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Revenge of a mafia son

Revenge of a mafia son



You can't escape me Desmond! I am coming for you! Morgan Teddison Donahue, a seven-year-old boy watched as his uncle murdered his family and do away with his family properties. He managed to escape from being killed by his uncle but unfortunately, his dad's most trusted men shot him instead of helping him escape. But before he died he promise to get back at them. Years later, the boy now a handsome young man came back to get his revenge but he have to get his uncle's trust first and to know how the mafia works before he could strike. He pretended to be someone else thereby working for his uncle and using another person to impose as himself. Unknown to his uncle Desmond the person he was chasing after and doing everything he could to kill wasn't the true Donahue but rather one of the men working for him. What happened when the truth was revealed and his uncle find out that the man he was after isn't his nephew but a stranger? Was his uncle able to know that his nephew is one of the men working for him? Did he succeed in getting his revenge and family properties back?

Chapter 1 The murder

"Momma, "The little boy who just returned from school jumped down the beautiful, expensive car happily bouncing towards the door while calling his mother.

He had expected to see her standing at the door, hands widely spread out as she waited on him to run into them so she could welcome him in, engulfing him in a warm hug.

"Momma," he called again when he didn't see his mother or hear her beautiful voice or laughter echoing loudly.

He kept on calling.

When he didn't see her, he thought to himself that she might be playing one of her tricks.

"Okay momma, you want to play hide and seek, right? I will catch you."He smiled beautifully, took off his shoes, walked stealthily to the door and swung it open.

"cotchaa!" he yelled loudly, excitedly, his little voice echoing all over the whole place.

He could hear his voice reflecting to him.

He briefly stopped calling her when he still didn't see or hear her speak.

His mother is nowhere in sight

He stopped momentary,

His little face hardened, squeezing up in a frown as he thought of where his mother could be, but not for too long before his eyes widened and excitement twirled in them again.

" The kitchen! "He expounded, smiling beautifully while hitting his two palms together in sheer happiness as he ran towards the kitchen.

"Momma. cotchaa! "He yelled but was met with dead silence again. Instead of his mother's beautiful laughter echoing in the kitchen whenever he does that, there was nothing.

No sight of her, no evidence of her presence.

"Where are you, Momma? "He groans frustratedly, asking no one in particular as he looks skeptically around the kitchen trying to see if his mother was hiding anywhere.

His prying eyes came in contact with a Plate of brownies kept on top of the kitchen cabinet, he smiled and walked to it"mmmm! Momma made this for me. She must be around."

He smiled.

He carried the plate and took one piece of the brownie and munched

"Wow, yummy!" he exclaimed happily, eyes closed as he enjoyed the savory taste of the rich homemade chocolate cake.

He took another one about to put it in his mouth when he heard a loud heart-piercing, an agonizing cry which registered immediately into his little brain to be that of his mother.

"Momma! "He yelled loudly in fright as the plate fell off from his hand shattering on the floor together with the brownies.

He jumps the shattered piece and runs out of the kitchen in tears towards the direction of the voice

When he reached, he froze at the sight before him.

His mother was surrounded by some men in masks. They wore black with all their bodies covered and a gun firmly held in their hands.

Two of the men were holding tightly to his mother, pointing a gun at her and there was a huge man without a mask.

A huge scary scar was on his face. He was looking at her mother angrily with a syringe in his hand.

He watched as his terrified pregnant mother plead to the scarred man in tears

" I will do anything you want, just spare my baby and me, please. Don't do this, don't hurt us, please. I will serve you all my life."She begged with tears but the scarred man paid no heed to her.

He watched him storm close to his mother and stabbed the needle in her stomach causing her to screech in pain and then fall.

The man smiled evilly and bent down, he tore his mother's clothes leaving her stake naked.

After a few minutes, he saw his mother yelling, twisting, and turning in pain as something began to come out of her legs. First, it was water, then blood, and then a little tiny thing with legs.

He watches as it comes out fully. It looks exactly like him. Wait, is it a baby? He thought.

He remembers her mum telling him he would have a little sister.

Is it a baby? Is that how it looks when they come out?

The six years boy was confused seeing something that looked like him but was tiny. Very small.

He watches more blood and water flowing out of her weak mother's body.

"A baby girl? hump! She couldn't give birth to a better child. Can this be useful to me." he heard the man grumble angrily, dragging him out of his confused thoughts.

He stood there watching as the man pointed his gun at his mother. He shot and the bullet went straight to her forehead.

Blood oozing out.

It was as if the weak dying woman felt his son's presence because she turned her head to her right and saw Her son staring at her in shock and pain with tears streaming down his little cheeks.

She smiled a lip-tied, bitter smile before forcing her mouth to move.

She mouthed, ran, and prayed to the heavens he would understand.

watching his mother with sadness, he saw when her mouth moved as an inaudible word escaped from it.

"Run" she'd mouthed to him before her eyes closed welcoming the unavoidable sleep that was knocking at her door. He watches as she breathes her last.

She's dead,' a voice whispers to him. It was as if someone was right beside him, announcing her mother's death to him.

He didn't cry.

He didn't yell.

He was just gazing fiercely at her, at them mostly.

The fear, pain, and sadness which had to paralyze him couldn't let him move a foot as he stood there watching the men who weren't aware of his presence yet and took in every word and action.

He watched the scarred man move close to her little sister and lifted her with one hand, scanning her with his eyes before dropping her back on the floor.

"Take care of the little thing."The scared man ordered and he watched as one of the masked men moved towards her little sister and pointed a gun at her.

He closed his eyes.

"Nooo!!" he screamed when the sound of a gunshot echoed in the air.

.'They killed her. The wicked monsters killed her, my sister.' He thought as hot sorrowful tears gushed out of his eyes.

His outburst seems to have attracted the masked men because they turn and begin to match his direction, running towards him. He stood there staring at them.

Not bothered.

He wasn't in any way trying to run or escape. He was boldly waiting for them.

The masked man was matching his direction, moving quickly to get him. The sound of the heavy boot echoes loudly, creating fear in the heart of its hearer.

They saw him standing, gazing through the window, lost in thought, Faraway from his surroundings and unaware of the dangers coming.

He stood staring fixedly at his mum and the blood littered around. His little sister had been carried away. She's no longer there. They took her away.

Lost in his misery, he suddenly felt a hand on his mouth.


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Other books by Maryangel

A mate to the silver-haired alpha

A mate to the silver-haired alpha



*From the werewolf clan a goddess was born, born as a punishment to the werewolf clan for ruining the joint world. 'From their hands, the joint world was ruin, from their hands the ruined world shall be united again.' She would rule along side the lord, the son of the god of the world who has come to rule forever. A mate to the silver-haired lord: A silver couple with Silver eyes, and hairs coupled with peace and power. Greater than all and yet lives with all.* *************Blurb************ Katrina's not-so-perfect life changed drastically on her 18th years birthday becoming even worst than before. She had gone to her mate's house to celebrate her new age and adulthood hoping he would finally mate her since he had promised to mate her when she turn 18. But just like glasses could be broken easily, promises can be broken as well, easily without stress. When she arrived at her mate's house, she was shocked to see him having sex with three female werewolves. He didn't bother to stop instead he insulted her for being ugly and having a weak wolf. She was hurt. She shifted into her wolf form and ran into the wood since she can't run back home in her wolf form to avoid insult and ridicule from the pack because of her wolf's ugly form. The pack respect pretty wolves and treat the ugly ones like outcasts. In the wood, she heard an alpha voice call her wolf, out of curiosity she went to answer the call only to meet a dead being in a coffin box. ****""" **""Excerpt**"" I opened my eyes to see myself in a dimly lit room, a big box was staying a little distance away from me. I couldn't make out what is in it or how huge it is. It was old and dusty. My first thought was, get up and run but I knew better than to do it. Even at that, I was also curious to see what is inside the box. I got up and begin to trade towards it. As I approach I can feel my heart swiftly beating but I was determined to see the end of it. It is only when I was an inch close that I realized that the thing wasn't an ordinary box rather it was a coffin. "Oh my God! What could a coffin be doing here." I exclaimed inwardly feeling dread pervading my entire body. This is a bad idea. I should have listened to my wolf. I should have resisted the force earlier. I grumbled but it was too late already. I heard a slight movement inside the coffin and I froze. I couldn't run, my feet were stuck. After some time the coffin opened. And here we go again! My curiosity peeks in, rising to the highest peak and I find myself treading towards it. I wanted to see what was inside the coffin, and I did. Reaching the coffin box, I saw a corpse lying in it. Its skin is dried up and only his skeletal bone could be seen. The structures of the bones were visible under his dried skin. His fang poking out. The sight was disgusting and dreadful, and I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. I felt like puking. My heart flew out of my chest when I saw the skeleton move, I screamed, yelling loudly in fear as the hand grab me and pulled me in, making me lie above him. His eyes open and stare right into mine. "Audrey," He groans as he opens his mouth and sank his fangs into my neck, biting directly at the spot where my mate mark should be. I heard my wolf cry. "I have been waiting for you." He murmured before my eyes close as my consciousness drift away from me.

Save The Alpha King

Save The Alpha King



He frowned, and held her in his hands, his claws digging into her neck. "How could it be? How could the moon goddess play such a trick on him? Of all the people he could be mated to, why does it have to be the kings daughter?The daughter of the man who made life miserable for him." He was hurt. He was in pain. He was in turmoil. But worst, he was angry at the Goddess for doing that to him. For mating him with her. The princess, daughter of King Archbald is his only ticket to revenge.And right now, she's n his mercy. But the moon goddess have to be cruel. If he hurt her, he hurt himself. And if he killed her , he killed his mate. He didn't hurt only the king but himself too. "No!!" He yelled. " Why ,goddess? Why!?".... He howl as his hold tightened up on her neck.. He's Gonzalez Farkas Quin. The alpha prince of Nehemedia pack and a slave to King Archibald, the king of the human world. ....... The alpha prince of Nehemedia pack was captured while running in the wood in his wolf form and sold to a human king. He subjected him to different torture and pain in order to make the young wolf submissive to him. For ten years, the prince was under slavery in the human world. He hated them and kill any human who he lend his hand on. One day, the kings daughters came back to the kingdom and was taken to the room where he was kept as a means of entertainment to them. Unfortunately, the kings last daughter out of excitement of seeing a life wolf clumsily fell on top of him and was seized by him. He felt elated, that the gods has finally answered his prayers by bringing his enemies to his feet. At least now he could hit back on the king where it would pain him the most even if he has to die. He was determined to kill her but to his greatest chagrin. She Is his mate. How unfortunate!! Knowing this , he was now left in a turmoil state. what would he do? Would he let her go after everything the king did to him? Or would he get his revenge, even though she's mated to him?"

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