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Loving You Is My Dilemma

Loving You Is My Dilemma

Miracle Butterfly


This story tells about Rose's life in facing her life. Master Bartin's greed made Rose have to get a very deep bitterness. The deepest anger that appears makes Rose rise from her slump to take revenge. But who would have thought that the figure he met who worked to heal his wounds would actually be the beginning of Rose's revenge for past wounds. Until one point Rose felt a dilemma to choose between love and revenge for the death of her parents. So will Rose break her oath? Or will he become a slave to Mr. Bartin for his love? All of these stories are summarized in a story called Loving You Is My Dilemma. Happy Reading, friends.

Chapter 1 Tragedy

"When will dad come home mommy?" Rose said.

"Calm down, wait a minute, your father will be home soon, son!"

Rose's heart was very restless at that time. Rose really can't wait for her father to come home soon.

"Auntie, try calling dad and tell him where he is now. I've been waiting a long time for that, Aunty!"

And the aunt was just silent and did nothing. felt that Rose's mother was annoyed to see the princess. How, Rose's desire to always wait for her father is not because of her longing for Rose's father who has been working all day. However, Rose is just waiting for the latest gift that her husband always gives when Rose's father arrives home.

"Oh my gosh. My son is nothing!"

After a while, the sound of cars began to be heard in the room. Hearing that, suddenly made Rose immediately overjoyed.

Rose is looking out. Opening the door and he found his father who temporarily took the initiative from inside the car. Seeing her father, Rose's face was immediately filled with the beauty that always appears when her wishes begin to come true.

"Father!" shouted rose

Rose ran to her father. However, when the rose arrived in front of the father, it did not fall into the arms of the father. However, Rose immediately approached and took the gift from her father's hand.

"Is this dad? Is this a new gift for me?"

Hearing that, Rose's father just smiled. Because he was so impatient to see the contents of the parcel when Rose's father wanted to stroke his daughter's hair. Rose immediately ran into the house that was like a palace.

Even though he felt a little hurt, Rose's father just smiled again. It was because Rose's father knew that Rose's nature was always active, so that Rose often approached those around her.

Seeing the Princess had started to enter the house. The father immediately followed the princess from behind.

Once inside the house. Rose's mother immediately approached her husband with coffee in hand.

"Uh, my husband. Here's coffee for you!"

"He thank you, my wife!"

Rose's father immediately sat on the chair in the living room. And so did Mrs. Rose who was also sitting beside Daddy Rose.

On the other hand, Rose is so cool alone. He kept asking his father's secretary to help him open the package. However, Mother Rose who saw it became very upset. Because when Rose's father came to Rose's house, he always focused on other things.

"Uncle, come here!"

"What's the matter, lady!"

"Uncle, can you help Rose not open this parcel!"

"All right, lady!"

Rose's father just smiled at his behavior towards him.

"Look at that my husband. You always give him gifts. And your daughter can't learn how to be polite with other people!" Rose's father who heard it immediately responded to his wife.

"My dear, let it be. You know she is one of our most precious roses. Her happiness is the most important for us, right?" answered Daddy Rose.

"He is my husband, I know that. But, if we leave it like this. After a while, Rose can become a more polite child, my dear!" replied Mrs. Rose.

When the conversation occurred when Rose's father and Rose's mother were shocked, Rose suddenly shouted. That scream, not a bad sign. However, the scream was one of Rose's expressions that she saw in the whole house.


"Oh my gosh this kid!" mom said.

"See this mom is so cool?"

Rose's father again just smiled.

"Oh my, Rose do you have to be that happy. You, you should be happy that your father is home!" Mother Rose.

"You mean mom!" answered rose.

"Honey, let it go!" Rose's father said

Mother Rose who listened to it immediately fell silent with annoyance. Because I don't want Rose's happiness to be lost inside. Rose's father immediately ordered his son to come in and play in his room.

"Son, Rose?"

"He, dad?"

"Now you've got the prize. So, you just go upstairs and play in your room, ok kid!"

"Okay dad!"

After listening to his father's orders, Rose immediately came. Rose's mother who saw that became more and more annoyed with Rose's father's behavior who always let Rose not listen to her reprimand.

"Husband, what are you doing!"

"Just leave it!"

"How are you, anyway?"

With great frustration, Mrs. Rose immediately left the room and headed into the room.

Seeing the behavior between Rose and Rose's mother made Rose's father feel happy to see their amazing behavior.

The cup of coffee has run out. Rose's father immediately left the living room and went to the room to clean up and get ready again for dinner.

On the other hand, Rose starts her time by playing in the room. The new toy he got from his father made Rose happy alone in her room.

"Ah, this doll is so cute. This is the best doll!"

A bunny doll that is so beautiful, pretty, and cute. It's the stuffed bunny. The appearance of the doll presented by Rose's father depicts the face of his beloved Princess Rose.

Rose collects all her dolls and is like a hot tea party. It was as if Rose was pouring a toy teapot into the toy glasses she placed in front of her.

Roses play for hours. And dinner time finally arrived. Rose's father and Rose's mother had started to leave the room and walked into the dining room by that time. However, it was different with Rose who continued to be cool with a collection of cute and adorable dolls at that time.

Although several times, the aunt came and knocked on the door of her room. Rose was still cool alone in her room.

Mother who saw Rose's undisciplined behavior became very upset. Initially, Rose's mother wanted to approach Rose's and let her anger out. However, it was precisely when mother started to climb again to face Rose. The rose first went down and out of the room.

"Yes, forgive the child really must be given a strong reprimand then he can't be moved from his place, huh?" said the mother.

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