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It Ends In The End

It Ends In The End

Annette 18


..."Jump" my inner voice tells me "End this" and honestly I want to and will, I take one last look at the city, the hustling and bustling of people and cars, the smoke coming from industries in the distance "F**king idiots" I say to myself "Everything's dying because of you"...

Chapter 1 Prologue

I'm standing here again, somehow my legs keeps bringing me here, I look down and somehow my phobia isn't acting up it's almost like I'm comfortable with it.

"Jump" my inner voice tells me "End this"

and honestly I want to and will, I take one last look at the city, the hustling and bustling of people and cars, the smoke coming from industries in the distance "F**king idiots" I say to myself "Everything's dying because of you"

I can feel the sting in my eye "No I can't cry..not now.. not when I'm about to end it".

I'm standing at the edge of the building, "it's time" *deep breath* I inhale the polluted air, I can hear the shrilled screams and shouts of people, the sirens wailing in the distance, "I should hurry" I look down once more and shut my eyes, the tears finally flowing "Bye mum, I love you...But I can't take it anymore". I turn my back to the edge and I feel myself falling for a second I'm floating then I hear a loud thud and screams around me, the siren wails are close now "it's too late to save me now" then it all blacks out.

My name's Bridget and this is the story of my Death.

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