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Vengeance of Darlina Brown

Vengeance of Darlina Brown

Ojenimah Mercy


This is the story of a highschool girl named Darlina Brown who lost her father at a very tender age and was left with her mother to face the hurdles and struggles of the world alone.Do you think she will be able to find true love in her quest to seek vengeance for her father's death? Will she get the vengeance she want? Find out by reading this great story

Chapter 1 Sad memories

it was early around 4am in the morning but couldn't sleep. I was just thinking about how my first day at school will be. seating down with my juniors in the same class is really depressing. it hurts alot and I don't even want to think about it. my bright white eyes has already turned red due to tears. I can't accept the fact that i have to repeat my fifth grade again.

I and my friends already have alot of plans for our new grade which I was suppose to be promoted to... I actually have three close friends, two girls and one boy whose names are Cindy, Aria and joe

Cindy is a slim tall girl and had a sexy body shape, with her golden eyes complementing her blonde hair which fell down to her shoulder. She is the perfect definition of a sexy highschool girl.

Why Aria was kinda chubby not too tall not too short, with a very big boobs and her hair was red. she came from a very rich family and she is the foodie type in our group..

Joe my best friend is a tall handsome guy, with is facial feature that made him unique. He is so cute that all girls drool over him, and wish to be part of our group... But the problem is, Joe is actually a gay he does not fancy female because he his a guy lover...

They all passed their exams and now they are all in sixth grade, why I'm the only one left in fifth grade... Are we still going to mingle like we always do? or will i get to mingle with new friends? That's what I don't really know.

I was one of the best students in my class and was given a scholarship to study in Atlantic high school. Well Atlantic high school is actually for the rich and the poor has no place there except those on scholarship like me.

I was surprised when i saw failed on my result. I can't believe I failed the promotion exam despite my hard work and I felt like there is nothing left for me to study anymore.

I and my friends were the type everybody wish to mingle with so how am i going to face my juniors now? will they be nice to me? we they love to be friends with me or will they all see me as dumb girl who failed to pass the promotion examination.

'No I'm not dumb, am brilliant . Maybe God have a reason for making me fail the examination. Like they says things actually happened for reasons.' A lot of thoughts run through my mind that I didn't hear my mum yelling my name downstairs.

"Darlina! Darlina! Darlina!" she yelled my name up to five times but i was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear her calling not until my mum pushed my room door opened and that was when i snap out of my thoughts and turned towards the door only to see my mum standing there and staring at me.

My mum was about to scold me, looking at the time it was 5min pass 7 but she stopped in her tracks when she saw the stain of tears on my beautiful face. she sigh and walk to sit beside me on my bed.

"Darlina baby, I thought we have talked about this before.why are you still crying? you know this is not the end of the world, do you think it also easy for me to see you repeating the same class.?" She said calmly and I look at my toes. I know it's not easy for her too but it's more difficult for me.

"Darlina you know if i have enough money i would have changed your school.

So please my dear Darlina don't cry...i know how you feel, please dear you know it has not been easy for me since we lost your dad. All the responsibilities are on me " She said calmly as tears stream down her face and I couldn't help but let them out.

seeing her tears alone brings me back from my trance and the thing i hated most is seeing my mum shading tear's. it hurt alot and I really can't stand it. I know it has not been easy for my mum,I know it must be really hard for her since we lost my dad.

When my dad was still alive, We lived a happy and lovely life. my dad was a very rich business man, he is the CEO of revenue housing company one of the biggest company in new York. He has so many branches in new York but we have a big problem. My dad elder brother Mr William was the problem. Mr William was a jealous man and he hated my dad so much because of how rich my dad was at his age, he has accomplished a lot of things while he is still in the trenches.

My dad love his brother so much and trusted him like there was no tomorrow..

he gave him a lot of assets and make sure Mr William didn't lack anything. My dad make sure Mr William was in a higher position in his company and that made alot of employees give him respect in the company.

He was well respected in revenue housing company but the mistake my dad made was trusting a devil in human form like Mr William not knowing Mr William has a heart of a stone.

He made sure he dismissed my dad from this world and he made sure everything went smoothly that no one suspected him. No evidence was found about my fathers death but i know my uncle was the one who murdered my dad and there is nothing i could do because I have no evidence.

I already warned my dad about him, i tried telling him i over heard my uncle talking to someone on the phone, but anytime i tried to tell him, one thing or the other will occur . so i did not get to tell him about it before we heard the sudden news about my father death.

Mr William cleared everything about my father's death and accused my mum of killing her husband. He made sure he throw us out of my father luxurious Mansion. He sized everything from us and made sure we leave my father house with nothing...

Thank to God my mum got a house that my grandma left for her, if not because of that house I and my mum would have been on the streets of new York by now.

I was still little when this incident happened i couldn't do anything i was just 10 when i lost my dad and i vowed to take back everything that belongs to us from my uncle

Now i and my mum live at country side but i promised my self that i will make sure to be successful so i can assist my mum in anyway.

And I must take revenge, i must fight for what is rightfully mine.

After thinking about the past, i don't no what Spirit motivated me

I just stood up from my bed, went close to my mum and wiped her tears; i gave her a peck, and told her not to worry anymore that i won't cry again.

" I'm ready to go back to school" I said and smile at her.

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