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The forgotten princess

The forgotten princess

smith's library


๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฟTHE FORGOTTEN PRINCESS ๐ŸŒฟ ๐Ÿ‚ (THE FORGOTTEN PRINCESS' STORY)๐Ÿ‚ PROLOGUE โŒ DON'T COPY OR REPOSTโŒ BY : SMITH'S LIBRARY. Alicia Roselyn Von Heist is the youngest daughter of King Edward of alvannia. She is an illegitimate child born from a maid in the castle of her father has fancied. After her mother died when she was young her father took her home and adopted her. Because of her low birth and illegitimacy she was neglected by her father the king and bullied by her stepmother the Queen and her step-sibillings.







My name is Alicia Rosalyn von heist, I am the third child and the youngest daughter of the current king of alvannia, Edward Von Heist. I have two older sisters and one Younger brother. I am the only illegitimate child.

My mother was a maid in the palace. My father the king, was infatuated with her beauty. She had platinum blonde hair and silver eyes. All of her features I have inherited.

My mother was kicked out of the palace by the queen after knowing of my father's relationship with her. After a few months she knew she was pregnant with me.

She brought me up by herself. We had a simple and poor life outside the palace but we were happy, but one day everything changed when my mother got sick.

I was five years old then, still too young, my mother was bedridden and her life was draining away in front of my eyes. That was when he arrived,my father the king.

My mother begged my Father the King to take me as his child because she was dying of sickness, I still remember her words.


"Your majesty, Alicia is also your daughter. " My mother said with tears on her face. She was breathing heavily as if oxygen was barely going into her lungs. "I don't have much time in this world. Please take care of her,I beg of you. "

"Mother no..... Please don't leave me. " I cried so much at her bedside.


Because this was my mother's last wish my father obliged. I saw my mother's last breath and my world shattered into pieces after. That day my father took me in the palace as his "adoptive' daughter.

Arriving in the palace I learned that I heard two older sisters. Veronica, who is two years old and Elizabeth ,who is a year older than me. I also have a younger brother Richard,who I two years younger than me.

The only one that are good to me were my younger brother Richard. Who is always by my side playing with me and general Robert , my step siblings grandfather and the Father of my stepmother the Queen.

Nine years have passed by and living in the palace as a third princess was not easy.

The people in the kingdom of alvannia doesn't know much about me. I wasn't able to attend parties and balls with my siblings. I was the forgotten princess of alvannia.

But that changed when my 14th Birthday arrived. It was custom that a daughter from the royal family needs to be presented to the public. Hence a grand ball is held in the palace. All the high class families of the kingdom of alvannia are invited for the reason,to search for suitable suitors for the Royal daughter, even royalty from neighboring countries are invited to attend.

General Robert has fought with my father and stepmother to give me the Royal custom given to daughter of The Royal family, he said it was my birth right. Even though grandpa Robert isn't my flesh and blood he has loved me as his own granddaughter.

After some nagging and fights, my father agreed at last. And that day of the grand ball had arrived. I was dressed with a beautiful. It was the first time I have worn a beautiful dress.

Looking at the mirror I was so much different From my usual self. The usual me wore the hand-me-downs of my sisters, they give me a dress that is out of date and were faded. I don't wear makeups and my hair is always tied in a bun.i can't outshine my sister's in beauty. I have to always look normal compared to them.

But now I look so beautiful , my hair was styled with beautiful hair ornament. I am wearing makeup and jewelrys. I was though I am looking like a strange and not myself.

'Knock Knock' there was a knock on the door.

The door opened and the maid entered and bowed Infront of me.

"Your highness, all the guest has arrived. His majesty the king has called for you.

The maid said.

I said to her.

'I understand, I will be there in shortly,

I looked at the Young lady in the mirror once again and take a deap breath.

I lifted my skirt and exited the door.

I was walking steadily. I have been practicing how to walk with heals and a ball gown for the past two weeks. I am confidently walking with my head help up high like a princess would.

At the end of the hallway was the stairs leading down to the ballroom of the palace. There my father was waiting for me his back was facing me when I arrived and stood beside him.

"Your majesty,my father king". I greeted him like a princess would. I hold my skirt with my hands and made a courtesy.

"Rise my daughter," father ordered me.

I slowly stand up and look up at him, me father was looking at me with surprise. This was the first time I saw him look at me emotion. I'm the past he always look at me indifferently.

The servants around us were also looking at me with surprise and awe. They stopped what they were doing to look and stare at me.

"Ahem" My father cleared his throat. "Come let us not keep the guests waiting.

My father offered his arm, I held it in my hand gently.

I looked down the ball room, many people from Noble and high classes are wearing beautiful dresses and suits. Some are chattering, some are eating and some are dancing on the dance floor.

Then the musician stopped playing the music, one servant blew the trumpet to get the guests attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, King Edward Von Heist, ruler of alvannia.and his daughter third princess Alicia Roselyn Von Heist." The herlad announced our presence.

My father started to descend the stairs and I followed him,we were descending slowly. I can see the people below were still chattering.

I was focusing in my walk when we are close at the bottom ,I noticed that I can't hear the chattering of guests anymore, I looked around and the people's eyes, they all looking towards me. Their faces where a mix of surprise, awe, wonderment and jealousy.

When my father and I reached the ground we stopped.

Dear guest, Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present to you my third daughter. The third princess of alvannia, Alicia Roselyn Von Heist, My father announced with the essence of a king.

The guests applauded, I was feeling overwhelmed.this is my first time to attend a ball.

And here now I was the star of the night.

"Haha your majesty," A middle aged Stout man approached us. " I didn't know that you we're hiding such a beautiful daughter.

"Duke Cunningham," Father greeted, "Alicia greet the duke".

" It's a pleasure the meet you duke Cunningham," I greeted.

"Hahaha the pleasure is all mine, Duke Cunningham said, your majesty Good thing that you have presented this beautiful daughter of yours. My son Williams just turned sixteen. He is a fine young guy that can be of good Match with your daughter Alicia."

"Duke, my daughter just turned fourteen isn't it little too early to make matches?" My father replied.

I have heard of William Cunningham. he's the head of the Cunningham family. It is Said that he was a Rising Nobel here in alvannia.

He is not only intelligent but also handsome. Many young noble women are vying for his attention. And that includes my sister,the second princes Elizabeth.

Nonsense,there is no such thing as early in Match making," Duke Cunningham said" "William, my son where is that boy?" He was searching the crowd.

" Father," I heard a voice of a young man in the crowd.

A blonde haired boy emerged from the crowd. He has light blue eyes and fair skin. His smile was dazzling.

"Ah there he is, William my boy. Come here," the Duke ordered.

"Your majesty, your highness," William bowed before us.

"Arise, my father ordered.

I also greeted him with courtesy, "Sir Willam. Is a pleasure to meet you ," I Said.

" Princess ,the pleasure is all mine." William took my hand and kissed the back.

In alvannia, if a gentleman greets a lady with a kiss behind the hand it means that he is interested to getting to know her better. Either as a friend or in a romantic way.

I blushed with his gesture, Willam looked at me and gave me a Sweet and gentle smile.

"Oh look at them your majesty,they Just look good with each other," The duke said . " William my boy are you willing to get to know princess Alicia better? The duke asked.

"If the princess let me," William said with a smile, "Can I visit you once in a while in your courtyard?.

I was frozen in place. This was the first time a boy has ever took noticed of me, I was lost for words.

"Ahh"...I Said not knowing what to say.

Well if young Willam here wish to Court my daughter then I will respect his wish,but expect that courting that courting a princess won't be easy," My father said.

"Hahaha,... Ofcourse your majesty.i am sure my Willam is up for the challenge," The duke said. His laughter was genuine.

Then please princess, let me at least start being your friend first." William requested.

"O-okay," I stuttered.......

TO BE CONTINUED..............๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚

๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚ LET LOVE ๐Ÿ’• LEAD ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚


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