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The Gray Sisters: Back At It Again

The Gray Sisters: Back At It Again

Johanna Delacruz


Nash and Maggie's offspring are off to college, along with Kaiden and Kain. As they navigate life away from home, they must deal with what happened after graduation too. Will the quints help Lyric deal with the tragedy while they deal with college life? Sometimes, you need a little help and guidance from The Gray Brothers themselves. Get ready because The Gray Sisters are taking college by storm. Author: Johanna Delacruz Publisher:i&i Publisher

Chapter 1 No.1

A new beginning


I sat in my room, staring out of the window. It was summer, and I spent most of it in my bedroom. After Daniel's funeral, I couldn't force myself to leave. Talking to Michael helped, but it wasn't enough. I felt so lost.

Tonight Lex planned to surprise Piper with a promise ring. The occasion should have been joyous, but it wasn't. I didn't want to leave, let alone celebrate. Uncle Noah and Dad couldn't persuade me to go. I wanted to stay at home.

Then I heard a knock on my door.

"Leave me alone, Dad! I'm not going!" I said, but the knocking continued. Finally, I answered my door. "Michael?"

"I heard someone wanted to be a hermit." He leaned against my door frame. I looked at him. He entered my room. "It's a pleasant room for a girl's room."

"What are you doing here?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I could ask you the same thing."

I sighed as I walked away from him. "I want to be alone."


I glance at him.

He walked towards me. "Why? Give me one excellent reason."

I stood there as he hammered at me with question after question until I snapped. "Because if I leave, then he's gone!" I looked at him as he looked at me, then I broke. "He left. Why did he leave? Why Michael? What did I do? Please tell me what I can do to bring him back?" I cried.

He wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed.

"You can't. Death is the end. I wish we could, but you can't. All you can do is keep going."

"But how? It's like I'm drowning." My body heaved with sobs.

"With help."

It was the first time I cried since Daniel died. I couldn't cry.

He held me and stroked my hair as I cried. Ma and Dad came to the door and watched us.

"Lyric, it'll get better. Take it minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day. Some days will be good, and some will be bad. The good will outweigh the bad. It's grief, and it sucks."

I buried my head into his chest, wanting this pain to leave

We stayed there for a while. Having Michael here helped.

I stopped crying, and we sat on the floor with our backs against the bed.

"Do you feel better?" Michael asked me.

"That's the one hundred thousand dollar question."

"Lyric, it will get better. If you let me help you through this, I promise it will get better. Deal?"

He held out his hand. I sighed, placing mine in it. Then something weird happened. I felt a warmth I hadn't felt in a while. After Daniel, coldness surrounded me. It felt strange.

He released my hand and stood up. I followed suit.

"Now, why don't you get ready, and I'll meet you downstairs."

I nodded, and he left so I could change.


"Well?" Maverick asked.

"She's changing. I can't guarantee she'll be happy," Michael said.

"It's a start," Dad said.

My door opened, and everyone watched as I came down the stairs in a summer dress. I wanted to get tonight over with and go back to my room.

We left and went to a place where Lex is giving Piper a promise ring. When we arrived, I sat alone. I didn't want to dampen the mood, but I also didn't want to bother.

Piper arrived, and Lex told her these beautiful romantic things. I wanted to gag. I sat there with a sour puss on my face as romance filled the air.

Then when Lex opened the box, revealing the ring, that was it for me. I got up and walked away. I know I should be happy, but I was anything but happy.

The restaurant was by water, so I watched the ripples. I took a seat, looking into the distance. The waves crashed upon the shore, calming me.

I sat there when I heard someone ask, "Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Are you following me?" I asked Michael.

"Nope. I thought I would go for a walk." He shrugged.

"Don't worry. I won't drown myself."

"Now, what would make me think that? You're a depressed individual dealing with a hell amount of grief."

I glanced at him as he smiled.

"You're strange."

"And you're exquisite for a sour puss." He made a face. "Look, I'm Lyric, who's a giant crab."

"Shut up!" I gave him a playful shove.

"Then lighten up. Yes, someone died, but you didn't. You're still alive. So, start living." Michael gave me a soft smile.

"You won't stop until I agree, will you?"


"Good luck because you'll need it."

"Hmm. I accept your challenge."

I stared at him as he stood up and walked away.

What the hell did that fool have planned? My guess is nothing good. What did I get myself into with Michael?



I walked up.

"Well?" Major asked.

"Lyric thinks she crawled into that grave with Daniel, but I won't let her. She deserves to live, love, and laugh again," I said.

"What do you have planned?" Maverick asked me.

"I'll show her how to live again because she isn't living. She exists. She should enjoy her life, not let life pass her by. Daniel may have had problems, but she doesn't deserve to deal with them." I walked away.

Major looked at Maverick. "That isn't good."

"Nope," Maverick said as he looked back at him. "Michael doesn't like when someone else gets dragged down by another. Now excuse me. I have a temperamental person to deal with in the form of Larkin."

"Good luck, brother." Major chuckled.

Maverick went to find Larkin. No one understood what was going on with those two.

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