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The Dreaded Proposal

The Dreaded Proposal



In just one night, all of Alyssa Algernon dreams shattered when she is suddenly caught in bed with Quinn Winters of the Winters family, the most powerful and formidable family in the whole of Country N. Due to the wide spread of the news, she is forced to marry Quinn Winters regardless of the fact that he has a girlfriend who is madly in love with. Few months after their marriage, Alyssa finds herself slowly falling in love with her contract husband,Quinn Winters and is determined to keep her feelings to herself and only watch as Quinn and Tina display the love they have for each other publicly. Can Alyssa Algernon really keep her feelings to herself in spite of the jealousy she feels whenever she sees Quinn and Tina together?

Chapter 1 One

Alyssa Algernon clenched her fist, her breath bursting in and out as the footsteps outside her dressing room drew closer. She wasn't prepared for who was about to visit her pink coloured room but there was nothing she could do than sit still and let the people performing wonders on her face and body finish what they already started.

The door burst open and to Alyssa's semi relief, it was just the head maid and two little maids that entered the room.

Head maid Linda cast a look of disdain over Alyssa's body and then she nodded in satisfaction. Judging from her rigid seating posture and her serene face, the three months extensive training wasn't a fluke

" Get up and turnaround " Linda ordered impatiently in a stern voice.

Alyssa pursed her lips. She had no choice but to oblige so she stood up slowly trying to cover the upper part of her body that was revealed by the low cut V neck gown that she wore. She turned around gently then adjusted her glasses that already slid down her face.

"Remove that glasses this instant! We don't need you looking like a nerd and causing embarrassment to Master " Linda ordered again. Have Alyssa have not any fashion sense with all of the training?

Alyssa nodded slowly. Although she hesitated, she still removed her glasses knowing it won't be a nice thing to anger the middle aged woman. She bit her lower lip softly, awaiting the next instruction.

Another maid quickly ran inside the dressing room and whispered something into Linda's ear. Linda nodded at the maid then glanced at Alyssa before whispering into the maid's ear and dismissing her.

"It's time to go. Follow me " Linda said as she turned to go.

"Umm...excuse me? " Alyssa called out in a small voice. The head maid turned to her with irritation marred over her face. Alyssa pursed her lips before speaking up. " Can I ask where I will be going to?''

She deserved to know where she was heading to and the reason she was made to dress like some sort of socialite. She wasn't a bit comfortable in the dress but there was nothing she could do.

" Miss Tina's birthday celebration. You will be attending it with your husband"

Her response caused Alyssa to involuntarily step backwards. She would be attending her husband's girlfriend party. Although her marriage with Quinn Winters was a contractual one and she hasn't set her eyes on him since three months ago when they got married, it still felt wrong attending it along with him. She had once had a chat with Tina and she couldn't help but feel bad for the sweet lady. She even advised her like an elder sister would do on the wedding ceremony.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Linda asked suspiciously scanning Alyssa's face for the answer to her question.

"Huh? No....no" Alyssa said confidently as she had been thought. She lowered her lashes and licked her red lips nervously.

Linda sneered. "Of course you won't mind it since you were the one who destroyed their relationship in the first place. If you hadn't climbed your way up through his bed they would still be together by now" She spat, hatefully glaring at Alyssa.

Alyssa clenched her fist to keep herself from breaking down. Nobody wanted to hear her own side of explanation. They just concluded she climbed his bed but never bothered to hear what she has to say. Yes, she also played a role in the little mistake but it takes two hands to clap. Even if she truly climbed his bed intentionally, she didn't just lay there and perform the act all by herself. She was the victim but no one believed her and she was already tired of trying to prove her innocence.

An ordinary girl like her couldn't stand against the Winters, the backbone of the country. They were the laws of the country. Highly respected and worshiped. A small fry like her standing against them would lead to her downfall and she would be wiped off the surface of the earth, existing only in history as a lesson to other generations as the eighteen year old girl that dared to challenge the Winters.

Followed by about five maids, she walked down the stairs behind Linda. She sighted a familiar figure at the far end of the stairs. It was blurry since she was without her glasses. After trying to decipher who the person was, she relented and decided to get close. As they got closer, she sure the person was a male and very tall with the height of about 190cm. She couldn't help but feel queasy at the thought of the person being *Quinn Winters*her legal husband.

" Sir..." Linda called out in a calm voice making Alyssa release a low snort . If only she knew horrible her voice sounded, she wouldn't bother to call him at all. Little wonder she always spoke in a loud voice. A low calm voice definitely wasn't her thing.

Quinn Winters nodded at her and shifted his gaze to the young girl beside her. He stared at her causing Alyssa press her lips together and shift her gaze to the piano at the far end of the living room. It seemed like he was peering at her soul with his sharp eyes. All of the training she had received already flew out of her head. Ranging from how she was supposed to greet him. She found herself tongue tied.

" Hello, you must be Alyssa" He blurted out and almost slapped himself at his foolish statement. He aimed to make Alyssa comfortable but it did the opposite. Her face was marred with uneasiness. His eyes moved to her hands that were balled into a fist.

*He doesn't even remember me at all and here I am hoping to hear something else from him*

He sighed and walked away towards the car waiting outside.

Linda nudged Alyssa to move closer to the car which she did. Quinn opened the door for her and she slipped inside.

The car drove slowly in the stiff silence before Quinn decided to speak up.

" How have you been ?"

"Good. Thanks. " Alyssa answered politely and looked out of the window. It was already bad that she was in the same car with him. Talking to him would do her no good

"I'm sorry you need to attend Tina's birthday party with me. I know you feel uncomfortable but this is the best way to dispel rumours."

" Dispel rumours that you slept with me, rubbed me off my innocence and forced me to marry you in the name of saving your face. You even had me under go a very evil training for fear I would disgrace you in the public. Now I have to attend your girlfriend's party and pretend to friend's with her. What a joke" That was what Alyssa wanted to say. She forced herself to face him.

" it's okay Mr. Winters" She smiled politely and returned her gaze to the window.

Somehow the way she addressed him didn't sit down well with him but he decided not to comment on it.

The car came to a halt and the venue of the party came into view. Alyssa moved to open the door but was stopped by Quinn's large palm that covered her tiny ones. She shuddered at the sudden body contact.

" One minute" Quinn breathed close to her ear. His lips slightly brushing it as he spoke.

Alyssa shivered and quickly turned to him. Her eyes widened as her lips came in contact with his.

She quickly pushed him away from her and wiped her lips like it had just touched something disgusting. Her eyes running around everywhere but him.

Quinn's eyes darkened at her actions. The least she can do was to take responsibility for her actions. He took a deep breath and brought out a blue box. He opened it and brought out a necklace from it. It was a silver necklace with a blue pendant that resembled a tear drop.

Alyssa shook her head. "I can't accept this. I'm sorry. "

"If you want to fulfill your role as Mrs. Winters, you will have to wear it. It's my family heirloom " Quinn said leaving no room for objection.

" All the more reason why I can't wear this. Miss Tina would be hurt if she sees me with the necklace. "

Quinn looked at her for a while. She sure had changed. Something was different about her. She looked different from her three months ago self. He averted his gaze and stared ahead.

"Tina is a very reasonable girl. She would understand. " Quinn said and wore the necklace for her. " You grew out your hair?" He asked playing with the tip of her hair. The last time he saw her, her raven hair was just on her neck but now it was resting on her shoulders with soft curls at the tip.

Alyssa didn't seem to notice his actions. She nodded absentmindedly fondly caressing the pendant of the chain.

Quinn nodded and smiled. " You look stunning today"

Alyssa pressed her lips to thin line at his comment unsure of how to reply.

It seemed to her that Quinn was very easy going and not as cold as the world pictured him to be.

*If only Tina wasn't... * She shook her head at her silly thought. They was no way it was going to happen. Quinn already told her right from time that he was madly in love with Tina and she shouldn't try to fall in love with him since it would only hurt her in the end. If only she had known that a simple gesture would make her begin to have strange thoughts, she might have as well reconsidered the proposal but then again, she didn't have a choice than to agree under the imposing and suffocating atmosphere.

They got out of the car and went straight to meet Tina.

" Quinn! " Tina squealed excitedly as she sighted both of them. " Oh...you brought a company. You are welcome" She smiled at them. Then her eyes went down to Alyssa's neck and her face paled slightly but she brushed it off.

" You have a pretty necklace. It's so beautiful that I might just rob it off you" She said with a smile. And the rest of the people laughed. It was just a small gathering with only Tina's close friends. Most of them were also familiar with Quinn since they were in the same social circle.

Alyssa couldn't help but feel left out as she stated at them chatting happily. Although she was sitting beside Quinn, her existence was ignored. These rich people obviously won't waste any second on her. They didn't even spare a glance at her.

" So how is life, living as Mrs. Winters" Tina asked with keen interest. All eyes turned to her expecting an answer from her.

Yes she was upset that they all ignored her but this wasn't the type of attention she wanted. It seemed like they were all waiting for her to make mistake then put her in her place. She bit her lip unsure of what to say so as not to agitate them. " I think it's good" She finally replied, politely.

" Of course I know it will. After all Quinn is such a sweet gentleman isn't he?" Tina asked staring at Quinn with admiration evident in her eyes.

*Of course he is, in a very harmful way*

After joking around for a couple of times, they decided to play a game. While contemplating on the game to play, someone suggested in a loud voice.

" Truth or dare is cool"

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