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Fangs of Fury

He tries to scream, the terror stuck in his throat...the darkness all around him...the stench, he can smell the creature from hell, the low growl from its throat...flailing around him with his fists...can't see, the darkness wrapped around him like a blanket...must defend myself, oh my God the fangs. Africa, a land of myth, witchcraft, magic and corruption. A land where death waits in the shadows. A land where the hybrid now walks unafraid with a blood lust and a hatred for man ...created to kill. Man playing at being God, working with genetic creation, determined to create the perfect Human being...in isolation nothing can disturb the creation...nothing can go wrong but if you are in Darkest Africa, no one can hear you scream as you die by the hand of a creature not created by God, but by the sick mind of man...a creature from hell. Two creatures now walk the African bush...one, a gentle soul breed from the womb of a chimpanzee...the other...a killer, a cross gorilla/mandrill baboon. The hunt is on to bring an end to the madness, to the fear that stalks through the undergrowth, that is spreading its wings over Africa, to put an end to the killers rampage, to capture the gentle Hybrid...to sell her body to the highest bidder. One man driven by greed...the other by compassion. Author: Paul Zunckel Publisher: EasyReading

Chapter 1 No.1

Fangs of Fury


He tries to scream, the terror stuck in his throat��the darkness all around him��the stench, he can smell the creature from hell, the low growl from its throat��flailing around him with his fists��can��t see, the darkness wrapped around him like a blanket��must defend myself, oh my God the fangs.

Africa, a land of myth, witchcraft, magic and corruption. A land where death waits in the shadows. A land where the hybrid now walks unafraid with a blood lust and a hatred for man ��created to kill.

Man playing at being God, working with genetic creation, determined to create the perfect Human being��in isolation nothing can disturb the creation��nothing can go wrong but if you are in Darkest Africa, no one can hear you scream as you die by the hand of a creature not created by God, but by the sick mind of man��a creature from hell.

Two creatures now walk the African bush��one, a gentle soul breed from the womb of a chimpanzee��the other��a killer, a cross gorilla/mandrill baboon.

The hunt is on to bring an end to the madness, to the fear that stalks through the undergrowth, that is spreading its wings over Africa, to put an end to the killers rampage, to capture the gentle Hybrid��to sell her body to the highest bidder.

One man driven by greed��the other by compassion.


The thunder rolls across the darkened sky, lightning flashes earthwards splitting a tree in half, smoke rising from the ruined remains and the rain hammers down on the parched soil of Africa. The creature sits on its haunches as it takes refuge in a shallow gully as night covers the valley like a blanket, the rain hitting its body like a volley of pin pricks, but it pays no heed to the sting from the rain as it tests the air for the scent.

The scent of the She is strong�� it hangs in the air pulling the creature like a magnet and then another scent assaults its nostrils�� a scent that brings a guttural growl from deep within its massive chest, exposing its killing fangs in a snarl, its hairs rise on its back and rage surges through its body. Its muscles tense and it makes ready to attack�� to kill�� to rent and rip�� the unmistakable scent of the one they called Father�� the one that was different from them, the one that had to be obeyed, the one that was a creature called human.

Standing erect, it moves along the length of the gully, the wind whipping the rain down in a torrent, the branches from the trees slapping at its hideous form, but it pays Mother Nature no heed. The scent has whipped all thought of the She from its mind�� all it will do is attack and kill, to rid the stench of human that taunts it on the wind.

It moves with stealth and cunning for it has the mind of a killer. The gully ends in thick shrub and its evil yellow eyes take in the scene below it. A cluster of mud huts, the scent of the hated human stronger now, but no visual source of the smell that offends it. It sits back on its haunches, puzzled and slowly a memory surfaces�� a memory of the lair where Father kept it, the lair that it escaped from and the memory of the She.

With a harsh bark of rage that echoes across the village below it, the blood lust rises and its fangs longing for the coppery taste of human blood. The creature now becomes the watcher as it sits and waits for it knows the humans are safe in their lairs, but soon they will emerge to be greeted, not only by the calls of the wild but by a creature that was not made by nature�� a creature that was made by the hands of man�� a creature that will kill for the pure pleasure and enjoyment of killing.

The songs of the birds greeting the day are muted by the screams of terror and horror that fill the village at the creature��s swift and lethal attack�� its fangs tearing out the throat of one of the villagers, its bark of rage filling the villager's ears as they run, only to be brought down and killed, tossed aside as another victim catches the killers attention, and with lightning speed is overhauled and dispatched by those razor sharp instruments of death�� the head of the corpse torn from its shoulders by a powerful silverback gorilla��s hands.

Silence descends on the village�� the smell of death hangs in the air, and finally, the creature feeds, its hands and fangs tearing flesh from the bodies that litter the ground, their blood staining the earth beneath them.

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Other books by Paul Zunckel

Mask of Deceit

Mask of Deceit



The perfect love. The perfect life. A bright future ahead of them, that is until fate and a case of mistaken identity steps in. Juliana’s world is turned upside down when her husband, Paul is brutally murdered in the darkness of an alleyway in Venice; she is raped and left for dead while the sounds of the Masked Carnival and the killers laughter fills the air. The only thing that keeps Juliana going is the memories of a perfect love, and her deep desire for vengeance. With the help of her father, the killers are tracked down, one by one and on the anniversary of Paul’s death, with the sounds of the Carnival in the background, the killers come face to face with the Mask of Deceit, and pay the ultimate price at the hands of a woman who is dead inside. With the words of her dead husband ringing in her ears. “Use the knife my love, put the animal out of its misery. Cut its throat.” Juliana moves between two different worlds. One that was filled with love, joy and hope for the future. The other filled with pain and death as she uses the blade on her path of revenge and thirst for vengeance. “There Paul my love, I showed the animal mercy... I cut its throat.” From the backdrop of the Carnival in Venice to the African bush, the world that Paul loved she moves like an avenging angel dispensing her brand of justice and spilling the blood of the men that ruined her life. Her appetite for torture knows no bounds as each one is taken to the very edge before being sent to hell. As each one dies at her hand she moves closer to closure but has she stepped over the edge from sanity to insanity... will the killing continue once the last is shown mercy and she uses the blade to show the animal mercy or will she heed Pauls call and join him once again. Author: Paul Zunckel Publisher: EasyReading

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