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Aria and Gina are best friends. Aria's sister Joyce had gone missing for a long time. They had left no stone unturned to find her, but all in vain. In an unusual encounter, a business tycoon, Nelson Charles, falls in love with Aria. Meanwhile Gina approaches Jo Carter, who is a friend of Nelson, to help find her friend's sister and in the process falls for his charms. What happens when the friends finds out that the people they love are the ones behind their mystery?

Chapter 1 It's Nelson Charles

The phone rang for the second time . Aria groaned as she rolled on her bed, she had a long day at work and she had barely slept for two hours.

she could hardly open her eyes let alone look for her phone in the messy room.

The phone rang for the third time and this time Aria knew she could not ignore it.

Sighing, she picked her phone cursing the person responsible for disturbing her sleep.

"Hello", Aria answered rubbing her eyes.

"Doc Aria west". A low voice hissed at the other side.

Aria eyes widened Soon after hearing her name, she jumped off the bed and immediately responded to the call.

"Doc Davis Martin," she said, now completely alert.

"Doc Aria west get your ass to the hospital right now." Dr Davis shouted making Aria thought run wild, she wondered what she has done wrong this time.

"Yes Doctor." Aria answered while searching for her shoe.

Aria and Davis were good friends.The usual gentle and charming Doctor only shouted when there is any serious emergency.

Aria had laid on her bed as soon as she entered her room, so she was still dressed in the clothes she wore for work, she took off at once saying goodbye to her sleep.

Within 15 minutes Aria had reached the hospital, the scene she encountered at the hospital shocked her to the core.

The hospital was crowded with reporters and several bodyguards were trying to stop them from rushing inside.

Aria had to push herself through the crowd to get inside but was soon stop by one of the bodyguards.

"I am sorry, madam. No reporter is allowed inside." Although he was polite,he was quite terrifying,he was huge and Aria barely reached his shoulder.

Aria wonder which important person was admitted in the hospital that manage to attract the press.

"Let me in, Mister. I am a Doctor here." Aria said showing him her ID card.

Aria's phone rang at that moment, she immediately answered the call glaring at the guard.

"Hello... Where are you?" Davis asked.

"I'm right in front of the hospital, the guards are not allowing me in Dr Davis. I'll come in a minute". she answered immediately.

The guards eyebrows rose as soon as he heard the name Dr Davis.

" Are you a Doctor." He asked doubtfully.

"Yes. You can confirm it." Aria replied folding her hands.

" No I believe you, you can go in." The hefty man replied making way for her.

Aria bolted inside, what the hell is happening she exclaimed looking at the ruckus inside the hospital.

" Thank goodness you are here, Dr Aria. Dr Davis is going all bonkers.you are required at the operating theater right now."The receptionist said when she was Aria.

Aria walked as fast as she could to the OT, she saw Davis talking to some doctor.

"Doc Aria west, come here,we have an emergency,we have a very important patient he has been shot and the bullet is very close to the heart." Doc Davis told Aria all she needs to know.

"We need to operate right now, everybody prepare for the surgery. Dr Aria you will be my assistant." Davis ordered.

"Oh my God Dr Davis is scary when he is


"I have never seen him like this before."Aria heard the other doctors exclaim in the dressing room.

"Who could this patient be." One among the doctors asked.

"I heard that the patient and Doc Davis are friends since childhood." The other doctor replied.

'No wonder Davis is being demanding.' Aria thought.

After some few minutes every one asemble in front of the OT in their surgical uniform.

"Alright everyone, let's start the surgery. Be careful everyone, no mistake are appreciated.I think you all know how important the patient life is. Remember who he is,we are all dead meat,if anything happens to him." Davis warned.

His words made Aria confused, confusion was written all over her face, making Davis to ask.

"Any questions, Dr Aria?"

"uhmm, Yes. Who is the patient?" She asked.

All the people looked at her flabbergasted, like she has grown two head's.

" Don't you know who the patient is, Dr Aria?" Nurse James asked in disbelief .

"No." Aria said.

Davis rubbed his forehead before taking a deep breath " It's Nelson Charles.

​"Nelson Charles." The name sounds familiar.

she realized that the patient was the only king of the business world,who was more powerful than the president himself.

The team walked inside the operation theater with Aria lagging behind.

she took a look at Nelson, he looked pale and worn out yet he was breathtakingly handsome, he was already induced with anesthesia and was unconscious.

Even in his unconscious state, there was a terrifying aura around him, causing Aria to shiver.

Davis monitored his blood pressure before instructing the nurse to control the air way for inducing more anesthesia.

The surgery has been in progress for four hours, although the bullet was removed,a fragment was still to be removed, the bullet had fragmented into two pieces, making the operation risky to perform.

Danm it, Davis gritted his teeth, the fragment has moved closer to the heart leading to severe hemothoxal,his heart beat has reduced drastically.

We are losing him, Aria, control the bleeding, Davis ordered, sounding upset.

"Yes Doctor. Sweat trickled down Aria's forehead, the lack of sleep was making her lose concentration. Nevertheless, she tried to focus. A life was at stake.

After an hour of intense struggle, Davis was able to remove the fragment, and the bleeding reduced.

Although Nelson heart beat was still low,he had passed the critical stage.

Aria immediately took over,stiching the cut, and thus finishing the open heart surgery.

Mr Charles is out of danger, we'll keep him under observation for now, Davis said with a hint of appreciation.

Everyone heaved a signed of relief,it was the hardest surgery ever, thank heavens they were not going to die today, was the thought on everyone's mind.

"Oh God, the surgery tried me out completely." The nurse cried out sitting on the nearest Bench.

"I swear." Another male nurse agreed, leaning against the wall for support.

"I wonder how Dr Aria is doing, this is her second surgery in a day. She must be utterly drained." Nurse James said.

Davis overhead their talk and was filled with quilt immediately,he felt sorry for Aria. He promised him self to make it up to her.

Aria dragged herself towards the changing room, the 9 hours surgery had exhausted her completely.

Davis was waiting for her outside the room,he had returned to his usual gentle self.

"you look like shit." He exclaimed in horror.

" I know, thanks for the compliment anyway." Aria whispered.

"I'm sorry Aria. The surgery was important and you are the only one I could think of in assisting me." Davis said.

"It's fine. Now I'm off to get some much needed sleep." Aria said walking pass him.

"That's not possible Aria." Davis stated making Aria turn back.

"Nelson is your patient now. Aria it's your duty to monitor him regularly." Davis said.

"what do you mean? I haven't had any good sleep for the past two days now." Aria replied.

"I know Aria. I'm sorry, but you are not to leave his side still he gained consciousness." He said.

"You have got to be kidding me, I still have to prepare for the international conference. Can you hand over the case to someone else." Aria yelled.

"No Aria, you are the only one I trust his life with. I know how tried and stressed out you are but is condition is critical,he needs you and nobody other than you can enter his ward." Davis said.

"What about you, you could take care of him,he is your friend." Aria suggested.

"I have some urgent work to finish, so I will have to leave. How about this after everything settles you can take a vacation. Please do it for me, you can sleep for a few hours,I will wait till you have rested well, also I will treat you to your favorite dishes for a week after I return.please do it for me OK." Davis pleaded with puppy eyes and immediately left without waiting for her reply.

Aria glared at Davis before screaming. "I Am Going To Kill you Mr Davis."

"I know you won't , because you are a sweetheart." Davis yelled back laughing.

" You just wait and watch Dr Davis."Aria yelled.

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