know why she came to his house unnoticed. She did not like doing things like that and when Micheal came to visit her without notice she yells at him for doing that. Taking another look at her, he noticed some changes. She is not has fat has before and she is having eczema all over her face, he could even notice some skin rashes all over her neck. What the hell happened to her. 5 years ago she had left her husband house and become a single mother with two teenagers children. The reason, Micheal supported, how will a man lift up his hands to beat his wife, that us not right.

"what the hell happened to your face" he said when he had finally got the courage to ask

"ohh that you don't have to worry I will have my skin doctor take a look at it tomorrow" she said and looked at him "you are not looking good either"

"i am stressed aunty and you know what that means".

"ywah I know what that means I really know what it means but I am not here to talk about look and stress"

"yeah I know you will not leave beautiful house without a good reason but damn hell I just wanna have a nap and get some rest remember I told you that my work is stressful"

"I know you just have to listen to this because you are the only one I can run to and ask for your help for this little boy"

The usage of the word shows that the thing his, aunt is here for is very important. Shey use to use that word whenever she want to tell him something important and that have been a unique way of telling him important things.

"okay, am all hears"

"I need you to do something for me marshel" she said and drop the glass of water.

"what help?" he asked. He knew his aunty will never ask any help from him without needing it very urgently. What kind of help did she need? He has been the only one asking help from his aunty when he did not have a job and was financially unstable. He had to stop that now atleast he heard a job, a good paying job.

"I am traveling overseas for a treatment and I need you to look after Jane" she said. He knew something is wrong. From the look of her face he could judge that her health is been affected what worries him is that the disease should be curable or else there will be a lot of tears for him. He milked that word for a second and asked "what ki d of disease is it and why can't you prevent yourself from it you know that...."

"it is not the way you think, it us, a curable disease and cannot be transmitted all u need is just a surgery with the professional ij the field" she said smiling. "okay aunty I will look after Jane my apartment is okay for that but you have to support me"

"good boy and thank you soo much I will give you as much as you need" she said happily. Micheal looked at her for a moment and feel relieved in himself. Dear God I don't wanna lose her now. He thought and went to the room.

Jennifer doctor had made it clear to her that she had kidney stones and needef to be operated right away if she want to live long.

"you need to travel out of the country and get yourself treated if you want to live long" he told her at his office

"do you have any hospital you can refer me to who are specialized in it" she asked

"I will do that" he gave here the address.

The next morning was he for Micheal. The sun was up and very hot this morning. Jennifer left his house that night to get Jane ready for her new home. Michael just hope that everything will be okay between she and her daughter. Getting to work and continuing with the file given to him yesterday, he saw a credit alert on his phone indicating that a sum of $2 million was sent to him. By who he thought, it not yet time for job payment or is this some kind of a benefit enjoyed by workers in the company. Some fees minutes later he saw his aunty call and picked it.

"hello Michael "

"hello aunty am good and you"

"fine Micheal I hope you saw the cash I sent to you". Ohh that he knew atleast the cash will be able to take care of all the things around

"yes ma I saw it"

"I have talked to her about it and she have accepted the offer so she will be at the college so you go and get her and go home together"

Bot of them. He knew Jane to be a little naughty girl and her mother have complained about her, he even remembered an incident that has caused fight among him and his aunty because of Jane naughtiness. He can still remember the picture vividly.

"okay aunt, hope she has reduced or stop those naughty acts of here"

"oh that she has reduced it a bit but I bet you will still have to fight that out" she said wryly. After a little bit of discussion the line was disconnected. Now he has to face what his niece is going to bring to him and atleast take care of her for a few months.

Jane is a beautiful teenager girl with a nice figure. Most of the guys in the college love her and want to have some sort of relationship with her, for here, she plays with the rich and handsome boys heart thereby having a lot of relationship history. Bajos college is one of the best college in the region and the rich and influential people attend the college. Her mother has briefed her about her staying with her uncle, at first she did not like it but when her mother told her about her health she gave in to it. Closing from the college and getting to her uncle house. The house was a little bit sophisticated, but not to her mother own. She had in mind that she will atleast enjoy the little time to stay with her uncle. The major reason why she did not want to stay with her uncle was that he nags too much. That, she will have to deal with. It been a while Micheal have seen his little niece. His aunty is the only person for him in the family for him. His father was the only son of his grandfather and his mother had one sister, Jennifer, his aunty. Now she is now taller with a pump breast and a nice shape. She looks so mature and he pray that she try to put a change atleast to reduce the stress they are going to go through.

"uncle I really love your house, you put much effort in making it so good and cool" Jane said happily. Was she kidding him but he was happy about that word she is the very first person to say such a nice about his apartment but now he had to put his emotions in check. What of if she is teasing him?

"did you really think it is that cool and great" he asked with a grin. Jane looked at him, smiled and said"yes uncle I don't even think that you will need another apartment with what you have here, for me it is the best apartment I am looking at".

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