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Alpha King Kyaria( The demon Alpha)

Alpha King Kyaria( The demon Alpha)

Ray T


He is the world's first and most feared werewolf after his pack members were destroyed one night, and his story began three hundred years ago when the moon goddess sealed Ria, a notorious thousand-year-old Demon, in the body of a young boy. The only way to break the curse and set the boy free was to find his Mate, who would love him even if he turned out to be a monster. That boy grew up to become Alpha Kyaria, the king of all werewolves. Everyone despised him for his cruelty, but everything changed when he met his chosen Mate Teresa, an omega and a servant to his proposed future queen. Teresa is an omega who has spent the better part of her life serving her Alpha's daughter. Her destiny was altered when she was hired as the future Queen's servant at the palace. Is she the one who can break the curse? Monsters, too, have hearts.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Three hundred years ago,

There was once only one pack in the werewolves Realm. The Royal pack was the first pack in the wolf world, and they were the first to be attacked by the demon wolf, which was mistakenly created by the moon goddess. The moon was full that day, and it illuminated the entire village. Children run around happily, while adults transform into wolves and run alongside the Alpha King and Luna Queen.

Amidst the joy and celebration was a small boy of about ten years of age. He sat alone in his tent, watching the moon. His blue eyes glowed as he stared at the moon. That's when he heard the whispers.

"Kyaria, enter the forest." It was a woman's voice, calm and soft, but little Kyaria was terrified. He looked around to see if anyone was calling to him, but he was alone. "Kyaria," the whispers returned to his ears. Little Kyaria walked out of his tent and into the forest, as if he were being controlled by something or someone. Kyaria entered a deeper part of the forest that no one had ever entered except the king and his father.

In the forest, there was a black orb laying on the ground. "Kyaria, touch the orb." The voice spoke up.

The youngster took up the orb and placed his hand on it. "Good." Little Kyaria dropped the orb and fell to the ground, blood pouring from his ears and eyes as a blinding light appeared from the orb. The sky darkened suddenly, and the full moon became black. The moon goddess's powers were drained, and she fell into a deep sleep, oblivious to what was happening to her creatures.

The light from the orb faded, and a black wolf taller than a palm tree emerged from it. "Nice to be back," Ria said with a chuckle and a powerful howl.

The forest shook, and the royal pack realized something was wrong. With no moon in the sky, the wolves all reverted to human form. Everyone ran helter-skelter because they couldn't see anything. The moon had always provided them with light and power, but now that it was gone, they were all powerless.

"What should we do?"

"Are we going to die?"

"How come the moon is void?"

"What became of the moon goddess?"

The wolves murmured amongst themselves until a red light flashed in their direction. Ria's eyes were the source of the light. As Ria approached the Royal pack, the ground shook. The wind blew hard with each step he took, and a flash of lightning appeared in the sky. The wolves were startled when they saw Ria's shadowy figure approaching the village.

They all ran backwards, which seems to irritate Ria. He opened his mouth in rage, and fire erupted, engulfing the entire village. Wolves screamed in agony, and those who attempted to flee had their heads severed from their bodies by Ria's Claw. The once-happy village was reduced to a heap of dust.

Kyaria lay dead on the Forest ground while the moon goddess, who had fallen into a deep slumber, was awoken by Qetiyah, the goddess of life. The moon returned to fullness as soon as the moon goddess opened her eyes.

Qetiyah awoke Kyaria from his death in order to encase the Demon wolf within his body. The moon goddess fought alongside Qetiyah against the demon wolf, and their combined powers drove the demon wolf into Kyaria's body. That night, the little boy's eyes changed colors. His left eye was red, and his right eye was blue. Kyaria screamed as a large tattoo appeared on his back and tore his clothes, and a large Black wolf with red glowing eyes appeared on his back.

"For summoning the Thousand Years Demon and killing your pack. Until you find your mate, you will be cursed with the demon trapped in your body. Kyaria, that is your punishment!" The moon goddess told him and then vanished, leaving the young boy alone in the forest.

As the sky rumbled and heavy rains fell to the earth, Kyaria howled to the moon and fell to his knees. Kyaria sobbed as he clutched his chest. When he returned to his pack, it had been reduced to nothing more than a pile of dust, with only dead bodies lying around. Kyaria's life changed that day.

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Alpha King Kyaria( The demon Alpha)

Chapter 1 Prologue
