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The story is about a girl Jacqueline Holmes a sweet, jovial but hot tempered girl, her family got bankrupt and she went through a lot of insults and all because of these; what even affected her the most was her dad's accident, he died in a car accident. Her mom was left alone to take care of her and her younger sister Dana. Her mom could hardly cope with the whole situation and she fell sick, it was so serious to the extent that she could not work Jac had to quit school to fend for her family and take care of her mom When she finally got the opportunity to go back to school, it turned out to be one of the biggest schools in the country, the school were giving scholarship for the very first time She rejected the opportunity because she remembered what she went through with these rich class white she was younger with her mother, sister and best friend's persuasion she applied for the scholarship and passed Getting into the school, it was another ball game The story is really interesting and fun, it's full of suspense, drama, love and a lot more šŸ„°šŸ„°

Chapter 1 WEB HIGH: ONE

Jacqueline's POV

The blaring sound of my alarm woke me up from my deep sleep as I sleeping stretched my hand and turned it off;

"uhh....It's morning already" I grumbled as I stood up and went to the bathroom, I quickly brushed my teeth and had my bath, wore my clothes and applied a slight makeup before leaving the room with my small bag.

I got to the living room and met my little sister, Dana already having breakfast

"You made breakfast?" I asked Dana as I walked down the stairs

"Yeah, I woke up pretty early so I decided to make it,"

"You could have woken me, I overslept," I said and packed my hair

"Uhhh Jac you're leaving already", my mom said immediately she noticed me

"Yeah I gotta run"

"Without having breakfast?"

"Don't worry mom I'll have breakfast later, thanks "

"Okay take care of yourself"

Yes mom, love you", I said as I pecked her cheek

"Love you too sweetie"

"Bye sis"Dana also said

"Bye dear" I went and gave her a side hug then dashed out of the house, I walked for a few distance before I finally got a taxi I waved it down and hopped in

"DQC mall" I said to him but he just nodded and started driving. He carried two other passengers along the road when he got to my destination he stopped and I paid him and alighted

I walked briskly into the mall wore my work outfit and set out to work

Jared's POV

The Orser's mansion

I heard a knock on my door as I jerked out of my sleep, I had slept off on my work table while working last night; the knock came again

"Come in"

The door opened and Bex, my P.A walked in with a file

"Good morning Mr Orser", he greeted but I just walked to the refrigerator without replying him

"What is it this early morning?", I asked instead as I took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator and took a sip of it.

"Mr Walton asked me to give this to you",he replied handling over the file with him to me; I collected it from him then sat back to take a look at it, I looked through it then suddenly looked up irritably

"What's this?"

"It's a scholarship program that the school board......"

"I'm not blind I can see that it's a scholarship program, who the hell brought up this kind of idea", I asked angrily

"I'm not sure about that, but Mr Walton said he discussed it with the chairman already and he accepted"

" Shit! What the hell is Dad thinking??", I said as I picked up my phone from the table and pulled a call across to him, his secretary picked at the first ring

"I need to speak with Dad?",

"The chairman is in a meeting right now he can't come to the phone", the secretary said and this annoyed me even more

"Give the phone to him", I said with clenched teeth and he had no choice but to budge

"Yes sir"

After a few minutes later,

" What is it that you wanted to talk about that couldn't wait till I was done with the meeting, I had to stop the meeting early because of you", Dad said as picked up the phone

"I saw the scholarship program that Mr Walton sent,"

"So what about it??"

"Are you really approving this nonsense?!"

"Watch your language Jared?!"

"Dad you of all people know that we can't just accept anyone to school, and now you want to organize a scholarship program, What's going?"

"We're not accepting just anyone Jared we're just giving some of the best students in the country an opportunity, it's not really a big deal"

"We've not done anything like this before, don't you think this is too risky? I mean we're involving commoners"

"Jared there is no big deal in trying something new" dad wasn't the type that just makes rash decision

"This is unlike you, what are you planning this time?" He asked instead and his dad laughed and said

"You're growing uhh; now you know that things just don't happen, they happen for reasons, that's good to know anyway I'm very busy here so I'm hanging up now", he disconnected the call.

I dropped my phone on the table angrily as I thought of what dad said;scholarship program out of the blues? for some reason I don't feel too good about the idea, I sighed and looked at Bex who was still standing beside me

"I need you to do something for me"


Writer: Alo(Abisola)

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