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A Deal With My Arrogant Crush

A Deal With My Arrogant Crush

Author Cha Cha


"So it was all a joke to you all along? I thought you loved me," tears trickles down her cheeks as she says in a calm and painful voice. Her heart is bleeding. "I never said I did. We were just having fun and nothing more. The marriage... It was a contract which we both signed..." "What about the sex? What about the romantic moments? What about everything we had together?" She manages to ask again, biting her bottom lip as more tears finds their way out of her eyes. "The sex... It was for fun. I never forced you, did I? You agreed to have sex with me and..." "I hate you, Felix! I hate you!" She yells at the top of her voice, as she falls to her knees and break down in tears. "Do I care? You never meant anything to me. I'm in love with someone else and you knew it. Don't try to make me look like the bad guy here!" He fires back at her and with that, he amble out of the living room, slamming the door hard behind him. She thought their marriage will eventually end happily, she thought that they were going to live together forever, but turns out that she has been deceiving herself all along. She has always been an option, she has always been the second choice. What's her fate now? Where will she start from especially now that she's carrying his child?

Chapter 1 The wedding

Rita Quinn

"You aren't planning to stay on the bed forever, are you? Do you know what day it is today?" My dad's faint voice jolts me out of my deep slumber, and I toss on the bed. Forcing my eyes open, I stare up at the ceiling as a smile creeps up my lips. It's not yet dawn, but I have to get off bed and get ready before the makeup artists arrives here. Guess who's getting married today? Well, it's me. I'm getting married to the only man I've ever loved in my life. The popular model and the CEO of Orange cosmetics company, Felix Orlando.

"I'm up already, dad," I reply amid yawn, stretching my body. I need to have my bath and wait for the makeup artist to come get me ready for my big day.

The sound of my dad's receding footsteps fills the hallway, and I presume that he must've gone back already.

Two hours later...

I have been sitting before the dresser, while the makeup artist works on my face. I wonder what's taking them so long to get done with the make-up. It has always been my dream to get married to Felix, and this is a dream come true for me.

"We're done, ma'am," I open my eyes and the sight that welcomes me makes my mouth drop open in shock. I look like another person. Yes, I am beautiful, but this is amazing. The make-up artists are pros and good at what they do.

One hour later...

Descending the staircase, the smile on my dad's face welcomes me.

"Wow! You're so beautiful," he compliments me, holding out his hand to me, while I smile shyly.

"Thanks, daddy," I finally place my palm on his, as he leads me out of the house.

The drive to the church is not stressful and didn't take much time. Unlike every other day that one would get stuck in a traffic jam, we are lucky today that there was nothing like that. My day would've been ruined if we got stuck here. Thinking about Felix, I can't be less happy. I guess this is how every other persons will feel, getting married to the one they love.

"I'm happy that you're happy, princess," my dad's voice pulls my attention, and I smile at him. My dad has always been the best in the whole world. Since the death of my mom when I was just eleven years old, he has always been there for me. He gave me all the happiness in the whole world.

Everything is still like a dream to me, even after thirteen years of her death. I still feel sad whenever I think about her and I always wish that she never left us. She was the best mom in the whole world that'll do anything for the sake of her family. I wish she was here to witness this day with me, I wish she was here to walk me down the aisle with my dad and hand me over to Felix.

"Why are you crying?" Dad's voice disrupts my thoughts, and that's when it dawns on me that I have tears in my eyes.

"Nothing," I wipe my tears with a handkerchief.

"Don't be sad, OK?" He holds my hand and squeezes it lightly, giving me an assuring smile...

A few minutes later...

Standing in front of the entrance door of the church, my heartbeat increases rapidly and my hands suddenly becomes sweaty. I tighten my grip around the flower I have been holding. I'm so nervous right now. Maybe because of the number of people waiting for me inside the church, or maybe because I'm getting married.

"Don't be nervous," dad whispers to my ear, giving me an assuring smile, and I nod my head.

The door suddenly opens, and for some seconds, my heartbeat stops. The church is already filled with so many people. Felix is standing in front of the alter. He's dressed in a black suit, looking as hot as always. His raven hair is clinging to his head with some strands flopping over his face. He stares at me from there having a blank expression on his face. He's not smiling nor frowning on his face. It's hard to tell how he's feeling inside.

"Shall we?" My dad's voice pulls me back to reality, and I nod my head. We finally walk inside the church elegantly. The church lit up with applause as the crowds' cheered.

My dad holds my hand and leads me down the aisle.

A few minutes later...

"Do you, Mr. Felix Orlando, take Rita Quinn as your lovely wedded wife? To love and to cherish, to hold and to care for. In sickness and in health, till death do you apart?" The bishop finally asks after we exchanged the ring.

"Yes, I do," my heart beams happily, as I stare into his eyes with love, but he's not giving me a convincing expression.

"Do you, Miss Rita Quinn, take Mr. Felix Orlando to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love, and to cherish, to him hold and to care for, in sickness and in health, till death do you apart?" The bishops asks me.

"Yes, I do," I reply to him with my heart dancing excitedly.

"With the power vested on me, before man and God, I pronounce you two husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride," the bishop utters, and I wait for him anxiously to kiss me.

He stares into my eyes with an unreadable expression on his face. He neither looks happy nor sad. His expression explains mixed feelings, but I have no idea what the mixed feelings might be.

He finally lean close to me and place his lips on mine. My heart skip a beat as his lips comes in contact with mine. A strong wave of weird sensation spark through me, as I feel butterflies flying in my abdomen. Felix kissed me for the first time, and it feels so good. We're finally husband and wife. This is the day I have always looked forward to, the day I have always dreamt of. I can't be less happy...

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Other books by Author Cha Cha

King Sebastian's Plaything: His Slave, His Obsession

King Sebastian's Plaything: His Slave, His Obsession



Warning ⚠️: 🔞If you are below 18, please do not open this book as it contains high sexual content that could make your pant drip wet from pleasure.🔞 🔞Are you still going to read it? Alright then. Good luck, and don't blame me if you get h*rny while reading this piece🔞 "Strip, Amelie," His domineering voice sounds through her ears, and she slowly clenches her fists as she glares at the monster standing before her, with hatred written all over her. How could this man be so heartless? What has she ever done to deserve this from him? "Are you playing stubborn, Amelie? I hope you know the consequence of what you're doing. Who should pay for your disrespect? Your maid, or one of those poor things in the prison?" With a smirk dancing at the corner of his lips, he says to her and her heart sinks into her stomach. Hot tears pour down her cheeks as her heart tightens painfully. She can't still bring herself to take the pain of being a sex slave to the man that snatched her parents away from her, it's still like a nightmare that she's going to be stuck with him for the rest of her life. This was the same man that stabbed her father multiple times before her eyes, the man that slit her mother's throat and spilled her mother's blood on her face. How's she supposed to cope with this? "I won't have sex with you, Sebastian. Never again!" She finally summons courage and spits on his face, but she has just made the biggest mistake of her life. Will the ruthless king Sebastian spare her for this disrespect? Will someone have to pay with her life?

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A Deal With My Arrogant Crush

Chapter 1 The wedding



Chapter 2 Wedding night



Chapter 3 Plane crash



Chapter 4 Caught cheating



Chapter 5 Sign the divorce papers...



Chapter 6 How it all started



Chapter 7 Awful first impression



Chapter 8 We meet again



Chapter 9 Temperament



Chapter 10 Seducing her



Chapter 11 Be my mistress...



Chapter 12 Payback



Chapter 13 Contract



Chapter 14 Moving in with him



Chapter 15 Let's get married



Chapter 16 Marriage proposal



Chapter 17 Nervous



Chapter 18 He's hot...



Chapter 19 The party



Chapter 20 Screwed



Chapter 21 You will get married



Chapter 22 Nervous



Chapter 23 His mind is made up



Chapter 24 Moved out



Chapter 25 He knows my secret...



Chapter 26 Drunk



Chapter 27 Hurt



Chapter 28 It's not worth it



Chapter 29 You owe me a favor



Chapter 30 Found out she was pregnant



Chapter 31 Regretting his actions



Chapter 32 Stuck in the past



Chapter 33 Do you love her



Chapter 34 It's a boy!



Chapter 35 Angry



Chapter 36 Met Lisa



Chapter 37 Got a babysitter



Chapter 38 Letting go of the past



Chapter 39 Angry



Chapter 40 Accident
