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The Mafia King Obsession

The Mafia King Obsession



Synopsis "P... please, don't do this" I muttered up the courage to speak this words. My voice pleading and my eyes desperate to get to him. " I can't wait any longer. You don't know how bad I want you, even your tears turns me on" His face came closer to me. I could feel his warmth breath on my face, his words send chill down my body. *+*+*+*+* When a dangerous captor sets his sight on a young girl and he knew he needs to have her even if it means taking her against her will.

Chapter 1 01


I lazily row out of the warm and cozy bed when I heard the sound of the marvelous alarm clock.

Note the sacarsm.

I slam my hand on my stupid alarm, yelling for me to go to school. I feel so lazy today. Who am I kidding. I feel lazy literally everyday. I curled into a ball and went under the sheets pressing my head on my comfortable pillow.

I groaned lifting myself up from the bed, After tiding up my room, I dragged my self to the bathroom slamming the food I turned on the shower, I wait for it to get into the right temperature before taking off my PJs and hoping onto the shower and ended shaving my legs. Twenty minutes later I came out with a wet hair and smelled like vanilla.

Deciding to wear something bold, I opt for a blue jumpsuit that reached my mid thigh and a bow at the waist. I applied a moisturizer in my face then a little bit of eyeliner, making my blue eyes pop out and also applied my strawberry lipgloss. I tied my medium blond hair into a ponytail being out my little bit of hair at both sides of my face. I wore my black flat before walking out of my room towards the kitchen to fix a cup of coffee adding 2 french caramel cream and 2 sugar.


I went back to the room to get my phone and black bag with the coffee on my hand, I checked the time and saw that it was already 9:00AM and my class started by 10. I drank my coffee in a hurry grabbing an apple and eating it. I didn't bother knocking on Stephanie's room because I knew she would be in school since she had an early class this morning.

I took my car keys from the counter as I step out of the house. I opened the car and quickly climbed in, putting my seatbelt on then I start my car, I turned my radio turning the volume up as I hear my favorite Ariana Grande song 'position' playing. Pulling out of my driveway I start to head toward the direction of the University.

I found a perfect place to park, I quickly got down from the car as I brought out my phone to check the time, just to find out it was almost 10. I put my phone back in my bag before rushing into the school to get to my first class of the day.


"Hey girl, how was class today?" Steph asked as I step into out apartment. We have been best friends since forever and now we attend the same college. I am really greatful to Steph and her family, after my parents death in a car crash when I was sixteen, Steph parent toon me in and treated me like a daughter, I don't know where I would be without them. They are like my second family.

"Mrs Williams can be so freaking annoying, I don't know why she picks on me every time." I complained plopping down into the couch beside her as I rest my back on the seat.

"She's still a bitch to you, she needs to get laid. I doubt her husband is doing a good job at it if she always come in crancky" Steph replied, I scrunch up my face not surprised at her response at all. "Speaking of getting laid, it's Friday let's go clubbing."

"Nope, have got assignment to do and clubbing isn't just my scene" I said

"Come on, it's I'll bs fun I promise." She begged, "and you seriously need to get laid"

"No I don't."

"Please please please" I turned to look at her as she gave me her best puppy eyes knowing very that I couldn't resist it.

"Fine" I sighed earning a squeal from her.

"Great! get ready we'll leave by 7" we both stood up together, going into our various room.

I went into the bathroom to take a quick shower, washing off the days of stress. I toweled off and looked at the time and it was already 6:00. I was hoping to have a good nap before going out with Steph. I took my time to dry my hair.

After blowing drying my hair, I walked into the closet just to find out I have nothing to wear. I don't really go clubbing so all I have was sweatpants, jeans and cardigans. I started contemplating if I should go or not but a knock at door brought me out of my thoughts.

Stephanie walked into my room with two dresses on her hands, and they left nothing to imagine about.

"Steph, where are we really going to?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Okay, you caught me. There's this exclusive club for famous, rich and powerful people and I happen to score two passes" she replied excitedly.

"Steph, I don't think this is a good idea. We are talking about a club that requires passes."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen," she said confidently.

"Now, come sit let me get you ready."

What have I gotten myself into?

After an hour of getting primes and plucked by Steph, she handed me a black shirt dress and heels that no doubt I would have trouble walking on. I out all my essentials in a tiny bag she gave to me and I must say she really out did herself, I looked breathtaking beautiful.

"Are you sure that is me and not someone else?" I asked stunned as I stare at my reflection on the mirror.

"It is you Mani, I just enhance the beautiful features you have naturally" she says back to me.

"Now let go we don't wanna be late." She grab my hand and drag me out of the room towards the main door.

Let the night begin.......

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Other books by Loin

The Mafia property

The Mafia property



The Mafia property (His to claim) Genres: romance Tags:mafia, billionaire, jealousy, love rivals, love triangles, betrayal, possessive, slightly erotic. Life can be complicated but more complicated, when you find yourself in a place, you never thought off, all wish for any one not even your enemies. Meet Querida sampler's A 17 years old innocent young girl, who have been living with her father and step mother since toddler. She never grow up without a fatherly all motherly love, and unfortunately for her, her step mother treats her so badly. And her father does not not say anything about it,that sometimes she feel like ending her own life, which make her to all cause the day she was born. She is a quiet type who hardly associate all talk to people, she prefer a lonely and peaceful life, but no her step mother would never let her live in peace. And here are the mafia brothers, who are also know as the pons brothers. The mafia brothers are the most powerful group all over Mexico,which consists of three stone hearted brothers. Blake, Jose and Arturo they are super rich, handsome, rude, etc. Blake is the eldest, handsome….dangerous cold hearted mafia boss,he kill anyone who tried to cross part with in without any emotions, even if he was knew as cold blooded he was still the dream of every ladies. Jose the second brother rude,quiet, jovial and a player. and also owns a modeling company. Arturo the Last brother a snub, crazy, and also behave childish, which makes everyone to love him. What happens when Querida father and step mother decided to sale her to a sex house, as a payment for their debt. What happens when she was been given as a gift to one of the mafia brothers. Find out who among the three brothers she was gifted to. There is only one way for you to find out. ,

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