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Deathly Attraction

Deathly Attraction

Jaycie Kings


When Dani finds out that the arrogant and rude man whom she insulted just few minutes ago was her boss her job flashed right in front of her eyes and is willing to kiss it goodbye but to her utmost surprise, her boss had taken an odd obsession to her and she must do everything it takes to avoid him. He saw her for the second time today and his heart seemed to stop because she bore an almost unrealistic resemblance to the woman whom he loved with all his heart but abandoned him. To save himself from looming heart ache he must do everything in his power to avoid the seductive waitress, but doesn't understand what he's doing when he finds himself in front of her house talking to her five years old son

Chapter 1 Prologue

Excuse me Mr.!” Ivan shouted as he ran towards the young man

“Ivan, let’s go home!” I called to my son, chasing him before he would embarrass me further but I was too late because he was already holding the man’s hand.


“Mr. Do you have a girlfriend?” Ivan asked and I just wanted to evaporate out of embarrassment

“Huh?” He asked laughing “you’re so young, what do you know about girlfriends?”

I was a little relieved by his reaction.

“I’m not a kid anymore, mama said I’m a big boy and I’m the man of the house, that’s why I’m asking you, if you already have a girlfriend.” He said, as if he was talking to his age mate

I just rubbed my forehead, because I didn’t know how to stop him.

“Why do you want to know?” The man asked out of curiosity.

“Because if you don’t have a girlfriend then you can marry my mama so that I can have a dad.” Ivan answered.

If it wasn’t risky to leave your child with strangers, I would have left him there and ran home out of embarrassment

I heard the man laugh again, he was probably so shocked by what Ivan was saying

“My mom is single and she works too much, she doesn’t have any time to go on dates”

“Where is your mom?” He asked

I turned around immediately, hiding my face and pretending I didn’t know my son.

Damn that boy and his big mouth!

The man might even think I made Ivan approach him.

“There she is, she’s really pretty, you’ll see, come let’s go meet her” He said pulling the man towards me

It took everything in me to stay planted where I was and not run as fast as I could leaving them behind

I’m still young I can have as many children as I want later on, since this one has decided to betray me.

“Mama, look”

I slowly turned around, still covering my face a bit with my hands.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that he looked at me from head to toe and laughed.

“I’m sorry kid, but your mom is not my type” He said to my son.

“Huh? Why?”

“It’s nice to meet you kid. You are so smart and handsome, fortunately, you did not inherit your mother’s looks, you should be really thankful for that. Have a good day ma’am” The man said and walked away



Did he just call me ugly?

Did he just call me ma’am

“You son of a bitch!” I shouted after the man.

“Mom! You can’t shout that” Ivan scolded


Is he even really my son?

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