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She owed him now. Not only because of her father's CRIMES but because he saved her. She owed him for every second she was alive. She was bound to him by debt and much more. Mackenzie Rodriguez, saved by the son of her father's arch enemy during a scuffle has to leave Italy when he escaped from prison. Although, she doesn't see him as a threat, instead, he was her hero. She had forgotten about him a few months after she left Italy but fate made their path cross again when she tried to play hero, almost losing her life in the process. Manuel Tommaso never does a favor nor does he forgive... He believes that every favor deserves retribution and every offence to him deserves payback. He has nothing to live for except taking revenge against the godfather for killing his own father. WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN IN THEIR CONFLICTING LOVE STORY WHEN IT TURNS OUT MACKENZIE IS THE GOD-FATHER'S DAUGHTER??


Mackenzie Rodriguez furiously dried her sweaty hands on the short flimsy skirt wrapped around her waist. The interiors of the S.U.V felt so hot that she was tempted to throw off the jean jacket draped over her shoulders and expose the transparent bra top beneath.

But her father would be disappointed.

Talking about disappointment, Mackenzie was surely a big one to her father who hated her career choice of being a caterer. Why would the mafian princess of the Rosso insist on making a living out of cooking for other people beneath their social standards? Her father, the Godfather of the Italian Mafioso, Diamante Negro, was feared by all and even though he was currently in prison, no one dared to touch his daughter.

He had expected his sweet daughter to give up on her stupid dreams and take over the drug business on his absence but she was defiant to his wishes and went ahead to college while her father rotted in prison.

It was not that Mack didn't want to check up on her father for the past ten years but the old man warned her not to ever step foot into the prison yards since the day he was convicted and he assigned a bodyguard to her that she had hated initially but later got used to him being her shadow.

Now, she was twenty years old and she could damn well make her own decisions which involved coming to pay her father a visit whether he liked it or not.

Sitting in the back of the darkened S.U.V, she glanced around the empty spots, recalling her argument with the bodyguard that morning. He had wanted to bring more personal bodyguards of her father's, five hulking men at that with them but Mackenzie had refused blatantly. She was sure there was another vehicle following them anyway, but she hadn't seen it yet. Her father might be in prison but he somehow is still in control of his men outside the prison walls. Their allegiance to him is indestructible. And that is exactly what made the Mafioso so strong even while their leader is in prison. Their undying loyalty to each other and to their master, they all in some way were indebted to Mackenzie's father so they could never betray him besides the blood oath they took before they became one of the Diamante Negro.

The S.U.V pulled to a stop in front of the first gate. Then the driver also her bodyguard drove up to an eight-foot high wired fence with a topping of barbed wire. There was a sentry booth there, manned by two armed guards. One of them stayed in the booth watching as the other approached the car. When he got close enough, he instructed them to get out of the car.

The bodyguard, Marco got down first and walked round the vehicle to get the door for Mackenzie who was fumbling with her shades.

"State your business."

"We are here to see the godfather."

The soldier remained blank faced, "And who is godfather?"

The bodyguard got a little angry and would have taught the foot soldier a lesson if Mackenzie's fingers hadn't dug into his wrist, stopping him. Nobody dared not to know who the Godfather is in the whole of Naples.

"We are here to see my father, Mr. D'caprio. Alexandro D'caprio Rodriguez."

"Today is not a visiting day." The soldier barked.

For a split second, Mackenzie feared that they would be thrown out of the prison, so she thought really hard and fast as she was desperate to see her father to tell him about her graduation that he had missed and other things.

She moved closer to the guard and smiled coyly at him as she slowly moved the flaps of her jacket. She bit her lower lip and flashed him her titties that were barely covered by the transparent top-bra. Averting his gaze, the guard cleared his throat uncomfortably while shifting on his feet. She poked his chest with her sharp nails and then slid that finger down his body to his groin area and cupped a feel.

Her bodyguard stuck out a hand to pull her away but she stopped him with a laser-filled glare and then she turned back to guard, batting her long lashes, "I would give you my digits for later,' she winked, "If you let us through."

The guard's throat bobbed as he swallowed hard and he nodded to the other guard in the booth who picked up a telephone.

A minute later, both Mackenzie and Marco walked to an electrified gate and they were let in with a guard who led the way as she and her bodyguard followed behind him.

Mackenzie could feel her heart dropping in her belly as she stared wide-eyed at the big rough-looking tattooed men behind another electrified fence topped with barbed wires. One of them openly placed a hand over his groin and squeezed as he glared at the beautiful girl walking into a prison yard.

"What you looking at stronzo?" Another man, clothed in a white vest and the stereotypical orange pants that prisoners dressed in, barked at the perverted prisoner who was openly lusting after Mackenzie and she stood still watching the exchange with parted lips. She has never seen a man as big as the one in the white vest but what stood her in place were his icy blue eyes. Even though a wired fence separated them, she felt a jolt of electric current run through her at the intense gaze the inmate pinned on her. His mouth was moving as he talking, warning off the pervert prisoner but his eyes never left hers.

"Ma'am, do not mind them. Come this way with me." The guard's voice shook her from whatever bond she felt with the stranger in prison clothes and with a sluggish gait and a sunken heart she followed the guard to the grey walled prison building to finally meet her father after all these years.

As Mackenzie walked away, the white vest inmate looked straight at the other guard manning the entrance and locked eyes with him. After a moment or two, the guard approached the wired fence and the inmate moved closer to him. In a hushed voice, the inmate asked, "Who's she here for?"

"The Godfather."

The inmate's eyes flashed with an emotion at what the guard said and a strange smile spread across his lips and he walked away from the guard, muttering under his breath, "The godfather has a daughter...interesting."

Jogging along the field to talk to his trusted friend, Alexei who is also an inmate like him. The white vest inmate was in prison for a reason.... To achieve a goal... and right now... his means might have just given herself over on a platter of gold.

He thought it was funny how the prey walks into the lion's den all by itself.

Mackenzie was handed over to a prison warden and was led into a long high ceilinged entrance where visitors were supposed to enter. For a second, Mackenzie stared at the portentous building in front of her. She hated that her father was separated from her for almost half of her life, she hated that her father was stuck in there until his term was over. She thumbed the tiny ring on her little finger and she felt some sort of calmness wash through her. The ring had belonged to her late mother who had died during her birth and it somehow made her feel relaxed when she was bothered.

"I can't come any further with you, Mackenzie." Marco barked stiffly. Mackenzie could sense that he was angry that he couldn't follow her inside and act like the shadow he had been for these years but Mackenzie at the moment didn't really care. Even if he was allowed to enter, she didn't want him there, she wanted some iota of privacy in her life at least while speaking with the father she hadn't seen for over ten years.

The double doors slid open for her and she walked through. This is her first visit her and her heart felt as though it would burst through her ribcage with the way it was thumping so bad. She could understand why Marco was tensed though. He was the only one her father had on his approved list so this visit was going to be a total surprise sprung on his boss. Marco was apparently scared about her father's reaction to seeing his princess inside this dreary building.

Someone whistled and Mackenzie turned to look at the person, it was another warden and he walked towards her, "What is a princess like you doing here?" he chuckled at his own stupid question.

"To get breakfast." Mackenzie retorted with a sickly sweet smile.

The warden didn't respond and he walked away. She stood on the other end of the glass wall and waited for another uniformed guard to slip her paperwork and visitor's log book through the slot for her to sign.

An eye battle began between them as the guard stared at her for a long moment and Mackenzie stared back, it was on the tip of her tongue to insult him but then he pushed the papers towards her. She rarely communicated with people not under her father's payroll unless it was her friends while she was in college. But Mackenzie had an undiluted feisty spirit in her so she returned whatever energy put out to her tenfold, she knew how to handle jerks very well.

She grabbed the pen attached to the glass wall with a long cord and she scribbled her name down. She wondered if any of the hostile guards and prison wardens was even on her father's payroll. If either of the guards was paid by her father and she reported the behavior they exhibited, she wasn't so sure they would still have a tongue to wag at anyone anymore or eyes to gawk.

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