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Unwanted Marriage

Unwanted Marriage



Maybe it's a bit crazy to follow the arranged marriage your parents planned. Trevan Scott always obeys his father because he knows that his father is a cancer patient with a short lifespan and his father's last wish is to have him marry the only daughter of his father's best friend, Samantha Greyson. He didn't even know that his sibling Trevor was the ex-boyfriend of Samantha Greyson. He was hesitant because of it, but his father badly wanted him to marry Samantha, so he did because as the days passed, his father was getting weaker. He married the woman and lived together in the same roof even though he didn't love Samantha. Trevan noticed Samantha often went to the hospital so he followed his wife once, and that's where he found out the reason behind it. How will the unwanted marriage end up?

Chapter 1 Prologue

[Trevan Scott Point of View]

The disappointment I felt today was beyond my life.

My most enormous trauma is happening right now. I fucking hated being treated like this. My family and I are inside Dad's library, tackling that freaking arranged marriage. And guess what? They have planned for this since I was a kid.

"Am I late?"

Trevor was catching his breath as he entered the library.

Dad and Mom were staring at him while I was here fucking sick of being stuck to my father's decisions in his life.

"You may be seated."

Mom said.

"Since we're complete, I would announce something important to all of you anyway. Your mom and I tackled this, and she also knows what it is."

Dad said while playing with his pen in his hand.

"Spill it, dad. I have something to do."

Trevor uttered. His mouth has been so bad since then.

"Trevor, you're already twenty-three years old, and still, you didn't show respect to dad."

I couldn't stop my mouth at his lousy demeanor.

But he ignored me as if he didn't hear me.

"I'll be straight to the point, Trevan. You need to marry the twenty-five-year-old daughter of my best friend; her name is Samantha Greyson, you can search about her on her social media platforms, and by the way, since you were kids, we have already planned this matter. Since I haven't seen you dating some girls, here is it you can finally experience that word called love."

Even though I already know about that matter, I am still shocked by what dad said.

"What's her name again?"

I saw Trevor's reaction to what dad said.

"Samantha Greyson, why do you know her?"

Dad asked him, and he said no.

"What if I won't marry her? Dad, I am not at the right age to enter marriage life, and especially we don't know each other, and I'm pretty sure we don't love each other."

I almost cried just to stop him.

But he just stared at me and.

"You are already twenty-five years of age, Trevan; you have excellent skills handling our business and our company."

Dad answered.

"That's a lame reason!"

I almost yelled at him, which was the first time yelling him.


I was startled when mom slapped me.


Mom shouted at me, and my tears started to fall from what I heard.


Trevor shouted, and I also saw his tears falling to his cheeks.

I looked at dad, and I expected he would say he was joking, but I was wrong.

"Your Mom Tricia was right. I am dying; I have lung cancer stage 3, and that's why I'm getting weaker day by day. The Doctor said that I needed to take the operation, but it's not a hundred percent that I'll survive. I chose not to have it since it would be wasting our money, and I had already accepted my faith. And I want to fulfill my responsibilities with you, and since I'm done with it, it's time for you, Trevan, to grant my last will."

He said, and he looked happy.

"Why not pursue that operation instead of pursuing Trevan to marry a woman that he didn't even love, or why not I can marry that woman? We all know that Trevan doesn't want to marry that girl."

Trevor suggested to dad and mom.

"Don't question my decisions."

Dad uttered.

"Please obey your dad Trevan."

Mom pleaded with me.

"You will marry her for the sake of my last wish. You'll find out why I fix your marriage once you live under the same roof."

Dad said, and I just nodded since that was his final decision.

I'm at the right age of my life where still my parents are the ones who decide about my pathways in life.

Dad wasn't still done discussing his disease and about my fixed marriage when suddenly Trevor walked away, and Mom followed him.


Dad whispered.

I look up to him and.

"Yes, dad?"

He let out a heavy sigh, and he holds my hand.

"Promise me; you'll love my best friend's daughter unconditionally. He needs you in her life. Sooner you'll remember this day why I am begging you to marry her."

He uttered.

"You were still thinking about our marriage even though you were sick."

I said because all along with the discussion, he kept mentioning that wedding matter.

"I already accepted this time will come, the end of my life. Your mom already accepted it, but she was still crying about it. And please, once I am gone, I want you to check your mother and your younger brother Trevor."

He seriously said.

*Knock Knock*

Someone is knocking on the door, so I stand up and open it, and it's Dad's secretary.

"Good day, Sir Troy Scott. I want you to remind your upcoming session with your Doctor."

The secretary said, at first, he was hesitant because I was here, but dad just gave him a signal that he could say it even I am here.

"Okay, just call my driver and call my wife to arrange my things needed."

Dad commanded his secretary.

He ended our conversation and asked me to leave his library, and I did.

I'm still wondering why out of a sudden, he decided to put me in a situation I didn't want.

"You were still indeed the favorite son, huh."

Trevor uttered when he saw me walking down the stairs.

"What are you trying to say?"

I asked him while giving him a smirk.

"Imagine, you will marry the only daughter of Mr. Greyson, one of the Billionaires in California, who owns a lot of branches of their business and companies around the world. And take note, that woman is no other than Ms. Samantha Greyson, the blond curly hair woman who loves music, a mountain climber, and a model of victoria's secret."

He said while clapping his hand, which made me annoyed with him.

I stand closer to him and.

"I didn't care how wealth that woman is; what matters for me is Dad's last wish and if you have nothing to say good, just fucking shut your freaking mouth, and one more thing, can you respect me, especially dad, you asshole."

I answered him.

"You were still lucky for what's dad's decision. I am wishing you luck."

He whispered at me, and he walked away.

"Please don't mind your younger brother."

Mom suddenly came up in front of me while giving me a cup of coffee.

"I'm sorry, mom, you heard our argument. Anyway, I thought you were with dad?"

I thought she and dad would be heading to Dad's private Doctor, but why suddenly was she still here?

"Yes, but I saw you and Trevor look like they were arguing, and I wasn't wrong. Your dad commanded me to talk to both of you, and he was the one to go to his Doctor since his secretary is with him. But Trevor has already walked away; I want to talk to him but never mind. We can't please Trevor."

Mom said while sipping her coffee.

At the age of twenty-five, I am still beyond lucky that our parents are still alive. Mom was the same age as my dad, but the tragic part was that Dad was dying because of cancer.

"Let's sit in the living room; I'll tell you how good a person is, Samantha Greyson. And also, I'll discuss with you how Mr. Greyson and your dad became best friends when they were kids."

Mom excitedly said, and I followed her through the living room.

Even mom was happy to announce that I was getting married. I guess there's no turning back in this Unwanted Marriage.

We're in the living room, and to my surprise, Trevor was there; he was about to leave, but mom stopped him.

"Oops, just stay on the sofa bed; we need to talk."

Mom stopped him.

"I need to sleep."

Trevor said, but Mom didn't make him leave.

"Trevor, can you please obey Mom."

I said with authority, and he knew I was mad if my voice was full of authority.

"I'm sorry."

He uttered and sat beside Mom.

"Trevor, since Trevan will be marrying Samantha, and they will live together after the wedding. Therefore your dad, me and you will stay here at the house. And you will handle our family business since Samantha's business will be handled by Trevan once they are married."

Mom said.

"Wait, if Samantha owns a business, why I'll be the one who will handle it? If I can build my own business since I have my savings."

I said because I'm wondering why they need to let me handle Samantha's business if I can build my own.

"You will know soon once you are living together."

Mom said without no trace of emotions.

She's been weird since we've opened about Samantha.

"I can't handle our business, and it seems arduous since I have no passion for the business thingy."

He reasons out.

"You can learn from it; I'll hire someone who will train you because Trevan can't train you; he will be busy dating Samantha."

Mom keeps on mentioning Samantha, and it makes me suck.

"I can't quit my music industry for that fucking business."

It will be challenging for him to change his passion into a business.

"Music can't make you a successful one, and you are just wasting your time and effort on that nonsense."

I uttered, and I didn't even think he would be mad at me.

He suddenly stood up and punched me.


He shouted at me while his fist was still close.

Mom was about to stop him from yelling at me but.

"Just let him say what he wants."

I calmly uttered.


Mom shouted at us.

"I've spent my life just behind Trevan's back, mom. You and Dad have always been proud of this fucking asshole! While me, here I found my happiness in the music industry, and now you want me to quit about it? May I ask you, is there an event of mine that you attended? None right? It was because you've been focusing on your favorite Trevan! How about me, mom? You didn't even notice my accomplishment in the music industry. Since I was in grade school, you haven't attended any occasions with me. Mom, I am also your son, for God's sake, I also have feelings, and I am not numb!"

Trevor was now crying, and I tried to hug him, but he pushed me away.

"Trevan, both of you were my favorite. I apologize for making you feel that way. Indeed, I love both of you because you are my good son. "

Mom was also trying to calm him down.

I stare at Trevan.

"Trev, we didn't mean to say that the music industry is nonsense. We are trying to say that if you handle our business, it will be easy for you to earn your own money. Because we all know that it is tough for you to earn money in your passion, don't worry, I'll be here for you. You can lean on me every time you need me."

I said and smiled at him, but he just smirked at me.

"Can you hear yourself? Will you help me? HAHAHAHAHA are you fucking joking or what? Considering how you treat me, you wouldn't do that. I don't need your fucking help. I can stand on my own."

I don't know what to say to convince him because he is a hard-headed man.

"Please, Trevan, hear me out-

He interrupted what Mom was trying to say, and He kicked the center table and walked away.

It turns out he's not interested in managing our business, and he will pursue his music career. Fuck this situation of us; I can't leave this family without convincing him. What should I do with Trevan? I'm stuck between marrying Samantha or stay in our home if Trevan wouldn't manage our business.

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