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My Husband’s Hot Boss

My Husband's Hot Boss



Just like every young girl's imagination to marry a Prince Charming, Sarah also had the same wish and she actually met a man that treated her the same way but she could never have expected that accepting his marriage proposal would be the beginning of her endless sufferings with him. She has only been married for two weeks when her husband, Jayden began to maltreat her, cheat on her with girls that can never compare to her. She kept enduring and hoping he'd change but it doesn't gets better. One thing she'd never have predicted was how her life could take a big turn after meeting her husband's Boss at the company anniversary. Will Sarah escape her abusive marriage for someone who was way over her imagination?

Chapter 1 Episode 1

"Till Death Do us Part!" Isn't that what everyone believes on their wedding day?, that the marriage will last forever, that they shall be happy and joyous throughout their marriage journey. But what if I told you all that was a lie? As a kid, I've lived under the believe that every marriage will be like my parents marriage and to think that my mom didn't tell me all of these that I'm now facing makes me so mad everytime I think about it.

I'm Sarah, I've been married to my husband for two years and I can say it over and over again that I've never had a peaceful moment ever since the day we came back from our honeymoon. Whatever changed him is what I'm still trying to find and I don't think I'll ever find it. Today was a Sunday and I've just gotten back from getting groceries that were on sale, hoping that he'd have gone out like he usually does on weekends but to my surprise, he was at home, not alone but with someone. I'm still trying to figure out whose voice it was until I saw a female show on my shoe rack, I really hope it's not what I am thinking. I dropped the groceries bag and ran inside whilst breathing heavily, I was about to yell when my eyes darted to his sister, Anna, who was fixing the TV remote. "Ohh, it's you" i mouthed, scratching my neck nervously. "Who did you think it was?" She glared at me and I just forced a smile because how was I supposed to tell her I thought my husband who is her brother had came home with a lady. "Hope you've talked to him on the phone, he usually stays out on sundays so..." "I did, you don't have to worry about that" she cuts in halfway, I just nodded again with a tightlipped smile. I went back to get the groceries items I bought whilst taking it to the kitchen, I placed it on the table so as to refill them into their spaces. I was doing this when the door creaked open and I didn't really pay much attention to it as I was busy with my work but I had to when I saw Anna take the Bowl containing apples and I was expecting her to take one and drop the bowl but then she was heading out. "Anna?, I'll put the container inside the refrigerator so..." "Who told you I want to return it?, I love apples and you know that so why are you acting like this" she countered, I had lots of words to say to her but like I always do every time, I smiled as if it was nothing. It took me 2 hours to clean up the kitchen and restock what I got and since I wasn't hungry and I was sure that my husband isn't coming home like every other sundays, I didn't bother to prepare dinner. If Anna needs to eat, she could just go into the kitchen and prepare whatever she wants. I had a channel to tune in but she doesn't looks like she'd pass me the remote so I just went to my bedroom. I undressed and packed my hair in a bonnet, my hair is extraordinarily short and it wasn't like this before I got married. Jayden met me with a very beautiful blonde long hair and he always told me it was one of the features that made me beautiful. All that felt like a brutal lie two weeks after our marriage as he requested that I cut it short as it's always itching him whenever we have sex and he hates seeing hair all around his bath. Is that even an option? He could just ask me to park it, cutting it wasn't supposed to be there but I love him, I respected his opinion and his decisions over my life. I cut my hair that same day. I had a quick shower, scrubbing every part of my blessed body till I was satisfied. My phone was ringing, I ran to get it and I was surprised to see a call from him. "Darling, I was planning to ca..." "Now that I've called, will you shut up and hear what I have to say?" He shunned me. "Okay" "Anna told me the AC in the guest room isn't working so I guess you should sleep there tonight while she sleeps in our bedroom, did you understand?" He explained, I tilted my head all through cause it was so unexpected. "You know I also can't sleep without the..." "And how's that any of my business, we're talking about my sister here, do you want me to choose you over her?" He laughed hysterically, I could picture his face from here. "But I'm your wife, if she can't sleep in the guest room, she can just sleep on the couch but you asking me to sleep in a place she can't is just not right" I explained myself. "You'll hate yourself for what you just did, you'll be as good as dead if Anna should tell me you didn't treat her right, I promise you!" He half yelled, I felt my heart running out of my chest and he ended the call before I could even say anything. I dropped my phone on the bed and lowered my head in frustration, I do not have any other choice than to do as he wants. I changed into my nightgown and picked my novels and other things I'll need, I walked out of the room and passed the living room to where I was headed. "Is dinner ready?" I heard her as I was about to push the door open. "No, I didn't prepare any" I said to her, patiently waiting for her response. "But I'm hungry" she whined, acting like the Anna I met when I first met his family. "You can cook anything you want in the kitchen, I had a tiring day and I wasn't hungry that's why I didn't prepare anything, I'm sorry if you were expecting" I explained, and I believe that should be understandable enough for her. "What nonsense are you spouting from your mouth?, I should go into the kitchen?, your kitchen?" She laughed hysterically. I stared at her with huge amazement, she dared not talk to me like this if her brother was doing the right thing. "It doesn't matter, afterall, your brother owns the house" I told her. "Can you just hear yourself?" She mimicks, walking up to me. "It's your kitchen and you'll be the one to cook in it" "Oh wow, you can sleep in my bedroom but cannot go into my kitchen to cook?" I countered angrily. "Unless you don't know how to cook, you're old enough to do that but if you're waiting for me to cook for you before you eat, you'll definitely starve tonight!" I rasped impatiently and shut the door on her as I went inside the room. She's doing too much, I bought all groceries with my own money and she ate the apples as if it was her brother who bought it. How can she order me around after I left my matrimonial bedroom for her? I know i should prepare myself for my husband's trouble tomorrow evening.

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