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Alpha's Most Treasured

Alpha's Most Treasured



He growled and was instantly transformed into his wolf, he tore everything around and destroyed them. He almost killed one of his guards before the cry of the guards brought him back to his senses and he transformed back to his human form "Leave me alone," he told all of them "And.." They stopped and turned, they were already shaking and scared, Alpha Desmond can be so merciful and heartless, the only key to his heart is his sons. His rage started when his mate died "Get the men prepared, we leave at dawn," he said and slammed the table close to him causing it to break into pieces They quickly sent the message to the people in the park and they started preparing immediately for the Alpha hates it when people disappoint him, no one dares betray him for he would hunt them down until the very single cell in them is dead and buried. How dark and wicked his heart has become. He did not have the best childhood growing up, he experienced violence growing from his dad, he was brutal and harsh, especially to his mum, he hated his dad, and his hatred for him grew stronger and stronger until he could no longer hold it anymore. That was when he killed his father, then he had to be the next Alpha. His mum died due to his father's harsh hands and the scars his father inflated on his mum, he vowed never to forgive him, not now or in the next life. "I would make sure I rip his head off his throat when I get hold of him tomorrow, he would regret refusing my peaceful offer, I only asked for him to come down alive and let my son rule but he chose to be stubborn" he used his claws to scratch the wall to feel some relief. He desperately wants his legacy to live very long and broad, he was never a man who stoop as low as giving people options, he says how he wants it and it's always done that way, no matter how inconvenient the other person would be. So giving Alpha Joe an option and his refusal was a death wish. "Dad" His first son Pat knocked at the door "What.." he said in his mind as he thought it was someone else "Come in" "What happened dad, did he refuse the order" "Yes he did" "Such a fool" Pat gave a wicked smile. He was just like his father, a wicked and evil boy, he would take any girl he wants, rape and dump her, he didn't care if she gets pregnant or not. The people in the park and others outside the park were so scared of the Alpha, he was the most powerful, strongest and fastest. He was faster than the speed of light, he can't be outsmarted. How people wished he would just fall and die together with his son, but it seems the wicked live long

Chapter 1 Life Without Scars


Beauty is a beautiful young lady, she was admired by all men that came her way, some through a far away glance.

Her beauty radiated everywhere she went and she lit the men's hearts on fire.

She is a human, but she is talked about even down to the Wolf territory.

She lives in a small town in London, the only child of her parents who are still very much alive. She works in a school across her street as a class teacher. Such a beautiful lady with a beautiful heart.

"Can you get me my drugs over the table" mum pointed to the table, then quickly withdrew her hands to cover her mouth as a dry cough found its way out

"Easy mum" Beauty quickly stretched her hands to get the drugs as the table was right behind her "Here mum" she dropped the drugs and rushed to the kitchen to get some warm water

"Thanks, darling" Mum slowly carried it, she paused at some moment to suppress the pain she felt at some point then she swallowed the required drugs.

Beauty stood very close to her in case her help is needed "Sorry mum, you would get better"

"Thanks, baby, I don't know why your father is still sleeping by this time of the morning"

"Mum, he wants to rest besides he had a very busy day yesterday," Beauty said as she carried the drugs to keep where they are supposed to be kept

"You always stand up for your father, you never do that for me" Mum squeezed her hand and gave a soft smile " I hope your kids won't do the same"

Here we go again, we can never have a single conversation without mum bringing up marriage, kids, and husband. She should understand that I am not ready for such.

"Mum... " Beauty groaned

"What, you are not getting any younger, it's not that easy for ladies, a guy can get married when he is 80 or 90 too but when a lady reaches 30, her body begins to fail"

"Mum, I am just 27, I have a lot of time besides you are way more than 30 and you look just as strong for any man to want to marry you.... Please mum let's just have a simple conversation without all this coming up" Beauty slowly arranged her hair and kissed her on her forehead and immediately stood to go "I have to go to work, I am almost late so I have to go now"

"OK dear"

"Stay safe and be careful mum, if you need my help just call me, I would be here in no time.... Let me check on dad first" Beauty went upstairs to check on why dad was still in his room by that time.

But before Beauty reached his room, he heard his voice talking like he was on a phone call "Dad" Beauty whispered as she opened the door slowly

"Oh My Angel" Dad was already done making his call "Come here"

Beauty went close and she hugged her dad

"Hope you slept well, dad? we were wondering why you were still sleeping by this time"

"I wasn't sleeping, the call is from your grandma"

"A strong woman, she is still fighting death"

"Ohh yes, she called to tell me that she is a little down with the sickness" Dad stood up to get his glass to see clearly "And she needs our help"

"OK, did she say the amount she needs?"

"No, I would call later to know"

"OK sir, oh how I have missed her"

Dad stood up and danced around the table slowly as grandma would

"Just like that" Beauty laughed

"And beauty went to join him to sleep," Mum said to herself downstairs.

"She would always dance with me, especially when I am sad" Dad continued "She was always strong, a strong woman"

"Yes she is" Beauty nodded

"You are off to work right?"


"Alright let's go downstairs together"

Beauty helped her dad carry his phone, and they both headed downstairs

"What happened?" Mum asked immediately she beauty and dad came down towards her

"It's our little secret," Dad said

"Ohh I see" mum smiled

"I would see you all later today, I love you guys" Beauty blew a kiss and rushed out

"Love you too baby," Dad said

Beauty walks to her work because she is not mobile at the moment, but she does get lifts sometimes when she meets someone on the way.

"Hi" Mrs Selina her neighbour said as she came close to her with the car

"Oh Mrs Selina, how are you doing?"

"Great, come in let me drop you off" she slowed down for Beauty to get it

"Thank you so much, Mrs Selina"

"You are welcome"

"How is my baby Joy doing?"

"She is good, she's already in school, how is work?" she adjusted her steering and quickly looked at her

"Work is great"

"How is mum feeling?"

"Hoping to get great results"

"Here we are" Mrs Selina slowed down again as she faced the school beauty works

"Thanks so much" Beauty showed gratitude, a rare display

"It's alright Beauty... you are welcome," Mrs Selina said "Have a nice day at work"

"OK ma, have a nice day too" Beauty turned to get inside, she could hear the voice of some teachers already in the classroom while some classes were waiting for their teachers

She hurriedly went to her office to get her lesson note, what she would discuss with her students was written on it. She took it and went straight to her class

"I am sorry guys for coming late," She said arranging her table

"So today we are going to talk about plants" she carried her marker and wrote the word on the board.

Just the way normal students behave in class, few listen while others would be distracted.

She noticed a guy behind really causing distractions in the class

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Other books by ChiFav

The Mysterious Affair

The Mysterious Affair



Dan was so tall and striking, he was a man whose sheer presence was an overpowering force among those around him. Naked, he was….. Extraordinary. He was power and strength. Masculine grace and vitality. The stark, masculine beauty of his body made her throat constrict. His frame was forged in iron. He was long and lean of limb, the contours of his shoulders were sculpted and round, and his arms were sinuously defined with muscle. A dark netting of fur covered his chest and the ridged hardness of his belly. From somewhere she dredged up the courage to gaze the length of him...all of him. She dared what she had never dared before. What she saw made her eyes widen and her entire body go hot. The bottom dropped out of her stomach. Rigidly unconfined, framed in coarse black curls, his staff stood boldly erect. Betty let out an uneven breath and transferred her gaze to the safer territory for they had just been newly married. But he knew she had seen him. As if he were precisely aware of where her gaze had resided for long, uninterrupted moments, an odd half-smile curled his lips. He allowed no time for shame. No time for embarrassment. A hand at her hips urged her body against his. His skin was hotter than any fire, the eyes that gazed down at her brighter than any flame, there was nowhere they did not touch. His fingers twisted in her hair, turning her face up to his. Then his mouth was on hers, a fevered caress that tasted of a tortuous hunger that was strangely thrilling. Warm breath filled her throat…. His breath. Never in her life had she dreamed a kiss could be like this. When his tongue danced against hers, a swirling foray, she felt utterly boneless. She would surely have fallen were it not for the hardness of his arms braced around her back. She was only dimly aware of being carried to the bed. Firelight flickered over his features as he propped himself on an elbow, his regard utterly intent. "You know what I will do to you?" he said quietly She blushed "Yes" He ran the pad of his thumb over her lips. "Then listen to me, Betty, for when I take you…. It will be nothing like what was done to you before." his tone was low and vibrating "Nothing at all" "You must trust me, can you do that?" indeed, she thought wildly, she had no choice. Some little-known sense inside warned her they had come too far to turn back now. "Yes," she whispered. Yet he must have heard the vulnerability in her voice, for his eyes darkened "It will not be the same as before," he said again. With fledgling courage, she laid her fingertips on the bristly plane of his cheek, unable to tear her eyes from his. "Will you swear it down? Will you?" His gaze rested on her mouth. "I swear it" This time his kiss was so unbearably sweet, that she nearly cried out. He whispered her name, a sound that sent a quiver all through her. His lips found the corner of her mouth. " Betty…. Sweet Betty. You must tell me what pleases you." With his thumbs, he traced slow circles around the boundary of her breast "Does this please you?" She could only nod, for he was drawing perilously close to the delicate roseate peaks. She longed to drag his hands heavy against her selling fullness, for her nipples thrust turgid and hard, in a way that had only happened with him…. " And this? " he grazed the very tips, the merest butterfly caress. She inhaled sharply. Her breasts seemed to swell still further. That evocative touch came again….. And yet again. Lightning shot through her, centred there at those dusky crowns. She hadn't realised that he would try to please her. Somehow she'd been convinced he would see to his pleasure first. He seemed to know exactly where she ached, what she wanted. He gave an odd little laugh. "You like that, don't you? Ah, but I knew you would " His mouth slid down her throat. Heat splintered all through her, even as her mind baulked. No, she thought hazily. He had touched her there. But surely he would not…. She could only watch in mingled shock and fascination as his dark head hovered over her breast. Never had she dreamed he might kiss her there? As if in anticipation, her nipples peaked and hardened, as his mouth touched the quivering tip, she gasped. "Dan, what…. What do you do?" He raised his head, his smile wicked "Ahh, but there's more, lass. Much, much more…."

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