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Beast Awaken

"Help!" I yelled as fast as my feet could carry me. I'm being chased by bad guys who are trying to have their way on me. My boyfriend sold me to a rich old freak just because I'm a virgin. "Someone help me!" I yelled because my feet are now giving in. My lungs hurt and I don't think I will be able to continue running anymore. I stumbled upon a rock and I fell. "Give up young lady!" A man who seems like a giant declares. The four of them who have been chasing after me all surrounded me, staring at me with a Devilishly smirk. "Please! Don't hurt me!" I pleaded, crawling on the floor to find an escape way. "You are going to be a nice snack for..." Before one of them could be able to complete their statement, someone suddenly appeared. My vision was blurry but I could tell that I saw a monster in a human form. He uses his claw to kill those that were surrounding me, within a few seconds. I crawl backwards because I don't want a beast to kill me. The beast changed back to its human form, and then he leaned closer to me. He sniffed his nose, and then I heard a hypnotizing voice that brought a chill down my spine. "Mate!" He declares, touching the strand of my hair. **** Bellatrix Addison is the only child of her parents who abused and maltreated her. An accident leads to her realizing that she's mated to a vampire. 'What would happen when Bellatrix Finds out that the one who she's mated to, has to sacrifice her in order to save his Kingdom?'

Chapter 1 Mine

It was a stormy Friday night, and I have no umbrella with me.

The one person who I had once imagined would be so nice to me suddenly turned out to be my worst nightmare.

He used to be my boyfriend, but as of this night, he decided to sell me like a whore to some rich men.

A sack was utilized to cover my entire body.

I was forced inside a car, and truth be told I was Damn scared.

Never in my life could I imagine my boyfriend could do this to me.

"Help! Please don't do this!" I cried out loud, but the more I cry, the more the person seems to derive pleasure in pushing me further inside the car.

"Shut up your mouth Bellatrix!" My useless boyfriend yelled at me.

If someone else told me that my boyfriend would be able to raise his voice at me, then I wouldn't have believed, not until this very day.

"Please, you can do this to me, Philip!". I cried while struggling myself away from those that were all caging me.

Since they use something to close my eyes, I was unable to see my boyfriend's face.

How I wish I could have taught him a lesson of his life.

We used to be perfectly in love, but it's now all in the past.

I had heard him say that he was going to give me out to rich men, and I don't want it, because I'm a Damn Virgin.

Even though we have been in a relationship for a while now, I have never been intimate with him.

We haven't even kissed each other, but the only thing that has occurred between the two of us is that we have both pecked and hugged each other.

I wanted to scream louder, perhaps someone might hear me, but I was Damn weak, and most of all, I'm confused.

I couldn't wrap everything together, because never in my wildest dream could I have imagined something like this to happen.

I heard the door of the car being shut with full force, which caused me to shiver.

I was lucky enough that my boyfriend still has a little consciousness left inside of him because he created a hole, which I was able to breathe.

The car accelerated, and all I could do was quietly sit down, and wait for my fate to come and give me a wonderful kiss, or should I even say that I'm no longer waiting for my fate, but instead, I'm going to pay my destiny a visit.

I couldn't tell how many hours the car has been driving, but right now, I'm so tired.

I felt like sleeping, but I still decided to remain alert, because it's Damm dangerous to sleep in this situation.

"When are we going to reach there?" I finally muttered out, which made the men that were all surrounding me chuckle.

"We have only been driving for fifteen minutes, my love!" A man said, with a tone of mockery.

I hate the way he said 'My Love' because the last time I remember, I wasn't the love of any other person except that despicable Philip of a human, or perhaps a monster.

"Why are you being so impatient?" Another man asked, and soon, I started feeling his fingertips all over my body.

I moved a bit towards my right and was surprised that my butt hit the butt of a man.

The man chuckled in a disgusting way, which made me feel as if I'm about to puke.

I was still holding myself from throwing up, but then I suddenly realized that my hand wasn't tied.

I had thought that Philip tied my hand, but I guess it was all in my head because I couldn't even feel any robe around my hand.

And then the idea suddenly popped up in my head, and without wasting time, I slowly bent my head and took off the sack.

It seems as if they weren't staring at me, so I was successful with that.

Immediately I raised my head, they suddenly noticed what I had just done.

The driver stopped the car and was about to land a slap across my face, but then I bit the man to my left, and quickly opened the door.

The man who sits at my right suddenly raises his hand to drag my hair, but my action was just too fast, so he wasn't successful.

It was damn raining, and not to mention the fact that it was heavily raining.

I started running as fast as my feet could carry me.

The men who were asked to deliver Mr safely by Jeff started running after me, and soon it turned out to be a cat and dog rescue.

I hadn't noticed that other cars were also asked to keep an eye on my car, so when they saw me, they started chasing after me with their car.

I decided to enter inside a tiny street, and there was no way the car could pass the street, so they all came down from the car, and continued chasing me.

It wasn't that late, but because it was raining heavily, no single person was seen on the road.

I continued running, and I became weak. My legs hurt, my eyes were heavy but I wasn't on the edge of giving up.

After running in the tiny street for a while...... I found a road that suddenly leads to the main road.

The huge men weren't that fast in running, and I guess it's as a result of the fact that they are huge, and their body is kinda heavy.

I ran straight to the main road, and my heart, which was no longer in my body for a while, seemed to be smashed into pieces.

While running towards the road, I wasn't paying any attention to my surroundings, and I almost ran into a car.

Luckily the owner of the car was able to match the break on time, so I wasn't hurt.

Something in me suddenly told me to run towards the owner of the car, and asked them for help, but after thinking about it for seconds, I shake my head and continue walking because I don't know if those people in the car are bad, or if they are good.

"Help!".I yelled while running as fast as my feet could carry me.

"Help! someone please help me!" I continue yelling.

Five huge men were currently chasing me, and they were chasing me while holding some harmful object in their hands.

There were more than five before but right now, which was when I turned my head to stare at them, I figure out that there are only five left, which means the others weren't able to keep up.

I continued running as fast as I could, and I was panting heavily. My head was spinning and my throat felt so sore.

All that my brain could shout at me was 'RUN' And I have to run for my life.

My life was at stake, and I have to make it alive before these people would end up killing me.

My eyes were already weak, and before I knew it, I stumbled upon a stone and ended up falling on the floor.

"Hahaha! There's no escape room for you princess!" One of the men who was chasing me said in a hoarse and firm voice.

I shiver and wrap myself while weeping silently.

Before the man could even get hold of me. Someone suddenly showed upfront about me.

I started crawling backward, but then I heard a hoarse, yet hypnotizing voice.

"You are alright Okay!, for I won't let anyone hurt you" The voice said while placing his hands on my waist.

It all happened like a movie because in the next minute, all those that were chasing me head were suddenly on the floor..... and I guess this is the most terrifying horror movie I have ever watched because I'm part of the movie.

"Are you alright?" The person asked, with a caring tone.

"Who...... who are you?". I ask while stammering.

"Mine!". He said with a possessive voice while caressing my cheek and I felt the spark. It was an electrical flow that suddenly passed inside my body, and it suddenly made me feel secure all of a sudden.

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