Teddy Hawam is a young billionaire at the head of a huge family business empire. His parents decided on a whim to find him a wife without his consent. Teddy's back is against the wall. He has only one solution, to find himself a wife. He stumbles across Maƫlys, a young woman employed in one of his restaurants and raising her niece alone. He makes her the proposal to marry him just for a short period of time and in exchange, he will help her realize her greatest dream. Maƫlys ends up accepting this proposal, despite her reluctance at first. However, she is far from imagining the challenges she will face in this rich family.
Maƫlys came home from work this evening very tired. It was Christmas month. The restaurant where she worked was always very posh during this period. Besides that, it was the month she hated the most. She was constantly in a bad mood this time of the year because it brought back unpleasant memories. She wondered what people found so interesting about this feast. They were so agitated instead of staying in the warmth of their family cocoon. Why they were wasting so much energy getting out in the freezing cold? Just for one more scam.
Maƫlys did not understand what was so special about Christmas. Seeing people moving up and down for this feast sake was unbearable for her. How could they not realise that Looks it was the period of year that there was the most loss of life. Without forgetting the exorbitant expenses caused by it. Many people ended up in debt or poor afterwards. If it were up to her, Maƫlys would gladly cross it out of the holidays to be celebrated in this country and even in the rest of the world. Unfortunately, she was nobody and one cared about her will.
These were thoughts that were going through Maƫlys' mind while she was on her way to home. The dim lights, the streets repainted in white, the Christmas carols in all the shops and corners of the street, as well as the famous Christmas tree that she could not take a step in the city without stamping some. It all gave her some of those urges to go and rip them out and throw them out of sight. Fortunately she could finally reach her house where she could rest away from all this Christmas atmosphere.
As soon as she managed to set foot home, she found her little niece waiting quietly for her sitting in the living room. As soon as she saw her aunt getting in, Shela ran to throw herself into her arms. Maƫlys loved her niece more than anything in the world. She would do anything for her. After giving her a hug, she asked her niece how her day had been. Shela told her in great detail what she had been doing all day. Maƫlys took as much pleasure in listening to her. When she finished listening to Shela, Maƫlys entered her room to take a bath, then she went downstairs and warmed up the meal she had brought back from the restaurant where she worked. She and her niece Shela ate in front of their favorite cartoon.
"Mom, why don't we get a Christmas tree? Why can't I see Christmas movies?" The little child asked her aunt in a row.
"Because this feast is nothing but a scam my princess. There is no point in celebrating it.It only brings bad luck." She replied curtly to her niece, ignoring the weight of her words on her.
Shela, disappointed by her aunt's words, retorted
"My friends said that Santa exists for real and that he brings them presents every Christmas morning."
"This is just a fairy tale sweetie! Santa does not exist. The gifts they are talking about are just the ones their own parents leave at the foot of the Christmas tree at midnight before they wake up, but there is nothing real about it. I could also give it to you any day of the year and it wouldn't make any difference. "
"But..." Shela replied, disappointed.
"But nothing my angel! You are a very smart little girl. I don't want you to grow up with dreams that are going to disappoint you when you find out later that it was just a lie." She pointed without mince words.
Shela fell silent with a sad gaze. She listened to her aunt's words like a whip in the face. Yet she dreamed of celebrating Christmas and believing in it.
Maƫlys knew full well that her words were very harsh for a child of Shela's age, but she had to tell the truth to her niece, who she loved very much. She would rather prefer that she learn it from her own mouth than be disappointed years later by being stuck up against the harsh reality. She refused to feed her daughter dreams that would only hurt her. If she at least had had the choice, she would have wanted to be told the truth as she was doing with her niece right now, however painful, than to feed her with such a painful lie. At least she wouldn't be as broken as she was in the face of life's vicissitudes. Shela felt sad and disappointed that all the great stories her friends had told her were just fake.
Maƫlys' niece was six years old and was in preparatory class. She was a very intelligent girl who had tragically lost both parents. She did not remember them either, because they died when she was only nine months old. Since then, it was her aunt Maƫlys who raised her. She cared for her and loved her like a loving mother. But her sole flaw was her stance on Christmas. From a younger age, Shela did not understand why her aunt became so belligerent when mentioning this feast, which nevertheless pleased her very much. As little as she could remember the past at a young age, Shela had never taken part in a Christmas feast. She and her aunt were locked in the room all day on Christmas Day. She watched with very envious eyes these children of her age who wore their best clothes and went out with their parents to film themselves at the foot of the largest Christmas tree in the city. How she would like to be in their place! If only she could have a Christmas tree just for her and her aunt. So, the two of them would decorate it by drinking hot chocolate while singing Christmas carols which would appear on the DVD. On Christmas night, they would go sit on the terrace of their apartment and admire the fireworks. But it looked like it was too good a dream to be true! Shela was so desperate that her aunt decided to deprive her of this happiness. What scared her and made her even more miserable was the thought that she would go many more years to come without being able to celebrate Christmas. No, it was too much for her. She was also entitled to this happiness and she should taste it at all costs. For that, she had to convince her aunt and make her change her mind about the dark image she had of Christmas. But how could she do that? This question remained unanswered until now. Even the smartest minds would have a headache trying to find the answer, Shela had thought.
Tonight before sleeping, she said a little prayer that seemed harmless, but she put so much faith in it and all her little heart.
"My God, at this time that we are celebrating your coming to earth, I beg you, give mom to love Christmas so that we can celebrate with joy." She then fell asleep with the hope of being answered.
Chapter 2: "Get married!"
Mr. Hawam sat in his office with his eyes glued to his computer. Someone entered without knocking at the door. He looked up to see who it was. He saw Lens his childhood friend and also his employee approach him. The two were very close, they looked like brothers as they got along wonderfully. Lens took a seat as Mr. Hawam returned to his computer.
"Still busy at work ?!" Lens said reproachfully.
"Obliged, if I want to keep my business at the forefront." He said, his eyes still riveted on the machine in front of him.
"I thought it was your month off."
"Yeah, but that doesn't keep me from peeking into my work every now and then. Besides, you know work de-stresses and relaxes me."
"Does that mean you're stressed? And why is that?" Lens asked his friend curiously.
"Ah Lens!" Mr Hawam said, releasing a sigh. At the same time, he took his eyes off his computer and focused on Lens. He then talked to his friend in a desperate tone.
"I'm getting married in three weeks."
"What? How? Why?" Even though he was concerned about his situation, Lens's reaction amused Mr. Hawam who couldn't help but laugh.
"My friend, I'm done. I don't know how to change my parents' minds.They are so stubborn in wanting to see me fit that if nothing is done, I'll be entering the New Year being married."
"Whoa! And who is the lucky one?" Lens asked with interest.
"So this is the highlight of the story. Imagine, it's Amy." Lens nearly fell backwards hearing who it was.
"My brother, you are in trouble indeed!"
"I'm not making you say it!" M. Hawam exclaimed.
"I see only one loophole from your problem." Lens told him, taking on a more serious air.
At the same time, this phrase aroused the curiosity of Mr. Hawam who sat up straight in his seat and asked eagerly
"Oh yeah? Which one?"
"Well, get married before the deadline!" Lens replied confidently.
Mr. Hawam looked at him oddly, believing he was joking. But seeing his serious face, he replied
"Are you serious there ?! And by what wave of a magic wand am I going to get myself a wife if so far I don't even have the semblance of a girlfriend?"
"It's simple my friend, find yourself a wife and very quickly."
Mr. Hawam looked at his friend, finding him crazy. How could he suggest that he find a woman to marry, and this within three weeks ?! It was not a business that he was going to run. It was about his life, his future. Where did he ever hear that one gets married on a whim? He took offense at the idea of his friend, that he then found grotesque.
"Can you hear yourself talking? Where am I going to find a woman to marry at this hour?
Or is there a women's market where those who want to get married go there to buy some? Remember that all the women around me are all interested."
"Calm down my brother! What I am suggesting to you is to find a young woman who could just play the part of your wife while you are at your parents' house. Just make them believe that you are already married and in this case, they will no longer insist on marrying you to Amy. "
Mr. Hawam found the idea of Lens not that bad. It's true that if his parents saw that he was married, they wouldn't bother him anymore.
Other books by Hannah04