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My Dominant CEO, Please Have Mercy on Me

My Dominant CEO, Please Have Mercy on Me



Five years ago, Lara Westwood ran away from the clutches of Ashton Mason on a rainy night when she recognised the devil in him. He destroyed her. He got her addicted to being submissive to him. It had been hard for her to forget the way he touched her, dominated her and made her beg for everything he had to offer. She stayed hidden from him for five years and she finally found someone to protect her from the devil. Just when she thought she is free from his sinful reign, he returns in her life to take back everything which belongs to him. Her body, her heart, her soul. She is his property and he will do everything in his power to get her back even if it means to disguise himself as an Angel and secretly ruin everything she had built once again. Because everything is fair in love and lust.

Chapter 1 Long Time No See

Lara Westwood was stunned. The pair of Emerald eyes that bore into her gorgeous face had her pinned on her spot.

Her whole life started revolving in her mind when she saw her worst nightmare coming back to her life.

Just by seeing Ashton Mason standing in front of her, wearing his million dollar signature black suit with fitted white shirt underneath had Lara doubt that she was hallucinating.

He couldn't be here. She wanted to scream at herself but her voice was lost.

Ashton sauntered to her. The people around them had gone silent. The aura of Ashton had always managed to mesmerise people into giving him their best attention.

He was still the same. Even after five years, people watched him with interest and scattered away from him when he got too close.

Lara's breath hitched when he came to a stop in front of her.

She thought that she was going to fall unconscious any moment. Ashton was going to kill her.

The look in those icy Emerald eyes agreed with her suspicions.

" Long time no see, Lara. " He spoke in his deep voice.

Even after years, he managed to make her go weak in her knees with his voice and the look in his eyes.

Lara opened her mouth and closed it repeatedly. Tears welled in her eyes. She looked around for someone to rescue her but no one knew why she was so scared of him.

Everyone went back to enjoying the reception party of Lara and Adrian Kingston's recent wedding. The whole city was invited. That was also another reason why Lara couldn't scream for Adrian to come to her rescue.

Like an angel Adrian was, he appeared by Lara's side out of nowhere. His figure towered over hers and she instantly fell into his body, seeking refuge from the monster who now stood in front of her with a sick smirk playing over his lips.

Ashton Mason was a sadist. He enjoyed pain. He enjoyed inflicted it on others. And when it came to his favourite toy, it was none other than Lara Westwood who had become Lara Kingston a few days ago.

" Mr. Mason. What a pleasant surprise! We didn't expect you to attend our reception party. " Adrian spoke in his calm voice.

Lara was too shocked to utter any word. She lowered her gaze and let her husband handle the talk with the Devil. She didn't want to look at him and turn weak once again. She didn't want to recall what he had done to her. She didn't want to admit it to herself that she had failed to escape those haunting memories with him even after years.

" You invited me. I had to come. " A short answer came from Ashton.

" Thanks for coming! It really made me glad that you were able to attend this party despite being so busy. " Adrian, who was oblivious to his little wife's condition, kept speaking to Ashton.

Taking this chance, Lara sneaked past Adrian and made a run for it. She knew she had to get away from Ashton before he came for her.

His presence meant trouble. The thought that he might reveal everything that conspired between them years ago to Adrian was terrible, but Lara knew he would never do that. Ashton never revealed the secret he could use to blackmail people into submission.

Lara ran mindlessly. Seeing Ashton after five years had opened the old wounds. She recalled the sweet promises he had made to her. She reminisced the violent touch of his huge hands all over her body. She remembered her love for him which had pierced her heart and killed all her emotions.

She ran away from the King Preston Hotel where her wedding reception was held. The rain fell on her figure. She didn't care about anything and ran outside the parking lot to get a taxi.

The thought of calling Adrian's driver had slipped past her mind altogether.

Tears fell down her eyes as she ran and ran in search of taxi but found none. Her heart was filled with despair.

She had secrets to protect from Ashton and secrets to protect from Adrian. She was caught between fire and a fiery pit.

In her deranged condition, she didn't see the car coming towards her. When she finally noticed it, time had passed already.

She collided with the slowed car. Her body hit the road and she rolled away.

The expensive Rolls Royce came to an abrupt halt and the doors opened.

Lara blinked her eyes. Pain coursed through her body.

The familiar face appeared before her eyes and her breath left her body.

" Ash-Ashton. " She whispered his name before she fainted.

Ashton Mason who had decided to leave the party earlier because he had no interest in it if Lara had left, was surprised to see Lara lying on the road, her head bleeding profusely.

" Boss. What do we do? Do we leave her here? " His assistant, Mr Giovani had appeared out of the Bentley he was driving behind Ashton's car.

He tried to cover his Boss' body with an umbrella but Ashton refused by raising a warning finger at him. Giovani gestured the two guards that accompanied them to sit back down in the car.

He was surprised to see his Boss staring down at the bleeding, soaked woman. He looked down at her. She was wearing an expensive wine coloured off shoulder dress which was drenched by now. Her makeup had washed off, leaving her bare face exposed. She was indeed beautiful with a small forehead, a button nose and thin red lips.

Giovani's gaze switched between his Boss and the woman lying on the road. He suddenly recognised who she was.

" She is Mrs. Kingston. Adrian Kingston's wife, Boss! We should take her to the hospital. " Giovani instantly suggested.

He didn't want his Boss to lose his new business partner, because he had hit his wife with his car.

Ashton remained still. His eyes pierced the body lying on the road. There was a scary emotion in his eyes which terrified Giovani. He recognised that emotion to be his Boss' hellfire fuelled anger.

He tended to destroy things whenever he was angry and right now, it looked like he wanted to murder Mrs. Kingston.

Giovani sealed his lips to avoid falling prey to his Boss' anger and let him watch the pitiable woman in complete silence.

After some more time passed and Lara bled heavily, Ashton finally broke out of the angry trance.

He, too, was soaked by now. He picked up Lara's weightless figure in his arms like she was a priced possession and carried her to his black car.

Touching Lara Westwood after years had the same effect on Ashton Mason. He felt the raw desire to tear off her dress, to take her in the back of the car seat until she screamed his name. He wanted to devour her, ruin her, make her beg. But her injury and her state of unconsciousness was getting in the way.

He laid her down in the back seat and took his place on the driver's seat.

" Call the doctor to theVilla! " Ashton Mason commanded Giovani who was still confused.

" Yes Boss! " He replied without delay.

As Ashton started the car and drove off, his eyes wandered to her wet body. Just how many things he wanted to do with her, to her right now.

But first, he needed to teach her a lesson for even thinking she could leave him and go to someone else. He had to teach her where her place was.

Five years. Five years was all it took for him to finally find her again. And this time, he was going to make her pay for everything she had done to him before she ran away.

" You will pay, Lara Westwood. You will pay a heavy price for the betrayal. " He vowed with his bloodshot eyes staring right at her semi exposed body.

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My Dominant CEO, Please Have Mercy on Me

Chapter 1 Long Time No See
