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The Legendary Bride Of A God

The Legendary Bride Of A God

E. Mercury


Freya Allan didn't meet her mother. She was abandoned and abused by her father who blamed her for the death of his wife. Margret Allan, Freya's mother had died while giving birth to her. Since then, she'd known nothing but hatred from her biological father. Just when Freya thought her punishment from the man, her step sister and step-mom won't end, death decided to take her away. Waking up in the body of a princess, she became both confused and lost. She was betrothed to a prince. But that was the least of her problem, as a God suddenly appeared claiming that she was his bride. "CAN I JUST DIE AGAIN AND REMAIN DEAD!?" Freya cried to herself as she grunted in annoyance. There seem to be no peace for her, both in death and life!

Chapter 1 Like Always

"Where is that useless child. Freya!!!!!" A resounding roar from the man she calls her father, had Freya shivering in fright. She was sitting in the kitchen waiting for the others to finish eating so she could eat hers. The leftovers were hers–that is, if they would be kind enough to leave some for her.

But this sudden roar from her father was totally unexpected, not that it hasn't happened before, but she'd made sure to cook the food to his taste. So what now was the problem?

Without waiting for the man to come fetch her by himself, Freya quickly ran out of the kitchen, and almost crashed to the floor as she collided with the door, tumbling several times, but however, managed to pull herself together. She didn't want to delay any second at all, as that might incur more punishment for her. And she definitely wouldn't want to try the man's patience.

She swallowed hard secretly as she walked into the dining room, the scent of the food she'd prepared for those hungry monsters instantly wafted into her nose as if to mock her. She was obviously starving judging from the way her stomach was growling, bathing in the pleasant scent. Throwing her hungry thoughts behind her, she decided to ignore the urge to take a bite of that mouthwatering chicken drumstick that was staring invitingly at her.

"S-sir" Freya stuttered, while fidgeting as she bowed slightly for the man that'd donated the sperm that'd resulted to her birth.

That's the way she chose to refer to the man, because no compassionate and caring father would treat their child the way she was being treated in that house.

All because her mother had died while giving birth to her! Was it her fault? She didn't ask to be born, neither was she happy that her mother chose to leave her behind. She should've taken her to wherever she was going to.

She didn't ask for all this!

"What happened to the pasta? Why is it not enough?" Freya gulped down in fright, as this question rang a bell in her head. She'd clearly requested to go grocery shopping, but her step-mom had refused to give her money. She'd no choice but to manage the one that was remaining. She'd no extra money with her.

Since she'd prepared the pasta for just her father, she thought it would be enough for the man since the others were eating rice.

"Sorry, sir." Freya replied, her voice shivering. She was wary of what the man might do to her. Not when she had the idea of what he might do. Her father was anything but merciful!

"What happened?"

She pinched her fingers, biting her lower lips while she looked at Elena, her step-mom. She could see a smile on the side of the woman's lips as they were slightly curled up. She was rejoicing at her current predicament, obviously pleased. Elena was the cause of this, but she knows that telling the truth would do nothing to calm this matter on ground. And chosing not to say anything would worsen her situation.

"Look at her, she can't even talk!" Lily, the girl that knows nothing but to run her mouth decided to chip in. She was Freya's step-sister, the troublesome brat was all Freya thought of her existence. She always made sure to make things hard for Freya.

"Speak up, before I lose my temper and descend on you." Mr. Allan flared up in anger, while slamming her palms against the table. He looked so angry that Freya thought this would be her last day on earth.

Freya jumped in fright, taking a wary step back, she felt her heart leap from her chest. Her back and forehead was now covered in sweat, as she tried her best to maintain her control. The man's angry voice could knock anything off the ground. But she'd to say something if she doesn't want her remains to be scattered in seven rivers like her father had always warned.

"I wanted to go to grocery shopping, but mother here refused to give me money." Mustering up her courage, Freya decided to say it anyway. And finally, the fire was lit...

"How dare you level such allegation against Mom? Dad, Freya is lying." Lily was the first to defend her mother.

"Honey, have you seen it? This is how she goes around lying against me. What have I done to deserve this type of insult from my daughter?" Followed by a crocodile tears from Elena.

'Huh, did she really refer to me as her daughter?' Freya rolled her eyes inwardly, this woman's thick-skinned level was beyond imagination. How she manages to put on such a show was something Freya couldn't figure out. It was unimaginable.

Lily was actually there when Freya had asked her mother for money, which she'd declined, calling her a thief. And now, she'd the audacity to defend her mother so innocently.

Both mother and daughter were hopeless.

"Father, you have to believe me. I did ask her for-"

"Thud!!!" A loud and hot resounding slap had Freya seeing stars in her eyes, while she found herself on the floor. The slap across her cheek from her father was so fatal that it affected her ears. For a moment, she picked no sound at all. Tears instantly began to flow freely from her eyes as she held onto her cheek.

Freya quickly covered her face, knowing what would follow next.

Like she'd imagined, punches and kicks began to rain on her nonstop seconds later.

Every kick from the man that calls himself her father felt like her heart was being stabbed over and over again with a sharp knife as the man went ahead to list those degrading and depressing words like always.

"You're such a useless daughter! You should've died during birth, you don't deserve this life you have. You don't learn anything at all. A dog is more useful than a curse like you!!! Just die already"

"Honey, it's enough. You will kill her. Please, stop." Elena decided to step in, although she didn't mean any of her words. They didn't come from her heart, and her only wish was to see that little wench dead.

Her daughter on the other hand, was busy giggling to herself, as she consumed her food. She was indeed pleased to see Freya going through pains.

"Let her die already" Mr. Allan spat coldly, he sent a few more kicks to his useless daughter and stopped when he had had enough.

Freya panted and grunted in pain, she'd no more tears to shed. And she was so weak that she couldn't even cry out, but to grunt in excruciating pain. Seems like today's punishment was worst, it felt more unbearable.

The more she endures tortures from a man she had no right to call father, the more harder it became to endure the pain.

"Will you get up from there and rush to the supermarket before I close and open my eyes." Mr. Allan barked irritatedly. "I need my pasta ASAP!"

Not waiting to be told otherwise, Freya quickly grabbed her miserable body from the floor and limped towards the door.

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