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 Impossible love

Impossible love



Smith Ekanga, a very ambitious and intelligent girl, leads a simple and regular life, until she passes the entrance exam to a prestigious and expensive high school, making her the only hope of her family to get out of poverty. But for Smith, life at the elite school is absolutely frustrating. At this school, Daniel, Arsene and Mikaël form the famous senior group. These handsome boys are the heirs of the richest billionaires in the country, and they shine with their appearance and influence. All eyes are on them at all times, even though these boys are actually the biggest bullies in the school, ready to push around anyone they don't like with aggressive pranks. No one can stop them, and worse, the students love them and admire their arrogance. It's like the whole world is in the palm of their hands, and Smith despises them for it. Although she has always admired wealth, Smith is the only one who notices the other side of the coin and stands up to the bullying methods of the group, leaving all the boys in awe, especially Daniel, the group leader. An ordinary girl like Smith is about to become the centre of everything. Then she learns that life in this part of the world is not easy. Unexpectedly, she falls in love with Daniel, the head of the seniors, even though she already has a boyfriend. Will she manage to raise her family name and improve her social status? Will she be able to have a stable love life if her obsession is relentlessly her social status? On the other hand, her friend Marcelle is in a relationship with her teacher.

Chapter 1 Introduction

#change_of_destiny episode 1

The myth of the cave. when we remain for a long time plunged in the dark, the obscurity, the ignorance, we come to live in an illusion without ever knowing where we go; the light becomes for us a knockout as in a ring. we make a Total transfiguration of the reality. Our life will then be only routine and lexical field of the pain and the ignorance. I begin to agree with the biblical passage that says "my people perish for lack of knowledge". Before them, and more precisely him, I was "lambda": Now I am slowly coming out of the abyss I was in. This story is in no way erotic; it seems that many of you want it;

it is based on "real facts", and aims at entertaining, fulfilling and who knows even teaching.

I'm Smith Ekanga, a young and brave high school student aged ... years old, beautiful and a model (not to brag). I live in Nkongsamba, a small town in the coastal region of Cameroon, with my parents and my little sister. I'm in my last year of high school, I have an older brother named Wilfried who will be graduating with a degree in bio-chemistry this year, and a little sister named Glinda who will be entering the third grade this year, if all goes well.

I'm the happy medium hahaha. We are a beautiful and happy family despite our precarious situation. My parents have done their best since we were children to make sure we have everything we need, but I guess it's not enough!

They have always encouraged us to study. I'm not the best in my school but I'm among the best. My father is a farmer and a carpenter. My mother is also a housewife and a seamstress.

Since the class of 3 ème that I put the feet to the prestigious high school Alfred saker, I began to think differently and especially to look at the others differently. I began to envy the material possessions of others and to resent my parents' fate and to question God.

I kept asking myself why me? Why am I in this country and in this city? Why did I fall into this family? Not that I don't like it, but out of humility I have to admit that we are in a mess, we hardly eat two meals a day. To go to school we don't have the right to any pocket money, which is already not enough, which is why I am so thin

we don't have the right to nice clothes, bags or shoes of good quality. I'm still glad that a uniform is imposed on us and that my mother is a seamstress, because if not I would be the laughing stock of everyone with my style of dress.

I always dreamed to be famous, to have a lot of money to buy shoes, clothes and jewels, in short to be able to support my whims but alas...

People around me don't really notice that I'm "bad in my skin" but it's not all the time.

Today is the first day of school and I'm not excited at all. I'm neither hot nor cold. God has given me a relatively "immense" intellectual capacity, but I'm not excited about high school. I'm in a school of mostly rich kids and so the harassment is there for the intruders who find it. That's why I don't have many friends and even those who do don't know that I'm extremely poor. On a daily basis I have watched my fellow classmates and many others being harassed, humiliated and mocked and why? For relatively trivial things, because they rubbed shoulders with the wrong people (the seniors or the popular ones). There is no reason why the situation should turn against me, so I make myself very small and discreet.

"The seniors are the most influential group in the school, the city and even the region. As its name indicates, it is composed of three boys, all of whom are cute as hell (more handsome than you are) and all of whom have an aura, a charisma and a figure that distinguish them from the others. At the head of the group, there is Daniel Monthé, son of the powerful governor of the region. Then there is Arsène, the son of the mafia boss. And finally there is Mikaël son of the minister of secondary education. As you can see, I introduced them all according to the position of one of their parents. This is what is common in our society today. The members of this group sort of run Alfred Saker High School. They have parties, fights, stalking, I've always said that they have many faces depending on their moods or that they are bipolar and yet they are loved.

You must be wondering how I got into such a school if I complain about my status. Well, it's thanks to a 70% scholarship. When you're smart, you get privileges...

I brush my teeth, shower, apply my cleansing milk (megnianga palm oil) and put on my uniform. I look at myself in the mirror and smile. Woww I look like something I come down from my room and head to the living room

"Good morning daddy how did you sleep?"

"Good morning Very well my daughter and you?"

"I slept well daddy. And where is mom?"

"She is sleeping!"

"Ah okay"

"And Glinda your sister is also sleeping"

"I'm going to wake her up daddy I'm coming"

Ah this kid the long sleep is for rich people when you are poor and well you get up early even if it is to count the morning stars

"go go op pop pop stand up miss" I say while applauding

"ahhh let me sleep"

"I'm warning you if you don't get up I'll pour cold water on you"


"well, it's up to you"

I go to the kitchen and take a bottle of water I will count to 3 1,2,3

"ahhhhhh (she shouts) don't tell me you dared"

"yes ma'am let's get up now I say laughing come on we're going to do a morning prayer with dad"

During the morning prayer

Daddy: Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for the breath of life that you have given us and for the beautiful children that you have given me. I pray that you will accompany them throughout this day, this school year so that they may become future leaders in this country. It is in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit that we prayed Amen.

Let us share the grace of the Lord, and let us pray to our Father in heaven (...)



"Good day my children, may the powerful Blood of Jesus protect you. I go to the plantation"

"Thank you daddy, good day to you too, I said, giving him a peck on the cheek. And you, Glinda, better get ready for school soon or you'll be late."

"Yes mom"

"hahaha yeah that's right"

My little sister and I don't go to the same school which is why I stepped forward.

20minutes later I'm in front of the prestigious Alfred saker high school. Nobody is there yet, I'm the first one there and I like it, I don't like to attract attention especially in this environment. I greet the doorman, walk to a bench at the entrance of my building and take a seat. 20 minutes later the students start to arrive accompanied by big cars. I observe the brands of shoes, the brands of bracelets, the buckles, the styles of bags, the perfumes and as usual my eyes come out of their sockets. The insolent luxury of my classmates fascinates me and fusters me.

"Hello wonderful one, I missed you too much you know?" Says Marcelle while approaching me the smile in the lips

"Hello Marcelle, I missed you a lot too

She is my best friend"

"so you come, we go?"

"yes let's go"

To be continued...

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