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The Prince's Night Wife

The Prince's Night Wife

Hér tålënt


"But I'm his wife." "No Li baozhai you are not his wife you are only his concubine." I look at Prince Mo at where he is seated watching the drama going on in the front of him, he does not look like he want to stop this foolishness then I get it that I was lied to. "You lied to me." I yelled in anger "I never told you that you were my bride, we only sign a contract to save your life." I hold my cloth and feel stabbed, I have been tricked think that this man here loves me, I thought this man here supports me, I was so foolish to think that he loves and care about me and that I love him back. I was wrong, all these trees oyal oof who I thought I can forget are here stabbing me in the back just like they have done before, they have done this to the stop I will avenge. I shot a look at Prince Mo and walks out of the palace and in no time I found myself crying out of pity that I have spend my life being tricked. "Mo'Shuan I'll have my revenge."

Chapter 1 A history that disturbs.

The village of Cuandixia Is full of merit and the joy of people can't be said not to be wanted by the neighborhood village even some town kings are already sending their outlookers turning them into gossip for them to gossip what is going on in the Cuandixia village.

It has been happiness from the night before, all throughout the dawn, the villager best fishermen were even giving out big fishesp which they caught from the river for free.

The royal family are a family of peace, they hate loud sounds and noises but this year is different, it is even a sin to be any cause of noise but they are not left out this year to celebrate.

The masquerade are outside dancing and displaying even a lot of villagers have lost their children ton the street but you won't see those kind of worried look on their faces because they believe that no festival will betray them to the length of sorrow.

Meanwhile in the royal palace compound, apart from the royal palace building and some rooms, there are some small huts in the compound where the servants stay at, the building are called shén mì de(secret)

It started with a story of a king who married a small village outcast named Huiqing, Huiqing's history is that her mother married a neighborhood very that is not in good term with the Cuandixia village, according to Huiqing the king of Cuandixia and the neighborhood village were in good term when they knew each other but when a fight happened, the king declare that the people of Cuandixia should have nothing to do with the neighborhood village, they were I love and secretly got married without any king blessings which angered the people more when the secret got out.

Her husband was killed and she had to commit suicide as a result of depression.

Huiqing life was difficult as an outcast, she was ridiculed and shame. When the king approaches her, she fell in love with him but their relationship was secret, having no friends Huiqing never knew this king was married but was looking for a random woman to give him a boy do the Royalty won't leave his blood line but Huiqing gave birth to a girl first and second and was abandoned.

Nothing is more painful to her than the fact that she was mocked during her pregnancy and had to labour herself. After the secret got out, in other not be ridiculous, the royal family let Huiqing stay in the palace with her kid aftee Huiqing was called upon and testifies that she never knew he was married.

Since then she remained in the palace living as a slave.

That morning when everything was going as planned, I slept well overnight because I have got no friends to play with or go around the town with celebrating instead after the dinner that Chu hua cooked, we all retired to bed with me hearing chu hua asking mum why she can't go out to the town. You might not want to believe but I have been living in here for eighteen years and I have never seen the palace or being to the city before. We are not allowed to move out, I already know what happened to my concubine mother and why our life is miserable.

Every two months, the royal bloods send foot item to us but as of recent it is like they have forgotten about us, when my mother compliances, she came back home with a report that the queen mother whom I have never seen before said we should start working in palace to earn money.

My mother was sad and my strong head elder sister refused by saying she would rather work as a slave for a poor man than the royal family but assuming we were let out.

We planted a small farm and that is what we have been managing for three years and half, I don't even think we are known to exist but my mother is a historical concubine.

"Li baozhai, please get a Lian hua(healing flower) from the garden and a jug of water."

I stand up and stop watering the vegetables and pick up an empty jug and walk to the garden, my mother has been feeling unwell so Chu hua has been taking care of her. The way the shén mì de (secret ) is built from the palace the garden is even so tight that you can't have a view of the palace.

"Your highness, the royal tailor had sent your dress for the evening ceremony, should I send it back again."

I heard some people approaching and grew excited, I have never crossed anyone at the river before.

"Send it back to him, he is an ungrateful wrench who deserves to die."

"Pardon my princess." They beg her.

The princess? Chu hua has told me about the princess and how rude she is, Chu hua is always lucky to come across people at the garden but me? This will be my first time.

I dig the jug into the water fall and pull it out, this water is God sent to me and my family because we can't plant water on farm. Mum said it a blood of a royal prince that turn into water that he seats there at night to refill it but the royal families hardly use it unless it is during festivals.

I hear footsteps approaching my side and waits patiently.

"Who are you?" Some guards ran out surrounding me with arrows.

You see, they don't know me at all.

"Good morning your highness, am Li baozhai the daughter of Huiqing." I reply politely.

The princess who was hiding now comes out looking at me in horror like she did kill me, I will say she is just same age as Chu hua.

"You are a daughter of that concubine?"

My excitement disappeared immediately maybe that is why Chu hua had a fight with her. I can remember Chu hua saying that she insulted the princess with the history of her mother who is also a concubine but eventually got lucky by marrying into the royal families.

"We know all about your mother's history." The princess says and laughs.

"I know yours too , your highness."

After saying that, I walk away and smile to myself, for the first time in my life I met a royal blood but she is indeed a b***h as Chu hua said.

I hurry home after that and when Chu hua made a medical vegetable for mum and she slept, I told Chu hua about the princess and she laughs too and praises me for my courage.

While Chu hua was doing the house chores, I left for sword training, there is this old man who is friend of my mother, he teaches sword fight and mum think it will be better for me to know it, Chu hua graduated already and she is good because she started at age five.

"Good morning teacher." I greet.

He is also a slave but he is old now, since the royal blood forgot about us , we share food with the man.

Chu hua once challenge him to a fight when he asked her to marry him as a reward of training her but he lost to her but that crazy sister of mine refuse to teach me and hangs her pride on her forehead.

"How are you, Li baozhai."

"Fine." I answer seriously.

"You go and practice I am not feeling well today so go on.."

The old man urges me ahead and I left him there to face his own troubles.

I am a huge fan of the royal blood, I don't mind all the pain they have caused us but I want to meet them, I don't hear much about them like chu hua does and I wonder how she always manage to get the latest news ahead of the villagers.

It is almost night, every villagers will be in compound to celebrate this wonderful festival, we always seat outside watching the lanterns flow in the sky.

A deep wish for more life and prosperity.

In the evening after running errands for old teacher I left home and there are noises already, people want to be first on the line so that they can see the royal families.

As for me, I have no problem fighting for the first line as all I will do tonight is sleeping.

"Li baozhai, over here."

I look up and rush to meet chu hua who is seating under a tree outside our hut.

She looks worried and I fear that something is wrong "Mum's situation has gotten worst that I fear she might not get well."

"What do you mean?"

"I think mother will pass away soon."

I look at chu hua frightened by her words and she is even expressionlessly saying so, I feel my heart tightned and my heart beat stop for a moment. I began to fight the air for life as I feel a last breath.

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