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My origin: legend

My origin: legend




Chapter 1 Blue dreams


I just have to find my family.

Not like I am lost or something,but my family is, waking up every morning the urge to meet my birth parents gets stronger and lately have been having weird dreams.

And it all started when I wore my a pendant,Cassandra (my foster mom) said it was the only thing on me when she found me.

In my dreams I've been seeing faces,things taking place,a world so different from mine falling to chaos and it feels so real but everytime I wake up,I forget the faces I've seen in my dreams so last year I started my search for my parents but everything's being futile,I searched the internet to check if the name inscripted at the back of my pendent will pop up somewhere on the internet but anytime I feel like I'm getting close to getting something even a slightest clue everything just comes crashing back down on me and I'm back to square one.

Its the 30th of July again the school always takes us in tour,takes us to the museum and maybe grab launch trust me it's always boring but things might be different today,Mr.sherbot,our history teacher and my favourite teacher in the whole school will be with us as our guide.

There was some about mr.sherbot that made me like me so much,I don't know if it was his affability, energetic and simple way of living that made me like him so much personally apart from all that Mr sherbot is Nik,in his early fifties but he rocks thirty than most teenagers would and he's so gregarious.

I had to get ready by the time the bus gets here,I have a long lasting time record of being late and I intend to make a difference today,I'd do anything to impress Mr sherbot and maybe have a nice time

My hair as usual is tied in a ponytail,my ears wandered around my closet to look for something suitable and simple to wear since its cold,I decided to wear anything that will suit my leather jacket,in the next thirty minutes I was all dressed up and I could see the bus halting in front of my house, hurriedly carried my backpack,gave Cassandra a peck and before I knew it was on the bus ready to move.

Mr sherbot talked so much about the museum,hoe it was the home of lots of historical culture and how each art work explains issues of intentions,beauty,techniques,family lineage and among many Interesting things. To be sincere I wasn't listening.my mind was far away.

"If I find my parents what next?"

I don't know if I'd be happy or sad,infuriated or irritated

What's going to happen to happen to Cassandra and Mike,they've been taking care of me my whole life and I happen to be the only person they could refer to as daughter since they didn't have one.


"Miss Amber" Mr sherbot called

"Yes...." I replied looking at him

"Your mind seems to far away from here or is there somewhere else you would love to be apart from here"

"No,not at all"

"If that's the case, what's the name of the first king to rule mount iparis"

"Excuse me?" I asked

"Yes miss Amber,if you had paid attention to what I've been saying you would knock the answer to that question"

"Hmm...." I tried as hard as I could to check if a part of my brain caught the part where Mr sherbot said anything of such

"Its ok miss Amber if you don't know the answer,because I was just about to get into details myself,just be more attentive next time"

I nod, ashamed about the fact that something unruly was said about me on the trip

"God,why do I always to mess up" I grunted

Everything was going on smoothly till we got tote museum and I tried so forget everything and focus on the tour, pick up to the museum a little bit late causeof the traffic and some guys couldn't keep their bladder in check so I made a lot of stops. I turned around to search for area Ariel who happens to be my best friend and actually is my only friend aerial traveled to New York two weeks ago to meet her dad since our parents are separated and she promised to meet at the museum since she won't be able to catch up with the bus things haven't been quite easy for her and area you maintain good 5 and before that I was pretty lonely nobody wanted to be friends with me I didn't know why or maybe because I didn't try to make friends with them so as expected I got picked on a lot and nobody ever said a word about it until ever happened and she gave me all the confidence I needed to make a stand and scared the bullies off and it was weird how people got along pretty fast she was like the cutest girl and ever known she made everything look great

"What are you staring at you seen any hot boys lately" I turned around to see Ariel dressed in Ski boat same leather jacket as I and everything about her was dressed to kill hey

"where the f*** have you been"I said running to Hug her

"did you miss me?" she asked

"sure I did you going to tell me everything about New York"

"well that'll be later let's go join the crew we sure don't want to be left out again"

she send with a smirk on her face and I laughed at the memory of what happened last year when the bus left and they forgot I and Ariel because we were busy trying to get free food from the cafeteria

"so what's up with you? she asked "still about your family"

" yes it is"

"why can't you just let it go I see nothing wrong with the family you're with now,Cassandra and Mike are doing more than enough for you look at you girl it takes care and love to look hot without even trying"

"Ariel stop" I said laughing

"and you know what today is going to be about us we going to have fun"

"sure let's go" I said

And then I thought it was right I got everything I needed I got the perfect family the perfect friend the not so perfect life but I'm okay with it. We joined Mr. sherbot and the rest of the students right before we started lecture and things were just about to get fun

"so like I was saying earlier on the bus lord Jeckinah was the first king to rule mount Iparis before the kingdom disappeared long ago with his king and his people,standing before you is the statue of lord Jeckinah"

I studied lord Jeckinah statue carefully I saw that not only was he the first king but he was very young the statue must have been sculpted by someone who knew him very well cause it was very detailed

"excuse me Mr. sherbot but can I ask a question?" I asked yes

" you may" Mr sherbot said smiling

"how old was lord Jeckinah when he became king and who made the sculpture"

"good question miss Amber lord Jeckinah and was only 26 when he was crowned king and no one knows who made the sculpture it was said to have appeared the day the kingdom disappeared can I ask you a question too miss Amber"


"what does the missing piece on the neck of lord Jeckinah look like"

" it looks like a circle the size of a pendant"

" if you look deeper into the space you would see a word inscripted in them what does it mean?"

I peered deeper into the void space and I saw what Mr. it was talking about but it looked like miss spelt letters "sir this looks like upsidedown letters" I said

"that's actually surprising cause your pendant has the same letters in scripted in them so I guessed maybe you would be able to answer the question well enough of lord Jeckinah let's go have lunch"

I stood transfixed Mr sherbot was right my pendant really had those letters around it and I was standing to have those bad feelings that maybe I have been looking at things the wrong way my clues were not really clues

"Hey,you good" Ariel asked

"what if this letters means something but I can't understand it"

"okay,let's start by writing them out" Ariel said

"Ok,k....,i think this one looks like a y then k,l,o and s" I spelt out

"That's kyklos right" Ariel asked

"Yeah,ok kyklos doesn't make any sense"

"Thank God you know"

"You want to check Google?"

"Ok, it's worth a try ,look it up"

"Ok kyklos means circle or round, it's a Greek word"

"Why does my pendant has a Greek word in scripted in it" I said with shock all over my face

"I didn't give you the pendant so how should I know,plus it's the same shape and size of lord Jeckinah's neck, is it just me or I feel like things are getting weird now"

I removed my necklace and I remove the pendant places inside the empty space and it fit in perfectly

"so you've been where lord Jeckinah necklace that shocking"Ariel said

"so....what now"

"I don't know it's not like something is about to happen just take it off and let's go we'll figure it out later" I turned it around just to remove it and there was a creek and my necklace disappeared, vanished into the hole I held Ariel's hand and before I could say a word we were consumed by a very large bright blue light then it was darkness.

I found myself swimming in darkness I couldn't see a single trace of light I tried to feel around but there was nothing to feel I tried to look for Ariel but I couldn't see, I tried to talk but I couldn't find my voice, I don't know where I was but It felt like time was slow around here

"Am I dead" I thought but even that thought came in slowly before I knew it it was like the gravitational pull making everything float disappeared and I myself falling into another pit of light "not again" I thought and I found myself yelling "ouch" I said in pain as my back crashed onto the ground, wait .... not the ground

"get off me" I had a voice underneath Me

"I'm so sorry Ariel" I said rolling over "God what a trip"

"where are we we?" I asked

"Well we wouldn't find out lying here so get up" "Ariel can you please help me up"

"I can't even help myself up, you know what you plan we rest for a while then we will try to find out where we are"

" that sounds like a nice plan cause I can still see stars"

"How the f*** did we get here?"

"Your mystery pendant brought us here"

"No lord Jeckinah statue did

"No,lord Jeckinah statue was just standing there till you inserted your I don't know what pendant into it"

"Ariel let's just stop all this argument cuz it's not helping"

"it's a good thing that will still got our her backpack tough"

"is it just me or does it feel like everywhere spinning again"

"was just about to say that....oh no not again"

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