Danica and Daphne twins sisters who gain powers from a mysterious necklace The necklace has a dark black history How did they get hold of something so powerful It made them turn against each others
Sisters fight šŖāļø
(How it all started)
By Blackgirl Riri š
"Darn it!!! Darn it!!! Darn it!!!, everything is Danica,all about her..why can't I just have a permanent bright light that will shine only in my direction.. Daphne yelled in frustration banging on the table at her front
She cursed the day she knew Danica...yes she do..her and her twin sister were never like this,they are always each others supporters and they both love each others dearly but not anymore
Daphne blame her parents for everything,it's has always been their fault from day one,they were always making her feel left out,like she was an outsider and was always treating Danica special
Danica is the favorite daughter of her parents,while Daphne on the other hand seems not to exist in her parents lives upon everything she does to make them proud they'll never ever be proud,they won't even show concern..all they could do is nag all day like Daphne this, Daphne that..and throw insult and tantrum on her..like you a a liability,you are lazy..
The thing that always pain Daphne was the comparison her parents always compare her and her twin together..like.."can't you see your sister is doing better, can't you be like her you lazybones...
"Arghhhh,she yelled throwing all the ceramic jugs on the floor as hot tears rolled down her checks
āļøThe telephone rang..till it reach a voice note
āļøHey Daph,it's me again..I just want to remind you of the events dress code,mom have change it from blue to red,call me when this get to you ,buy... Danica said from the other line and hung up
Daphne scoffed and sniffed,here she is crying and destroying the little she has while her sister is just there feeling alright
"It's not fair,she mumble inside before walking upstairs
* * *
"Hey Daph,I was so worried about you,you didn't pick or return any f my calls, Danica said worriedly
"Stop pretending like you care,we both know you don't care, Daphne said
"I care,I swear... Daphne you have to stop all this madness,I will never hate on you .we are sisters,twin sisters for that matter, Danica said with all seriousness,she meant every word she spat
"Just stop it,I'm here for the event and do you know the main reason why I'm here, Daphne asked
"To support me and my business, Danica said
"No dear sister,that's not why I'm here,I'm here to see your business get rejected and watch you go home crying,nobody will want your so called handcrafted necklace and ugly earrings and bracelet, Daphne said with annoyance
"Why did you start hating me all of a sudden,what have I ever done to you.. Danica said trying to fight back the tears that threatening to drop anytime soon
"Everything, you've done everything to me and I hate you for that
"How could you say that,I can you hate me Daph,I am your flesh and blood,we are twins sisters Daphne, Danica said as the tears drop down her chubby cheeks as she sniffs
"That's just want I wanted,to see you in pain just like you've always brought me.. Daphne said walking away,she is happy seeing Danica cry...it means a lot to her
"Oh honey I and your father have been looking for you,come they will start calling the winners..Mrs Anderson said
"Have you been crying,Mr Anderson asked
"No,it's ju..ust ..it's just that I'm being emotional,I can't believe I'm here at La beaut showcasing my work, Danica lied,she can't tell her parents about Daphne rude behavior
"Your sister is not here,she is not concerned,Mr Anderson said
"She has never been concern in her life,Mrs Anderson said
"No mom and dad, Daphne was here a few minutes,she just went to use the toilet, Danica said
"Whatever,let's go in baby,Mrs Anderson said
"I'm so proud of you Danica,how I wish Daphne can be like you .Mrs Anderson said as they three of them walked in
Other books by Blackgirl Riri