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Element. Flame of Elisar

Element. Flame of Elisar

Maria Kopchenova


10 IMAGES * SCHEMES AND LOVE * MAGIC CREATURES * SORCERY AND BATTLES * DANGER AND ADVENTURE ELEMENT. FLAME OF ELISAR – this is not just another fantasy story but a new amazing world full of magic! A world that offers you all it takes to plunge into fantasy – sorcery and battles, dangerous and terrifying creatures, blood oaths and powerful artifacts, as well as alchemy and magic potions. And this is something that comes along with love intrigue of and complicated schemes unfolding among the characters. Hasara is a mystery... Each of its four Spheres has its own people who enjoy the power of a certain Element – Fire, Air, Water and Earth. Their powers differ depending on who they are – pure-bloods, half-bloods or empties.Given that, each of the Worlds features its own sorcery, laws and traditions, alchemy secrets, strongest artifacts and bizarre creatures. Ricka Velios lives in Elisar – the World of Water Sorcery. Her family and she are all hardworking, which helped them earn respect among people of Karun and even beyond – all over the Highlands. Picking healing herbs and making powerful elixirs – this is their family business that helps them make a decent living and enjoy a calm life.However, it all collapses once Ricka's sister disobeyed their mother to use her magic powers secretly. The Hounds were there immediately. They tracked the girls to never let them go. The first attack was Ricka's narrow escape, while another encounter with the beasts proved a real disaster. Trying to defend her sister, the girl failed to control her magic gift and that killed many innocent people.Praise to Gods, they managed to escape, yet if anyone learns about the incident Ricka will be executed immediately. And her chance to survive is getting thinner minute after minute as Elisar Ruler's both sons come to Karun to investigate the unprecedented crime. The two Dairs are the most powerful Water Sorcerers. Their sorcery is unlimited; any word they utter must be followed; nobody can lie to them, and what's even worse is that they can never be trusted. The best thing to do is just stay away from them... But Ricka has no choice. They want her to be their guide...And now, how can she fend off detection, while one of the Dairs tells her to make a blood oath, while the other asks her to approach the Altar?! Just take a dive into this magic world! Enjoy the main character's life story, which is once dangerous and then dramatic, all that turning it so captivating and bright! Welcome to the World of Hasara!

Chapter 1 Foreword

Dear, readers! For this amazing story, the artists created 10 beautiful illustrations and the trailer book. You can find these add-ons on Facebook or YouTube. Just google the title of the book! Have a great time into the wonderful world of Hasara!

...the Ancients' curiosity grew into obsession, while vanity clouded their judgment. Enhancing their own strength and abilities turned into a priority, and that spread over everything. The strongest and most talented ones risked their lives inventing newer and more powerful sorceries and artifacts. And some clans got so powerful that they dared challenge the ruling dynasty and the Lord of Hasara. And that turned into a dangerous confrontation... And that turned into the Great War of Hasara!

The Spheres once joined with magical portals drowned in blood and suffered heinous destruction. What was a single and prosperous World once, collapsed now. The portals network between the Spheres was in ruins, and the ancient Ringar dynasty was dethroned and destroyed. For one entire century, Hasara plunged into a horrible and endless fight for power.

And there was only one man who was strong enough to stop the chaos.

The great sorcerer Ederon the Liberator assembled a huge army and took the power to stop all the disagreement among the clans thus starting a new dynasty of the Lords.

Ederon had four sons – Unar, Archus, Hardle and Issin, each of them strong and endowed to rule the Element.

To avoid another war for the power, the father divided the people and the Spheres among the brothers, which brought to light four new Worlds – Elisar, Targos, Jargal and Helsur. Unar, followed by Elses who ruled water, went to Elisar; Archus took the fire people to Targos; Jargal became home to the Earth sorcerers who chose Hardle to be their Ruler, while Helses who were so talented in the air magic went to Helsur and swore allegiance to Issin.

That was how a new Epoch started – the Epoch of Four Elements.

From "Hasara Chronicles"

Year 984 after the Division

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