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Mr billionaire's woman

Mr billionaire's woman



He's allergic to human's touch., he's ruthless and also a billionaire what happens when he found out he wasn't alegic to only one person will he keep her by his side of let go of her?... Find out as you join us in this amazing story

Chapter 1 MY STORY

On a rainy night one day....I was in the car with my parents we were singing and cheering happily.. suddenly I heard and loud noise and our car was rolling on the floor and I saw both of my parents eyes closed with alot of blood on their faces and clothes the suddenly my vision became blurry and I passed out...

3 days later I woke up In an hospital with my uncle beside me then I slowly called out to my uncle and he held my hand kissing it and he went out to call the doctor I was so scared when. I saw the doctor checked my eyes with a small touch light I had no idea what he was doing after that I heard the doctor tell him I was alright..

then my uncle sat next to me with his son and I asked if my parents then suddenly he looked down I was so scared and I asked again then he told me they are both dead u was so shocked then a little drop of tears fell on my cheek then I told him to take me to them.

I went to both of my parents ceremonial the next day then I saw both of my parents lawyer in which they came and said I'm now going to be in charge of both of my parents properties I cannot understand what he meant by that because I was still young I was just 10 years old boy then immediately my uncle came to me and told me to I can ce leave with him and he can help me take care of my properties buh immediately my uncle touched me I began to have rashes of my body big rashes that I couldn't even breath well I felt like my body system has being d shut down immediately I fell and lost conciousness

"Then d next day u woke up in the hospital and I saw the doctor trying to stay far from me wearing gloves and nose mask then I asked what's writing them they told me I have a diseases which I cannot make body contact with human being or else my body will react and my system is going to shut down like that I felt earlier..I was lost of words but I never developed that kind of diseases when my parents were alive then.. I couldn't see my uncle anywhere and even my cousin's I only saw d doctor and nurse.."

""Few hours later" my parents lawyer cake in and also wore the dresses I saw the doctors wore earlier trying to keep distance after what he has heard about me then he handed my parents "will" to me and told me my parents told him to take me to our new house..

Few days later after being discharged from the hospital I went to our new house and I saw my parents personal assistant Mr Ray in the house with some few other maids then I greeted politely and they also greeted me back and I went to my new room.. that's how my new life story began anyways I forgot to tell you all my name so..my name is


16 years later".....

I'm now 26yrs old I've been living my past sixteen years in this mansion without leaving because I must know not body contact with human being due to the diseases I have and now I'm a billionaire who has one of the biggest company in england"

So today I decided to meet one of the best doctors in the world today since he is currently in england..

"Good morning young master" my ray greeted me I just noded to him without responding because I was so eager to meet the doctor..then I picked up my car key and jacket and I was about to leave then mr ray called me back young master you have to eat before you go out ..uhmmm I'm not hungry I'll eat when I come back.."OK" mr ray replied to me....make sure to be careful and not make body contact with others..uuhm I just noded and say okay then I got into my car and drove off....

15 minutes later.... I got to the hospital...I saw 5 doctors seated in front of me my sit was a long distance from them...when I got it in I took of my mask and the doctors asked me if my diseases then I explained to them..and they all laughed thinking I was joking..one of them say it's impossible I have never heard of such before..I got very angry looking at them Making jest of me then I took of my Jacket and I went to one of them and held him...then suddenly I felt my body system change rapidly and my rashes spread throughout my body I was breathless...my eyes were so red...and they all got scared and stood up thinking I was a monster... immediately I took out my injection and injected my self then suddenly the rashes went down...and yh the injection was my only cure for now it's helps sometimes I was given the injection my personal doctor in Canada he said it could only subside my pains and rashes for a short time....

***Back at the hospital***

After injecting myself I got up and took my Jacket and left the hospital....on my way back home I was really angry..then I say the traffic light turned red I wasn't in my right senses then..so I saw a delivery bike coming I had to stop my car immediately and I saw that I smashed the delivery bike...I was shocked I didn't come down from my car then I saw the delivery lady stood up and walk towards my car....then she knocked my window telling me to come down..I could see it on her face that she was extremely angry then I wore my black gloves and whined the window down a little then she started shouting and screaming at me telling me to come down...when I saw her I was speechless..yh she's one of the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my entire life I was lost in my thoughts...then suddenly I came back to life after hearing her scream at me again..then I apologized to her saying I'm sorry but she said No she won't forgive me until I come down and look at the mess I made....then I took my nose mask and came down trying to distance myself from her then suddenly she held the collar of my clothe..I was shocked I had to push her away and try to run back to my car then suddenly she held my hand I shut my eyes for a few seconds and they were red already.......

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