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Delivered To The Alpha

Delivered To The Alpha

TheLelo M


Alpha Xavier king is an alpha on a path to vengeance. All that drives him is his thirst for the blood of those who brutally murdered his mate and child. With nothing but vengeance on his mind and a broken heart he has no love to give and the only mate he thinks about or loves is the one that one that was brutally taken away from him. On a random Tuesday night a package is spotted on the front door of the pack house. No one knows how the package got there and who placed it there aside for the fact that it is addressed to the alpha. Inside the big black bag is a woman...a naked seemingly human girl with absolutely no memory of who she is and how she got in the bag. Aside her naked body covered with tatoos something else catches the alphas attention...she is the Alpha's second chance mate delivered right to his door step.

Chapter 1 Awakened

A mystery woman's point of view.

I could hear a rapid and constant ringing in my ears. My body was all folded up and constricted. I tried to move and stretch my limbs, but I passed out just like I previously had times without numbers. I could feel my tired body giving in to whatever drug was in my system. I wanted to get out of whatever this place was and get some fresh air, but I had no will to actually do it. I had no control over my body and no energy to actually be bothered enough to try harder.

The heaviness of my eyes and the buzzing headache I was feeling got worse as I constantly slipped in and out of conciseness , becoming more awake each and every time. I wanted to groan in agony and rub my temples to relieve the pressure, but I couldn't. The dizziness stopped and everything was silent for a few minutes, so I went back to the peaceful nap that my body wanted oh so badly . At this point, sleeping was not just a dizziness from the drugs I was on, but a coping mechanism for my fluctuating rate of anxiety. I was almost in the land of slumber in this claustrophobia inducing state when I heard noises . I could barely keep up with what was going on as I tried to make sense of what was going on . I felt panic set in my heart and great anxiety overwhelmed my system.

"It's moving everyone. Stand back! Hold on to your position! " "Something is happening,"

I could feel my bones and muscles aching as I struggled to wiggle myself out of the darkness that I found myself trapped in. My eyes were now wide open, but I still could not see anything apart from darkness. My whole body was burned with pain all over. My muscles and joints were stiff and resisting movement. The tight space slowly increased my anxiety as claustrophobia slowly took hold of me, and this time I was too sober and scared to rely on the drugs to put me out. Whatever was waiting for me outside of this darkness had to be confronted at some point and time... Sadly, I did not have the luxury of waiting it out.

Don't shoot... I can hear a heartbeat. There's breathing . "Keep your distance and hold your fire,"

My hands sorted out and around the small contraption I found myself in . I couldn't see anything, and the only thing I had during my struggle was the sound of voices . I tried to calm my breathing and focus on my movements as I ignored the light ringing in my ears and focused on seeking out the voices that I could hear . My panic and anxiety almost crippled me, but the claustrophobia and need to escape kicked in. My fight or flight response kicked in and I needed to be out of this small space before I completely lost my mind and all use of my limbs . My hand met the cold rectangular metal and pulled on it slowly, revealing some light as the zip went down. I tried to speak and call out for help, but my throat was too sore and no words could come out. My body was aching and too stiff for me to move at the pace I would have liked to have been moving at.

My hand slowly left the dark fabric first before I fully managed to get myself out onto the surface. I could feel the cool breeze welcome me to the outside world. I could not help cowering away in fright and panic as red and blue flashing lights suddenly hit my face , effectively blinding me. I looked down to shield my eyes and shrieked away in pure horror. The cold night breeze blew at my naked flesh as I looked down at my inked up , slightly pinkish and fully naked body . There I was standing in my birthday suit with my naked body exposed to all of these strange assassin looking men. My hands went to hide my lady bits, but even that process was proving to cause me immense pain.

I finally adjusted my eyes to all of the bright lights before scanning my eyes around all of the commotion around me. Staring back at me were a bunch of scary, no-nonsense looking men and women, whilst all of my focus was concentrated on their fighting stances and the pistols that they were pointing my way.

Hands in the air , Get on your Fu*king knees, "

I could hear the man's booming voice ringing off in the air as I struggled to keep up with all the lights ,noises ,weird smells, and pain all over my body. I slowly and painfully lifted my hands up to make my way to get on my knees when all of the sensory overload just got the best of me. I did not know where I was and what I was doing in this position, but what I knew was that I had to get out of wherever the hell this place was before things went from bad to worse.

It was not the brightest decision that I have ever made, but at that very moment, all that mattered was that the decision was ultimately all mine . My flight or fight mode kicked in and I just ran. I could tell that no one was expecting that of me, so I just used that to my advantage and picked up some speed. It made sense at the time to just run for my life even though there were strange people holding guns pointing my way. In my head, I just figured I was dead anyway, and, for some reason unbeknownst to me, I preferred to not die without at least putting up a fight or being a complete inconvenience.

Don't even think about it, don't shoot. We have to find out what she was doing here. I repeat, don't shoot. "

The relief that washed over me was unlike any other, as I heard the random woman's words in the far off distance. The good news was that I wasn't going to be gunned down like a worthless animal. They were going to catch me and torture me to death. It sounds like fun.

The adrenaline rush was unlike any other as the breeze hit my skin and blew away my hair . The run was not sustainable and I knew the adrenaline could only last me for so long . Unfortunately for me, so much pain came sooner than later, as immense pain just washed over my whole body all at once . Each and every single inch of my flesh was burning up with pain, and I knew what to do to stop it.

There was nothing I could do to ease the pain aside from crying, and even that was not helping. I tried to keep going but tripped on my own two feet and hit the ground with a loud thud. A loud scream left my lips as I heard my elbow snap as it made contact with the forest ground. My throat had already been sore and I had now made it worse. Yippy.

Taking a few moments to breathe, I finally processed my environment... well, more like I processed the environment itself , literally. Darkness was my companion as I lay on the rough stoney ground looking around at the depth of the forest that I was wandering around in. The moon shone over me, looking as beautiful as ever. I wanted to just surrender myself to the pain, but the loud growls that rang off in the distance told me otherwise.

I could feel they were about to catch up to me, so I had no other choice but to force myself to get up and continue on running. My body was visibly not fit enough to carry on running, but it was either run or be killed, so I ran. The coldness of the night breeze hitting my exposed naked flesh was not doing me any favors, and the darkness of the night was just making seeing where I was going that much harder.

My dry , parched, and very sorry throat felt dryer by the second. I swear it was getting drier than the Sahar desert, but I had no other choice but to keep going... I had to carry on running . My legs were slowly trembling and wavering as they struggled to carry on running. I could barely keep myself standing, let alone actually running for any length of time. Stubbornness and fear can only get you so far.

I was in so much pain and anguish, I now found myself at the point of hallucinations and seeing things. Not only was I seeing tiny little stars all around the trees and atmosphere, but I was also seeing a man calmly walking my way... well, more like a very tall man's silhouette walking towards me from the nearby distance.

I no longer had any fight left in me, nor did I have the stubbornness to keep going. My body could not keep on functioning under all of the pain, and my legs could no longer carry my weight and hold me up. I expected to hit the ground and break whatever intact bones I had left, but I didn't. My legs gave out and gravity pulled me down to the ground once more... I waited for the pain to come, but it never came.

Wild sparks and tingles went up my back ,arms and legs as something stirred up deep within me. The burning pain was no longer unbearable , more like painful but with light airs of pleasant sparks thrown in with a touch of yearning. I opened up my eyes and looked up to see a drop dead gorgeous stranger looking back at me with his beautiful ocean blue eyes just calling out to me.

His handsome face had a very stern ,shocked and bewildered expression but was still not giving much away as his eyes darkened with what I could only assume to be want. I could have tried running, but I was too tired to try and I really did not want to leave his arms, so I just gave up ,gave out and passed out in his arms.

One word left his mouth, and his deep, raspy voice was like music to my ears and a lullaby to my soul.


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