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THE MAFIA'S HEARTBEAT {She's on a mission}

THE MAFIA'S HEARTBEAT {She's on a mission}

Rare 5145


THE MAFIA'S HEARTBEAT💢 {She's on a mission} 🖊Rare 🚫Don't copy or repost🚫 Tags: Lies, love, heartbreak, bloodshed, suspicion, secrets, mafia, enemies and many more....... Genre: Romance PROLOGUE Meet Matteo Pierce..... Matteo Pierce....the leader of the white serpent; the most dreadful of all the mafia clan in Denim......Matteo is feared by all....they are only two people in the world he cares about and that's his daughter Zola and his bestfriend Nellie Cyprus..... There are two people Matteo despise which are his mum and Pierce( His dad)......but that's not the issue on ground..... After Nellie and Zola, the next thing Matteo cares about is money!...come in between him and his money and face the cruelty of the drug lord.... What happened when Rebel Wright comes into the picture? Rebel Wright, the female lead....she's the best underground investigator in the whole of Denim, she has never lost a case before...the first case that happened to give her a hard time is that of the mafia druglord....she has try everything within her power to gather evidences against him but all her attempt yielded no positive result....that mean just one thing, he's not to be messed with..... Together with her teammates, Rebel devised a major to finally bring the druglord down....the only option, is to go into his clan and gather enough evidence since he always manage to cover his track..... Will Rebel succeed on this? What will be her fate when she lands in the clan? Will everything go as planned? Will Matteo be easily fooled by her? SUPPORTING CHARACTERS Meet Nellie Cyprus.....She's Matteo's bestfriend....they have being friends since childhood....she works hand in hand with him as she has been with him since he established the clan disguised to be a modeling company....only their fellow mafia's knows about this secret that the modelling company is just a cover and nothing more.....Nellie has a soft spot for Matteo but failed to tell him because she knows what his reaction is going to be as Matteo despise the word love.....Such word doesn't exist in his vocabulary after what Zola's mum did to him..... What happened when Rebel comes into the picture and her beauty intimidated Nellie to the core? Nellie has always suspected that the bitch has something up her sleeve...she tried to find out what it is but will she be able to? Zola Pierce...the only child of the mafia druglord....she's eight years old....hurt Zola and you'll face the wrath of her father Matteo.....if anything happens to my daughter, skulls will row is Matteo's threat to everyone.......Zola despise her father's bestfriend Nellie to the core....it seems she isn't the only one as the hatred happens to be mutual....Nellie pretends to like her when Matteo is around but when he leaves, the story changes..... But what happened when Rebel stepped into the picture and Zola developed a sudden likeness for her? *Excerpt from the story* Marry her daddy, this one looks cute unlike some people Zola said taunting Nellie in the presence of her dad.....unbeknownst to her that the angel she sees is a devil in disguise..... Let me stop here😉 Let's roll the dice my dear rarelite........ The story of a Mafia who fell for his downfall Rebel (the investigator




Chapter 1

Rebel and her teammates hid behind a dark spot watching the van that just packed in front of the modelling company.....

"Are you sure about this?" Jolie (one of her teammate) asked

"I've never been so sure in my life...it's now or never" She smiled

"What if the car ain't going where we suspected? What are you going to do then?" Another of her teammates Watson asked

"Boss said the bus will lead to his clan.....those people are no model Watson....that Matteo of a guy wanna use our sense but i Rebel Wright ain't easily fooled" She winked

"My bag" She stretched her hands to him and he gave her the bag.....

"Good..." She smiled

The van has been opened Jolie tapped her.....

"Wish me luck guys" She pouted

"All the best" Watson screamed....she placed her bag on her back and began sneaking to go join the model who were about to go into the van.....it will be easy for her to blend in since she happens to have a killer shape as well....

"This is one hell of a mission" Jolie sighed

Rebel joined the models and they all entered into the van....

"I've never seen you before, are you new here?" One of the model asked her

"Me? New?" She chuckled....

"you must be kidding"

"It's just that have never seen this face before" The model eyed her suspiciously

"How will you be able to recall my face when we're this much....anyways, i just returned from country X...went on and errand for the boss" She lied

"Oh i see" The model smiled

"welcome back to Denim"


"When are the girls arriving?" Matteo shuttered

"They ought to be here an hour ago, they have to supply this drugs tonight, our clients from the likes of county X are in town" He said puffing out smoke from his pipe, he was shirtless...the only thing on his body is the short on his waist and the chains on his neck, his body were covered with tattoos.

"Relax, they'll be here in a second Dexton said they just moved from the company a minute ago" Nellie explained

"Hmm" He hummed

The door was pushed open and some bitches stepped into the room, they were two in number, one was putting on a red short dress that barely reached her thigh, she rocked the outfit with a pair of stilleto heels. the other way nothing to write home about, she was putting on lingeries which exposed her artificial boobs and ass and also, she wore a pair of heels.

"Time to have some fun" Matteo smirked

Nellie stared at the bitches that just came in with disgust.

"what are they doing here Matteo?" She frowned

"To warm my bed for the night" He smirked

"Warm your bed? Why do you keep abusing your body? Why can't you just use me? What if these bitches have STDs?" She pouted

"Who are you calling a bitch?" The one with the red outfit glared at Nellie

"Isn't that what you are?" She rolled her eyes

"you all are god forsaken bitches" She spat

"You" one of the girls charged at her

"Enough" Matteo's thunderous voice made them to stop on their track.

"Nellie use the door" He ordered icily.

"I've told you time without number that i don't screw people i regard as friend, don't worry about them having STD, i know their faces, if anything happens to me, I'll wipe out their bloodlines from the face of the earth" He threatened

The bitches swallowed he's indeed as they had said ruthless and merciless

Nellie still stood glaring at them.

"Nellie" He gritted his teeth

"Fine" she rolled her eyes and began walking out furiously.

"Check on my angel" Matteo screamed after her. she rolled her eyes and continued walking.

"No foreplays, take off your clothes and get your fucking ass on the bed" He ordered icily

They smiled and began taking off their clothes.

Nellie shut the door and placed her ear on it eavesdropping on them, when their moans began reaching her ears, she folded her fist and began walking off furiously heading to Zola's quarters.




"Please madam Zola, come and take your bathe" The nanny continued running after her

I"t's your work Nanny Zuzu" Zola chuckled and continued running round the room

Nellie kicked the door open and walked into the room furiously.

Zola stopped running and a glaring contest broke through.

"Why the noise Zuzu? Do you guys wanna bring down this building?" She barked at Zuzu who bowed her head not saying a word, everyone knows Nellie, once she's talking to you, you better remain silent or a slap will follow.

"What's your business with my nanny?" Zola huffed folding her hands furiously

"Watch your mouth bug or I'll descend on you, your dad just failed totally in your upbringing, a child shouldn't be talking when adults are talking" Nellie shuttered

"Did you just insult my daddy?" Zola's nose flared up

"and did i just hear you say that you'll descend on me? Seriously? Do you want your familiy's skulls to row?"

Nellie gritted her teeth, Matteo is really spoiling this kid.

"I've had enough" Nellie gritted her teeth and charged at the little girl, Zola stood where she was anticipating what Nellie will do next.

The door was kicked open, Matteo's personal guard walked in.

"Is everything alright here?" He asked coldly, the moment he made that statement Nellie stopped what she intended doing.

"Why don't you wanna shower honey? Don't you wanna see your daddy?" She squatted in front of Zola and began caressing her cheek.

"Get your filthy hands off me" Zola said in form of a whisper gritting her teeth in the process

"I said is everything okay here?" The guard repeated his statement

"Everything is good" Zuzu replied stuttering

"Sammie is my daddy in?" Zola glared at Nellie before asked

"Yes, boss is in" Sammie bowed his head as a sign of respect.

"Tell him i wanna see him" She ordered

"As you wish madam" He said before retreating from her room.

"Really? Honey?" Zola mocked.

"you disgust me" She spat

"The feeling is mutual" Nellie purred and stood to her feet.

"Nothing happened you hear me?" She turned to Zuzu who nodded fearfully.

"If a word about this goes out what did i say will happen?"

"My poor mum will die" Zuzu said with tears in her eyes

"Good" Nellie smirked, glared at Zola once more and began walking out swaying her hips forcefully.

"Why do you allow her to threaten you that way?" Zola yelled at Zuzu

"I'm sorry" Zuzu bowed her head

"It's time you stand up for yourself, come and bathe me, i have to go see daddy" She said authoritatively.


"Stop master" what started as a moan of pleasure diverted into a pleading of pain

"you're hurting me" The bitch in red broke down as Matteo continued thrusting into her forcefully, she has reached her climax twice but still he isn't ready to stop.

"You wanna fuck huh!" He smirked and continued slamming her hard

"You're hurting me" She whimpered

"All ladies deserve to get hurt" he said coldly

"fuck them as hard as you can but it still won't be enough, they'll crave for a much greater cock" he shuttered.

The other bitch saw the way her co-whore was begging to be free, she who was busy fingerfucking herself a while ago decided to run for her life.

Matteo notice her fear, as she made to run out, he reached for the gun next to the bed and pulled the trigger, the bullet blew off her skull thereby staining the white door she was standing next to.

The other one he was busy fucking gasped and her sobbing filled the entire room, her tears felt like music to the mafia's hear as he continued thrusting into her mercilessly, harder than he was doing a while ago.

"Is this how I'm going to die?" She wondered

"why did i even come in the first place? Is it a crime to wanna model in his company?" The thoughts flowed through her mind as more tears slide down her eyes.

A knock landed on the door.....

"Who dare interrupt?" He yelled with his authoritative voice shaking the entire room as a result.

"Sammie" He said from outside and twisted the doorknob walking into the room fully.

Matteo pointed the gun at him

"I didn't mean to interrupt i swear" Sammie stuttered

"Zola wanna see you"

"Zola?" Matteo dropped his gun

"where is she?" He asked

"Downstairs" Sammie said shuddering

He jumped off from the bed and began putting on his shorts.

The bitch stared at him and sighed in relief....

"Get rid of this piece of shit" He ordered glaring at the corpse that's lying on the floor

"and you" he pointed at her

"I'm watching you, a word from you and your generation will face my wrath" He said and began walking out.

"Sir, the girls are back" Sammie screamed after him

"Thank your lucky stars that you made it" He told the girl who was busy sobbing on the bed.

"I'm done wit hookups, I'll get a life, I'll never risk my life this way again" she said inwardly and grabbed her clothes, not minding to put them on, she took to her heels.


"Daddy" Zola screamed happily as she spotted Matteo walking down the stairs

"My angel" He beamed and patted his hands, she jumped on him happily.

"Dad, you won't believe what happened in school today" Zola began. she must always come back with one gist or the other.

"What happened dear?" Matteo asked curiously

"i wanna know every details"

His men who were around stared at each other weirdly, it isn't the first time but they can't get used to it,

"is it thesame Matteo they know?" The way he acts all lovey dovey with his daughter always shocks them to the bone.

"Wait, she said that?" He frowned as his daughter told him what her teacher said

"Yes she did, she's always fond of insulting you, she said you're irresponsible because you have never attended the school PTA meeting" Zola said innocently

"What's your teacher's name again?" He asked

"Elizabeth Montario" Zola smiled

"Brad, i want you to pay that woman a visit, i bet she's tired of staying in Denim" He ordered one of his boys.....

"I hope you know what i mean?" He said and placed his hands on his neck signally Brad to kill her.

"No teacher badmouths me in front of my daughter" he shuttered

"Did anything else happened?" He asked her

"Yes, Pinkie's daddy bought her a new car daddy, it's really big, i wish i have one like her's "She pouted playing with her finger.

"You want another car? I thought i bought you one last week?" He frowned

"Pretty pretty please" Zola pouted her lips.

"Fine, you know i can't say no to you" Matteo smiled.

"Brad, tell Sammie to get Zola a new car" He ordered

"Yay" She jumped up and began dancing

"Heard the girls are back, i better go pay them a visit" He mumbled

"Escort Zola to her quarters" He ordered

"No daddy, I'll wait here" Zola pouted

"we're going to bed together"

"As you wish angel" He flashed her a smile

"let's go boys" he ordered


"Madam Nellie is coming" The models screamed and began queuing up.

Rebel just stared at them weirdly

"why are they queuing up?" She wondered and remained where she was

Nellie saw that one of the girls weren't moving, she frowned and increased her walking pace.

"Fall into the line" The girl from earlier told Rebel

"Why?" She frowned.

"who does she think she is?" She huffed

"You" Nellie walked up to them, they all fell to their feet and placed their forehead on the floor as a sign of respect.

"Why aren't you down?" Nellie glared at Rebel who was watching everything confusedly,

"how can she bow for a human like her? Never"

Nellie was just an inch away from her, she frowned when she noticed how pretty she is, her lips were shaped like cherry, her eyes aren't black or brown, they're ash in color, she scanned her outfit and noticed that it exposed her cleavage, damn! The bitch was hot,

"her hips, are those even natural?" She wondered

Rebel noticed the way she was scanning her.

"Is there a problem?" She frowned

The rest gasped, no one born of a woman dare question Rebel unless they have a death sentence, everyone knows of this.

"Did you just question me?" Nellie snapped and the next sound heard was a resounding slap which echoed throughout the entire hall.

Rebel held unto her cheeks, since she was born, this is the first time she had received such a slap.

"did a fellow woman like me just slap me? This isn't you Rebel"

"How dare you?" Nellie was still fuming and attempting to give Rebel another slap when she beat her to it, Rebel has just returned the favor.

Nellie held unto her cheek

"did you just hit me?" She gasped

The models on the floor gasped, such a thing has never happened before.

"How dare you?" Nellie screamed angrily and pulled out her rifle from her waist aiming it at Rebel.

Rebel reached for side jacket and pulled out her sidearm, she aimed it back at Nellie.

Everyone's lip parted, Matteo who was walking in stopped on his spot, two rules broken thesame day, such a thing has never happened in the history of white serpent; No member has ever pointed a sidearm at Matteo or Nellie before, such action warrants one punishment which is death.

Nellie's brows creased, her action kinda infuriated her, she made to pull the trigger.

"Stop" an authoritative voice echoed in the hall.

The icy voice made Rebel's heart to skip a beat.

"Boss is here" The models panicked and placed their foreheads back on the floor and began chanting the mafia's hymn.

"Rifles down" He ordered coldly

"Arrgh!" Nellie gritted her teeth and withdrew her rifle but Rebel's rifle remained standing.

"What in the name of mafia commandment is this?" Matteo furrowed his brow

"How dare you disobey your master" The men beside Matteo roared and pointed their guns at her

"Waste her" Nellie gritted her teeth

"Rifle down" Matteo thundered

Rebel dropped her sidearm and waved her hands in air

"Who are you?" Matteo asked coldly

"Is this necessary" Nellie shuttered

"Silence" Matteo barked and she sealed her lips

"I am Rebel Wright" She said authoritatively.

"Stubborn" Matteo fumed inwardly

"What cantonment do you belong?" He barked

"I don't get" Rebel frowned

"I said what division do you belong?" He said with flaring nostril. Rebel frowned, she doesn't understand a thing he's talking about.

"Show me your badge" He ordered

"What badge?" Rebel frowned

"She's an intruder" Nellie gasped

Matteo walked closer to Rebel and ripped off the hand of her outfit for behold there was no tattoo of the white serpent which is their logo and her division wasn't written on her arm as well.

"She's an intruder He snarled

"must be from Pierce" he said with hatred.

"Seize her " He ordered

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