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The Forgotten Angel

The Forgotten Angel



Kelsey Haven Palmer used to believe in guardian angels because of her personal encounter with one of them. Right after she's involved in an accident, she starts to believe in the existence of a God's messenger. In Cambridge University where she studies, she met the famous captain of the basketball team. Asher Grey Dawson was popularly known to be cold and distant. After Kelsey was saved by this guy in the practice of Archery, she accused him as her guardian angel. It was unexpected that meeting him would answer the lingering questions on her mind. She's not aware that it will be the start of unfolding mysteries and puzzles in her life. Do angels really exist? Are they disguised as humans or are they just a product of our imagination?

Chapter 1 Beginning

One of the most treasured beliefs of many people upto this century is that all individuals have their appointed guardian angel. Some of the people missed death by an inch or in other words they are given another chance to live with the help of a god's messenger.

No one has concrete evidence about their existence but there are so many uplifting stories that prove that they are true. Believe it or not, I also have an unforgettable story about my encounter with one of them. Therefore, even if it gives me a positive experience, I can't help but to seek answers to all of my lingering questions. I'm still praying that one day-our paths will cross so I could personally thank him.

"I'm getting crazy about this, Kel. I also have my faith with me but it seemed impossible," Ersy commented.

We're here in my apartment while she's still looking at the old newspaper. I started reminiscing again about what happened before.

I was involved in a car accident. My daddy taught me how to drive and since I am very hard headed, I stole the key from his personal driver and drove the car on my own. I thought it would be easy but when I tried to turn it, the car crashed into a pole.

With the excessive force of the impact, its glass shattered. And that's something we're really wondering about. I'm alright except for the little wound on my head. I'm not overly depressed. Many of the witnesses thought that I'll die because of the strong impact. They also saw that I was with a man in the car but there was actually none. From that day, I started believing that I was saved by him- by my guardian angel.

"Stop thinking about your so-called angel for a while. Class was about to start so we need to prepare," she added while fixing something on her bag.

"Okay," I shortly replied.

We're living in the same apartment. Both are first year college students. Fortunately, our apartment is just a walking distance from the university so that there is no hassle from heavy traffic. I was late for two minutes but thank god, our professor wasn't still there.

He just arrived when I'm comfortably sitting in my seat. He's my favorite teacher afterall. I mean, he always shares his miraculous experience ten minutes before his time ends.

Yesterday, he talked about his personal encounter with an angel. Great! We both believe in their existence.

After our class, like the usual routine, I search for Ersy in the cafeteria. She texted me that their prof extended 20 minutes so I have to wait for her. I just decided to go to the field to see someone.

"Miss, what are you doing there? Step aside!" I was confused because of that shout.

It was too late for me to make a move because I just saw the arrow in the air that would hit in my direction.

"What the hell, Kelsey!" One of the players in archery shouted.

I just covered my face because of the intense fear. I waited for the arrow to hit me but I was relieved when I heard everybody in silence. When I opened my eyes after a few seconds, I was shocked when I saw him. Standing in front of me is Asher- the famous captain of our university's basketball team.

"Hard headed, human," he coldly exclaimed.

He's holding the arrow that almost hit me and I can't believe how he did that. It's the second time that he saved me. The first one is when I was almost hit by the car.

I can't help but to overthink. I also heard stories about guardian angels disguised as humans. Was it him? My appointed guardian angel?


I wasn't able to finish my sentence because he had already left me.

"There's only one thing I can say about everything you've told me, Kelsey. It's so impossible!" my best friend constantly repeated.

I just told her about Asher being my guardian angel because of what happened earlier.

"And one more thing, you don't know Asher that much. Yes, he's very gentleman but try to talk to him, you'll surely hate his personality even more!" she irritatedly added as if something bad happened between the two of them.

I just met Asher now that I am in college but I always heard stories about him. He's the number one topic of my highschool classmates after all, especially Ersy.

When our class ended the next morning, I decided to go to the gym. My eyes darted to Asher who was now sitting on a bench.

I can't help but to praise how manly his looks are. He has a good sense of clothing, sharp features, and his overalls were all well built. All I can say is, he's very handsome from the depth of his eyes up to the way he gently utters a word. Wait-I should stop praising him a lot.

After a few seconds of staring at him, our eyes met so I quickly approached his direction.

"Kelsey." I introduced myself while raising my hand but he didn't accept it.

He just ignored me as if I wasn't in front of him. I felt a little bit embarrassed as I put my hand down.

"Thank you for what you did. And by the way, I don't want to brag, but it seems like you had no idea about me. I'm the face of English Departme-

I wasn't able to finish what I'm going to say because he left me without saying a word. Ersy was right when she told me about his cold personality.

"Asher, wait!" I shouted. His teammates kept looking at me.

"Woah! The famous student of the English department. Are you dating Asher?" he interrogated while approaching my direction.

I greeted them with a smile.

"No," Asher replied coldly before totally leaving.

I can't help but to think about what happened to him. It seems like he hates my presence.

"You'll get used to my friend's behavior. But don't worry, he's a very gentleman to all women. In fact, you're not the only woman who chased him. The others gave up because they couldn't handle his behavior. A simple thank you from what he did is what he wanted," his friend explained.

I look at Asher for one last time before proceeding to my next class.

"What's going on between you and the famous captain of our basketball team?" Trisha asked.

She's talking about my cold guardian angel, Asher. I just looked back at my laptop before I answered her.


I am no longer accustomed to the rapid spread of issues here on campus.

"Really? What are you hiding?"

I just shook my head out of annoyance. I was actually telling the truth but she keeps messing with me.

After the exhausting class, I waited for my best friend in front of the gate so we could go home together when I saw Asher once again.

I immediately approached his direction and blocked his path.

"You're not an ordinary human right?"

He looked at me lazily before leaving in front of me. I blocked his way for the second time.

"Give me just a minute, please."

His right hand was placed on his pocket while the other one was holding the bag that was placed in his broad shoulder. I can't help but to get distracted by the way he looks. He's totally my type.

"Do you remember the car accident? It was you who saved me right? A-Are you an angel?"

He remained in silence and it seems like he had no plans of answering me.

"You don't want to admit it because you might follow some rules. But don't worry, your secret is safe with me." I winked at him but his face remained unresponsive.

"Stop talking nonsense," he replied before he started walking away.

He's always there whenever danger is just near me. Is it not enough proof for them to believe that he wasn't just a human like us?

I looked at his back while he's walking. He may be cold but I believe that there's an invisible halo on his head. I'll find out everything about him soon.

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