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Caught in the web of depression, betrayal and loneliness, Richard is left alone to wander around with no colour in his life. He meets Ellen the colourful doctor who happened to be the answer to all his questions and solutions to all his problems. A thriller with so much scenes to relish.

Chapter 1 ONE

Ellen Pete was waiting patiently at the reception for the interviewers to call her in and brief her on her result. She was quite anxious as she hoped to get a job in the hospital.

You could tell she was a beauty! Not only did she have a wonderful long, black, curly hair that did not need any grooming, but she also had an excellent tall stature and a slender build. Her voice was just like music. Besides she would always have a receptive smile lingering on her plump lips.

The receptionist called her to inform her that her interviewers were ready to see her again; her heart skipped a beat. She knew within herself that she did well during the interview but the uneasiness that fluttered her was just too weighty. She was nervous in as much she tried to hide it; she prayed that she was not going to be among the candidates that would be rejected. She went into the room after she had knocked and was given the consent to come in. She was directed to sit down on one of the seats which were opposite the panel; the chief administrator threw a quick glance at her through his well rimmed spectacles that sat on his nose.

He massaged his knuckles as he set his elbow on the table, Ellen's heart pounded faster, she was not sure what her expression would be like if she was rejected.

"Miss Ellen Pete, congratulations on your success in becoming a medical doctor in our hospital! This is your letter of appointment. You will find the many rules which you need to follow and abide by, attached to this letter. Meanwhile, ask the receptionist to lead you to doctor Richard, he needs to sign your approval letter." The chief administrator said as he handed a filed document to Ellen who was overjoyed and could not wait for her approval letter to be signed for her to commence working soon.

She was expectant and delightful about her new job. She went to the receptionist to offer her direction to Richard's office; the receptionist helped her with the information.

She was welcomed in the well decorated suite by the model looking secretary; she waited patiently for the doctor Richard. The cosy, sophisticated office was appreciated by her mental survey. The secretary advised her to be quick once her boss arrived as he was a busy man.

After many hours had been spent in idle sitting, phone chatting and several questions of "when is he coming?" Dr Richard stormed in like a speed of lightening, he was in haste and he wanted to leave soon.

Ellen felt amazed when she saw the secretary greet Dr. Richard, she expected to see an old man or perhaps a middle aged man; she was not expecting to see a dazzling charming young man with a finely chiselled body. His plain blue shirt which was tucked in his jean trouser did not hide the contours of his broad chest. His looks were breathtaking and alluring which made her fantasizes him. She straightened her skirt by the hem and walked up to the prince charming that had gotten her attention; she forced herself to understand the reason why she was there.

"Good day sir! I am one of the new doctors and I have been assigned to you to sign my approval letter, please." Ellen said, bringing out the documents to be signed.

Richard was stunned; there was a bubbling of volcanic rage in him when he heard her voice. Her voice stirred hurtful emotions in him as his mind bounced painful memories. He inhaled deeply and then ignored her, on a second thought, he turned around to take a look at her; he found himself on the verge of being swayed off his feet. His anger doubled, he felt that he had been through a lot and then, some young lady had come with a striking semblance that reminded him of pain.

Fate had pushed him to his limits! He was sure to deal with anything that reminded him of his pain.

He was juggled out of his thoughts when Ellen repeated her request, this time her voice became louder, he went ahead in ignoring her and continued with his assignment of work duties to his secretary who was left askance; she wondered what was wrong with her boss who was not accustomed with assigning enormous workload to her.

Ellen found it disheartening when Dr. Richard ignored her for the second time after she had asked him to sign her papers; the secretary was addled at her boss' momentary deafness towards the new pretty employer, she knew that her boss most times could be a cold and abrasive gentleman with weird actions but his action towards the young lady baffled her.

Ellen felt like crying. Her cheeks muscles clenched trying to hold back her tears. She wondered what she had done wrong and thought loud how the circumstance was about to slip the dream job out of her hands. She felt embarrassed when the doctor grabbed her documents from her and scribbled his signature on the right point and handed it back to her leaving his secretary puzzled and a feeling of discomfit.

He had seen her crestfallen face and that really shook emotions in him.

"Please leave my office" he scowled and went straight into his well ventilated office.

"That was rude" Ellen thought aloud.

She was shocked as she did not understand what beef the handsome doctor had for her, or perhaps, he was venting his frustration on her. She was disappointed at his aloof attitude as she had wanted to make friends with him or more reasonably, start a conversation. She was a friendly free bird and enjoyed making friends most especially if they were so beautiful.

Deep in her thoughts, she felt her bag hit the floor; she had bumped into somebody, she crouched to the floor and picked up her thingsand then, she saw an ebony skinned hand help her, she looked at her; she saw a confounding look on the smooth oval ebony face. She stood up as she took a good look at ebony skinned lady, she was beautiful with her naturally coarse hair that was tied in a bun, just like a model. She had a slender built with an hourglass curve; she looked pretty despite her simple medical outfit.

She saw her ID, it read Dr. Ruth.

"You should have a smile and not that dejected look on your face. The smile will show us the beautiful you. You are a beautiful doctor tho" the doctor Ruth complimented and followed her own words and smiled at her.

Ellen smiled back at her. "I would have been smiling if someone had not acted rudely towards me. Thank you for such sweet words, my name is Ellen, dr Ruth" she said and winked at her.

"Again, permit to compliment that you look like a beauty goddess"

"Thank you and I am sorry for the rude actions towards you. I will be expectant of you tomorrow" the doctor showcased her set of gap teeth.

"Me, too. Nice meeting you, I will be on my way now. Thank you" Ellen said and left, leaving Ruth in a fluttered state.

Dr. Ruth prayed in her heart that a problem won't sprout up with the new presence. In as much she was different but there was a resemblance which she was afraid that it would affect so many things.

"Ruth, I hope history will not repeat itself" she heard herself mutter.


Ellen felt enthusiastic to start working at that hospital. It had always been her dream to work in her motherland.

Born and bred in Britain, Ellen had heard so many stories of infant mortality in her motherland, and she had vowed that she would help lessen that issue, as well as the pregnant women's deaths during childbirths. After her education was completed, she moved down to Nigeria and resided in the north eastern part of the country, where she applied for a job in one of the famous hospitals in the city. That institution accepted three out of two hundred and eighty candidates. The hospital's rules were built based on principles, respect, and adequacy with appreciation of human lives and to pass the scrutiny of being admitted and become a staff there, one must follow an intense and rigorous procedure in order to be qualified. Ellen worked hard for it and was included in that 1.1% of approval. There was feeling of achievement and success when she left the hospital.Next morning, the alarm clock rang desperately in her ears, when all she wanted was to sleep. Unfortunately, that was not possible: she needed to dress for work. She felt so happy! Next thing, she hurriedly entered the bathroom, took her time brushing her white teeth and then, she bathed. Since that was her very first day, she had to look professional, but classy. She ransacked her wardrobe and finally her eyes were caught by a red straight cut gown with a plain black jacket. To complete the outfit, she slipped her beautiful feet into a pair of black high heels. Looking at herself in the mirror, she was very satisfied; elegant, professional and quite athletic.

"Ellen, let's see what Nigeria has to offer you" she said to herself.

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