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The Hybrid's Revenge; When Enemies Kiss

The Hybrid's Revenge; When Enemies Kiss



Vampires and werewolves have for centuries lived as enemies, none wanting to coexist with the other. Each species lived in a different world, each having its rulers. The vampires were ruled by an evil king who wanted everyone to bow and worship him, humans, werewolves and even their kind were at his mercy. The only one that was destined to stop him was a hybrid born from the silver pack. Filled with rage he decided to attack the pack, killing every werewolf except one. Chloe Gillian was six when she watched her father being killed right in front of her, she was saved by a mysterious woman but later abandoned in the hands of someone who she grew up to call her dad. Chloe swore to find and kill the vampire king and bring back his ashes to her father's grave, and her hatred for the vampires grew strong. Fate made her meet her arch-enemy Dylan Smith who happens to be his mate. Along the way, Chloe discovers some secrets that would either destroy her or build her. Betrays, hatred, death, and failure. Would Chloe avenge her father's death or would her world come crumbling down with the secrets that await her?

Chapter 1 Prologue

Run along, love. Take her along with you. I promise to be right behind you. I'll keep them at bay for as long as it takes you both to get to safety." Dad said as he kissed Mum on the lips. "Please stay safe, both of you."

Those were my father's final words as he ushered Mum and me out through the back door. The sound of metal clanging could be heard, and I could smell blood and smoke from houses that had been set ablaze.

Mum didn't waste time crying as she picked me up from the ground and ran with me into the woods. A whimper escaped my lips, and Mum drew my head close to her chest.

"Don't worry, cupcake. Dad is right behind us. He never breaks his promises," Mum assured me, and I felt a glimmer of hope. I trusted Mum and Dad and knew they wouldn't lie to me because they never had before.

Earlier, everything had been perfect. The Pack members had gathered for our regular folktales, which were always read to us by the Pack's oldest Alpha. We were so engrossed in it that we didn't hear them coming.

The sound of horses disrupted everything, and soon I saw bodies falling to the ground and arrows attached to those bodies. I was still in a state of confusion when Dad yanked me by the waist and rushed into the house, dropping me on my feet as he bolted the doors tightly.

I rushed into my mother's arms, and as she kneaded my back, we heard screams and the sound of things being sliced through and water splattering on the ground, except I knew it wasn't water but blood. I was scared. I knew we were going to die too.

"The vampires are attacking us. They must have been sent here by the vampire king," I heard Dad say to Mum.

"What are we going to do? We know why they are here. We should have escaped a long time ago. Now they know about it. What are we going to do?" Mum questioned Dad?

They were speaking in some kind of secret code that I couldn't understand, but what I did understand was that the attackers were vampires on the hunt for someone, but who could it be that they would attack the entire Pack just to find the person?

"This is not the time to blame ourselves. I promise I'll keep you both safe. I'll do what I can while you run out the back door and into the woods. An old friend of mine lives there, and he will protect you both," Dad said to Mum before crouching down to look me in the eyes.

"Hey, little tiger, look after and protect your mother, okay? I love you." Dad kissed my forehead.

I knew what was going to happen, that dad wouldn't make it, but I had to have some hope because he had promised to be right behind us.

"Look over there! Someone is running towards there!" I grabbed mum tightly after hearing one of the vampires yell out. When we reached a narrow path, Mum placed me among the bushes and trees and smiled as she gently rubbed my head.

"I want you to be still and quiet, my little princess. Don't make a sound. Whatever you do, love, don't make a sound, and don't come out. Keep an eye on them, and when they're gone, run. Run without looking back. Promise me, love," she said, extending her little finger to seal the promise.

As I shook my head, I burst into tears.

"No, Mum, I can't leave you. I'm supposed to protect you at all costs. I promised Dad that I would protect you. I can't leave you and hide." I managed to say through my tears.

Mum smiled. "When you're old enough, protect me. I'm sorry this happened to us, but I'm willing to give up everything to ensure your safety. Try to be happy and discover your true self. Be strong, and when you are, you will be able to avenge your father and me. I love you, pumpkin." She kissed me on the forehead.

She was late in escaping, and as she was about to flee, she was captured by a group of vampires, who laughed and mocked her as they pushed her back and forth until she fell to the ground. Right in front of my eyes, one vampire stabbed my mother in the heart, and another beheaded her.

I wanted to scream and lash out at them, but someone was holding me tightly, and their other hand was covering my mouth.

I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck, my vision blurred, and I slipped into the darkness.

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