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Time travel system

Time travel system



In the year 2300, the civilization on the planet Esquar has made great progress, leading to fields such as modern science and technology also becoming more and more prominent. Humans and machines are closely related. Mary Old is a student studying modern robotics, her father is a famous doctor of biology. One day, Mary Old received a parcel on behalf of her father, inside there was a strange chip, couldn't help but be curious, so she connected it to a voice recognition machine that she had just invented. Then a strange system appeared saying that they wanted to invite the main male protagonist of each world to participate in the quest. Each completed mission can be accumulated with points and can then be converted into ice. In the world of 2300 banknotes are no longer valid, most people who trade with each other use ice jelly to make agreements, and Old Marry needs a lot of jellies to exchange for components for creation. out her high-tech robot, so she agrees. But she didn't expect that just as she was connecting to the system, a falling meteor hit her spaceship, an electric current hitting Mary Old, which should have been only through brain waves. the set she emitted to connect the system, who knew that something unexpected would happen that would make her whole body go through. In the fantasy world set up from this system, how does Marry Old have to survive?

Chapter 1 The system appeared

Year 2300, Imperial City, planet Esquar.

Nearly 2000 years ago, because of the strong development of science and technology, people constantly destroyed nature and trees to build modern industrial plants, the amount of air emitted from factories. caused serious damage to the ozone layer, there were no trees to regulate fresh air, and prevented floods and landslides, so gradually the earth was eroded by the hands of those who called the declaration to put the Earth on Earth became the most prosperous planet in the universe.

Humans have had to go through a series of natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, the amount of air pollution has exceeded the permissible level, the number of deaths is increasing. Besides, there is a Wanrbin scientific organization that has taken advantage of underground tunnels to create a rocket that is activated by C02 gas, when the amount of CO2 gas is fully pumped in the core of the rocket, it will launch. to heaven, beyond the earth.

The Wanrbin Science Foundation soon discovered the alarming status of the earth's doom, so the scientific team before them was also the ancestor of the Wanrbin science doctor group who used the development of science. Advanced technology found a planet similar in size and shape to the earth.

It's called Esquar is the smallest planet located far away from the solar system, although the landscape and ecosystem here is similar to Earth's, but its atmosphere is 12,345 times lower than Earth's, so each one Before boarding the rocket, people will be implanted with a parasitic algae that balances the respiratory system.

This algae, once parasitized on a human gene, will not stop proliferating, and the next generation of people who are transplanted with algae will also have parasitic algae, just like that, spreading from generation to generation. other system.

In the room considered to be the main cockpit of the spacecraft, surrounded by countless botanical specimens in vases placed in glass cabinets. In the middle is a modern computer desk, which looks no different from a normal console, but just touching the sensor button on the table surface will show a virtual 4D space, displaying all the function, only voice confirmation can control it to find or do whatever she asks.

Mary Old closed the satellite screen to recreate the image of that year, these images were all taken from the memories of those who escaped that year and made a data sheet about the previous period of human history. when the Earth completely disappeared.

Mary Old is the descendant of a doctor in the old scientist organization, because of inheriting the gene of love for science from her grandfather, her father Dang Tan is extremely passionate about studying the development and formation of the world. bibliography.

On this planet, there are no buildings, or apartment buildings like the Earth nearly three thousand years ago, but only giant spaceships, each spaceship represents a house. From the ground up, it is like the lips of a shining star.

Because the structure of the ecosystem and atmosphere here is 12,345 times that of Earth, plants and trees grow abnormally, they smell human scents, or secrete catalysts. entice people to have sex.

Last week, her father brought back a new plant, Teng Khu looked at the long thing lying in the biological research jar, the trunk was dark brown like dirt, it did not stand upright, but tilted its body and clinging to it. around the wall of the jar, on its leaves carrying jagged, milky white hairs like caterpillars, at the top of the leaves there will be a round bottomless mouth, every time it puts food in it will use its mouth to suck the essence. From food, just like that, growing bigger and bigger.

Mary Old had a headache about her inquisitive father, who told her to change the bottle every week for this terrible species, since childhood she had been most afraid of smooth and hairy things, now arrest her every day. weeks to bring out the strange thing and put it in a bigger container, she thought she still wanted to vomit.

Today, as always, Mary Old replaced the vase for this strange thing, it actually has a very funny name Wfhies Vase Flower. Others who heard the name would think it was a lovely bud-shaped flower, but if anyone saw it like her, they would surely die.

Fortunately, it only eats small animals such as flies, mosquitoes, and worms, this was born to destroy insects that destroy natural plants, so she dared to come into contact with it.

It seemed that its brainwaves were quite sensitive, so as soon as Mary Old opened the lid of the bottle and reached in, it wrapped around her hand so that she could easily pull it out. Although she has taken care of this flower for more than a month, Teng Khu is still disgusted with the sticky slime that sticks to her hand.

Marry Old used the speed of light to clean the old vase, then filled a new bottle with the creature care solution, quickly carrying the flower in her hand into it.

Beep beep beep!

The system's stranger warning sounded, Mary Old frowned, thinking who was coming here? Because the system has already been set to image recognition once, anyone who has arrived at her spaceship will be recorded, and next time there will be no need to raise an alarm.

Then the person outside the spaceship is a stranger! Marry Old's slender hands tied her long brown hair back, her feet as white as a reflection in the cold brick floor, she put on a pair of cotton slippers and pressed the screen on the alarm.

Be a space delivery man! Mary Old let her guard down and pushed the button to open the train door.

A small diamond-shaped spaceship is hovering in front of her ship, when she opens the door that connects the elevator automatically to the escalator in front of her door, a man in a spacesuit holding a small package towards Teng Khu.

Mary Old frowned, a huge question mark appeared in her mind. She hasn't ordered any components recently, the ice in her personal account is still in serious shortage, where can I buy new components.

"This is...?" Mary Old's beautiful ash gray eyes looked suspiciously at the package in the astronaut's hand.

"This is a package sent from the code X27468 from Porn City, the recipient is Ms. Teng Khu of the PM45 spaceship of Imperial City. According to the signal that we detected, it is the signal emitted by this spacecraft."

The astronaut glided on the glass hat on his head, the receiver's information, the train number all appeared in front of Teng Khu's eyes in turn.

"Okay, that's my spaceship's code." After checking all the information, Mary Old's eyebrows relaxed, the corners of her mouth curved up into a beautiful smile.

"Please print your fingerprint to confirm receipt."

On the created 4D space, the astronaut's helmet appeared a small frame, Teng Khu pressed his pale pink thumb on the photo frame, then the screen showed a green check mark.

Waiting for the astronaut to step on board, the escalator connecting to the door of Mary Old's ship was also retracted, she pressed the switch to close the door, then hurriedly grabbed the package and entered the house.

As Marry Old was about to put the paper box into the shredder, a phone call popped up on the driver's seat control screen.

"Confirm link." Mary Old's cold voice rang out across the street.

"Father's beloved daughter!"

The loving voice of a middle-aged man appeared on the screen, but Marry Old couldn't see anything but the screen was as dark as the night, the sound of incessant rumbling resounded, as if her father was somewhere. have mud and water mixed together?

"Jack, did you call me just to show me this black screen? Then it's even more interesting to let me turn off the kumquat and open the bank to see!" Teng Xu angrily looked at the black screen in front of him, his brows wrinkled into a line, his gray eyes filled with anger.

"That's it, wait! I'm going into a cave in the asteroid Equaz, I heard that there are plants here that can absorb sunlight to survive, moreover its use can attract small bugs like flies. , dragonfly, bee,...bring it back and put it next to the cotton tree last month when I sent it to you, you don't need to take care of it anymore. Flies will fly themselves to bait our cotton plants...."

Jack said excitedly, he felt that if he had this tree, his daughter would have less trouble.

Marry Old patted her forehead in pain and whispered, "What do you think my spaceship is that brings in strange creatures? Now another plant that attracts flies and bugs? Would you be satisfied if you want to turn our house into a wild nature reserve!"

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