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The Luna Sacrifice

The Luna Sacrifice

Twisted Ink


"I came here to find a bride and I am pleased to say, I have found one..." There were gasps among the people and even Belle turned her head to his. He was the King! "I, King Red, here by, claim this maiden, to be my Luna." His voice boomed deep inside Belle's heart and her legs gave up on her but his strong arms held her upright. This wasn't happening. Or was it? ** The kingdom is being turned off balance by the shadow witches and they intend to destroy the moon. The only way to save it, is to sacrifice the Luna. King Red is in love with his Beta but refuses to sacrifice her, instead he goes to a remote village to claim a commoner as the Luna. Belle Mont, a simple village girl suffering from bullying because of her scar is chosen by the Alpha king as the Luna. Little does she know her selection is her doom. Secrets are unravelled, chaos looms and King Red is unable to ignore the strong pull between he feels for Belle. The choices he feared to make in the beginning are the very ones threatening to swallow the entire kingdom in the end. When the time comes, will he be able to sacrifice his Luna?

Chapter 1 The Beginning

1. The Beginning

King Red, the supreme ruler of the human and werewolf realm stood by his window in his room waiting for the arrival of his beta, Angel.

He stared out the large window, looking pass the drapes and towards the bright sky but his blue orbs were not focused on the scene in front of him. The beautiful backdrop of the sun and the moon caressing one another up in the sky was a sight his mind refused to register today. He was in a dilemma.

His kingdom was going to be in ruins if he didn't sacrifice his Luna.

Sacrificing the Luna to save the kingdom sounded easy but the problem was he didn't have a Luna yet and the one who held his heart could not be sacrificed. He couldn't bring himself to do that. Never.


Red turned around to the high pitched voice of Angel Castle, his beta and lover.

At first he had found her voice quite edgy but the more time he spent with her, it became a sound his heart yearned for. Angel's fierce personality was what made him drawn to her and he knew he would spend the rest of his life running after her perfect body. Red craved for her so much so that he had to get her and he did. Now that they were planning a future together, the shadow witches struck. They were killing the moon and only a Luna could save it.

Everything was too frustrating.

"Angel, have you gotten any leads?" He asked her as she drew closer.

"Araphat should be fired, the man is too old for the job! What sort of an oracle is he!?" She snapped causing the fire in her voice to wake up the monster between his pants. This was what Angel did to him but he had to push that aside for now.

"He didn't help?" Red asked. He wasn't surprised that Araphat had refused to help them. The man was known to do things the way he saw fit without any care in the world.

"No, he refused to say what the outcome would be... Something about the goddess knowing what was best for the kingdom! Bullshit!"

Red walked the remaining distance between them and stopped right in front of her. He raised his hand to her dirty blonde hair and brushed off the sand in it.

"Araphat is an oracle of the goddess, you don't expect him to tell you the future, do you?"

Angel folded her arms across her large chest and frowned. "I just want us to be certain that the decision we are about to take is the right one. I don't want to die!"

Red placed his finger tenderly between her lips, cutting her words off. "Angel," Red called huskily, "I already told you, I will never sacrifice you no matter what Estella and her shadow witches throw at us. I love you too much to sacrifice you, Angel. Plus you are my beta. If I sacrifice you, what happens to my pack?"

"But what about the moon? If you don't sacrifice me, the moon will die and we will all be powerless before Estella!" Angel cried out in frustration.

"I will not claim you as my Luna," Red said and the entire world went silent. It was like every living thing was listening to them and the moment he made that declaration, they stopped breathing.

The frown on Angel's face got deeper and she bored her hazel eyes into the blue of his. She saw that they were no longer just blue, his eyes now had red streaks that ran fiercely around it showing the extent of his frustration as well.

Angel brought her hands to his face. The moment their skin touched, she felt him relax a bit. The frustration he was feeling dropped to a start up level.

"I proposed that to Araphat, but he didn't say what the outcome will be. I am scared..." Angel whispered to him. She had heard so many stories as a child. The goddess worked in so many ways. What if something went wrong?

Red circled his hands around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "What are you worried about? We will just have to do a little acting and when the time comes we will save the kingdom." He brought his face down to hers and their noses met in a warm embrace.

"I'll go to the farthest of villages and pick the worst girl I can find. I will claim her as the Luna and Araphat can sacrifice her when he wants..." Red told her.

The plan just came to his mind as they spoke. He would go to the smallest village, possibly a human settlement and get a bride there. As soon as he was done, he would take her to Araphat and they could fortify the moon and end the reign of the shadow witches once and for all.

"The only problem now is that, I don't know if any girl will accept to sacrifice herself without an explanation..." Red trailed off. This was the only thing stopping him to execute his plan. He wouldn't want to use someone without their consent. He would have to tell her, whoever he ended up picking.

"Maybe we should announce it openly, perhaps people will even volunteer." He thought out loud.

"No!" Angel screamed raising his face so she could look into his eyes. "We can't do that. No one would want to sacrifice themselves for the kingdom! You can't tell them exactly what is going on, besides we don't want the shadow witches to know that we are on to them. It has to remain a secret between you and I," Angel said.

"But won't that be considered cruel?" Red wasn't a dictator. He was patient and kind to his people both werewolves and humans alike. He couldn't bring himself to bring someone's daughter to a thing she would not ordinarily do. There had to be another way.

Angel brought her hands down to his upper arm and pulled him to the bed. She sat him down and turned his face to her once again.

"Red, we need to do this for us. Humans are very selfish creatures. They will want a werewolf to do it forgetting that our kind risk their lives everyday protecting them from the shadow witches. It is time for them to pay back... But we don't have to tell them all of this. You need to act like you want the girl too... This way, even the shadow witches won't understand what we are up to. Her people will be the one begging you to sacrifice her... You will be the hero."

Red stayed quiet as he thought through what she had said. In a way, she was right. He couldn't make it public. This was the only way.

"Okay, I'll do that," he replied. He would have to bring in someone the people would be happy to do away with.

"Thank you, my king. You will be saving my life by doing this," she scooted closer into him and hugged him. Her heart was starting to beat normally now that Red had accepted to handle the situation, things were finally going to be normal.

"There is one more thing," Red said. Angel moved her head away from his shoulder so she could look into his eyes.

"What is it?"

"If we are going to keep the whole sacrifice thing a secret then we have to keep 'us' a secret too..." He whispered. His eyes reflected his pain and Angel swallowed hard. In this instance, they had no choice. If she couldn't sacrifice her life, she could at least pend her love for a few weeks... Or months, no one but Araphat knew exactly when it would be the right time to make the sacrifice. "We can't let people know that it's you I want. We have to stay apart in public."

"That won't be a problem." Angel shrugged.

Red hugged her once again. This was all he wanted in a woman. She gave what she could and that was enough for him. He pulled her even closer, enjoying the feeling their body contact brought to his cold soul.

Angel started placing tiny kisses on his shoulder and he smiled. Her kisses created a sensation that the monster in his pants couldn't ignore. If she continued with it, his wolf was going to take over. She draped her hands around his neck and kissed his ears erupting sparks in his toes and up his shaft. But Red held back.

Angel felt the resistance coming from Red and she looked into his eyes. "I might not have the chance to have you to myself for a long time, why don't we make use of this opportunity?" She whispered into his ear and Red's wolf flashed in his eyes.

The red streaks appeared even deeper making his eyes turn a sort of violet color as lust moved within him. He nozzled his nose on her neck and she shivered in his arms.

"Be careful what you wish for Angel," he said against the skin behind her ear.

Angel chuckled and turned her head so that she was looking into his eyes. "I wish to be fucked."

Red's cock became stiff in a second as it obeyed the command from Angel's lips. His wolf took control and he growled pushing her unto the bed.

"As you wish..." He growled lustfully.

Her mouth crashed on his lips and he groaned as melting into her. He crawled above her, placing kisses along her neck down to her cleavage. He started unbuttoning her shirt and Angel shook her head.

"Too slow," she mumbled, as she tore the shirt opened herself. Her large breasts flashed in front of Red's eyes and the wolf in him wasted no time to get the nipples into his mouth. He sucked and pulled while still resisting the maddening pull in his pants.

With Angel he didn't need to do a lot of foreplay even if he would have loved to. She was always in the need. He eased her legs from around him and took off her combat pants. The sight in front of him was enough to take him to the moon and back.

"Damn..." He moaned. Angel never had panties on whenever she came to him. She was always ready.

"Your turn," she said wiggling her brows in expectation.

Red got on his knees and took off his pants as fast as he could, releasing his pride to her eyes. Angel smiled and pulled him back to her level on the bed.

"Your size is what I'd kill for," she whispered in a way that made her voice feel like music to his ears.

His already huge member enlarged even further as he hovered above her, placing himself at her entrance.

Angel's eyes twinkled in pleasure as Red teased her entrance, pumping the head of his member around her feminine part. She held the edge of the bed in anticipation and Red knew she was ready. With one swift move, he pushed into her.

"Fuck!" She cried out in pleasure as she held on to his massive shoulders.

He was so large, yet she wanted more. She moved her waist around, searching for the right angle. Red rolled inside her and she hissed at the intensity it created.

"Faster!" She moaned.

Red held her hands captive under his and braced himself as he smashed into her thrust after thrust. He found the right spot and started hitting into her with the force of an alpha... Just the way she liked it.

"Yes!" She screamed in pleasure enjoying the cheer force of a man ramming into her.

This had always been a dream for hers. She wanted power in every aspect of her life and Red was a straight ticket to what she wanted Fame and Glory.

No body was going to take that away from her. Not a mere human, and not a single wolf in the sands. Not even Estella the Shadow Witch.

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Other books by Twisted Ink

Her Oasis; His Destruction

Her Oasis; His Destruction



"Mariana, you know we shouldn't. . ." Lucius finally got the courage to speak. "Hush! Do not speak to me about that. It is you I want," She protested. "You are betrothed to my prince and the heir to the throne. I am nothing but a mere guard to the prince. If word gets out about what we're doing then he will surely have our heads," Lucius pointed out. Mariana stopped and gazed into Lucius' eyes. For a moment, she looked serious. Lucius was beginning to feel that he had succeeded in breaking past her stubbornness. Until she broke her silence. "Screw him. It is you I desired before. It is you I desire now. And it is you I will always desire. He can have my head, I don't care!" She exclaimed. *** When a dangerous love affair between a guard and a Prince's betrothed comes into play, what cruel fate will befall them? When love happens in the wrong places, can it ever be corrected? When a love triangle becomes a dangerous game with an obsessed prince, will the guard survive it? Mariana Rosette moves in with her aunt after losing her parents to a rabid beast attack. She comes home to find that her aunt has arranged her wedding with the Prince of Asgaria. Prince Leonard Luther. Instead of Mariana falling for the prince, she ends up falling for his scarred guard, Lucius. Amidst the dangerous love affair that comes into existence; strange beasts attack Asgaria and wish for it to crumble to its feet. War breaks out within the kingdom because of the dangerous game of love as well as the battle outside of the kingdom. There is nowhere to run to. None of the three are ready to give up and stop fighting. Only in death will it end. Who will get the girl?

Battle Of The Alphas

Battle Of The Alphas



"Maybe we should just give up. Maybe we can never succeed," Ruby said with a heavy heart. "Maybe we should just break up." Red stared intensely at her icy blue eyes. His golden eyes burned into hers. Ruby wanted to keep staring but she feared his burning eyes would melt her icy blue eyes away. She wanted him but she could not have him. There were just too many things at stake. Red closed the distance between them and grabbed her by the waist, pulling so close to him. Close enough for him to smell every scent on her skin. He gazed into her eyes. "I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are mine. Mine alone and there's nothing you can do to change that." *** Ice wolves are sworn enemies with the Sand wolves. Both Alphas have grudges against each other. A grudge too huge to be redeemed by asking for forgiveness. Their cities have stayed separated for years until an Ice wolf murders a Sand wolf in Sand wolf territory. This, therefore, revives the war that has been waiting to hit for ages. It provoked emotions and feelings of the past. In trying to stop bloodshed, Ruby, an Ice wolf enters the Sand wolf territory in hopes of finding clues to stopping the war. She runs into Red, a handsome Sand wolf and he decides to help her as he also wants the same. In finding clues, their love begins to bloom and they realize that there is more to the war than what meets the eyes. Some things are not what they seem to be. Traitors lurk in the shadows. Betrayal floats in the air. A long-lost love story of the Alphas comes back to the present. Will Red and Ruby be able to reunite the broken love of their Alphas and save their cities? Or will the enemy succeed in ruining another love story by breaking Red and Ruby apart, therefore continuing the bloodshed?

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