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The Wedding Alarms

The Wedding Alarms

Geeta Singh


Blurb- The story is told in a straightforward but engaging manner. The primary character is at the center of the plot. The phrase she uses with all of the characters in the narrative has been thoroughly defined. It's a touching story about a dumb girl who suffered greatly as a result of one bad mistake. Fancy words have been avoided at most.

Chapter 1 1

It always seemed like a weird and strange and excruciatingly painful practice, common at my in-laws' place, in which husbands attended the party without their better halves and wives stayed at home and waited for their husbands to return, as it occurred in ancient times. Even then, I considered that they enjoyed more power and liberation. At the very least, they were informed of their husbands' impending arrival. I had plenty of time to believe I was nowhere but in prison. I was saying it was wrong. Actually,

"A prison will be a better place to reside. Here I am in complete confinement. I have nothing to do here all day long but wait for the husband when he gets back from the office and climbs on me. He just considered me an "unwanted possession."

I was not allowed to peer down through the window to see if my husband had arrived or not. It was not enough. I was supposed to remain in my room, 24 by 7, locked from the inside, waiting for the knock at the door. I would have to pay heavy repercussions if I failed to open the door between the three knocks. And there was no one to rescue me.

In fact, the very thing delighted their mood to the extreme. The very next moment, my mother-in-law turned up to soothe her eyes to see my body laced with bruises all over, and a wicked smile appeared on her face ear to ear. Then she delivered a sarcastic remark,

"A degraded girl like you deserved this sort of treatment."

By saying so, she bled my heart a little more. And then I shedded some more tears and cursed myself for my wrongdoing and wrong thinking.

Repercussions could be anything from threats to release of anger, thrashing, taunting, bullying, and everything too. That depended on the mood of their husbands and how long it took them to open the door. Therefore, in order to avoid punishment, I had to sit against the door. It did not make any difference at what time he came back. A number of times, he did not get back to his room throughout the night. But being a wife, I could not make the mistake of taking a nap. And at the same time, I was not allowed to make him a call in the middle of the night and check by what time he would return from there.

They kept me in confinement as an accused because they were worried that I would not take much time to deviate from the others if I let it be like that. Anyway, I did not come to the party along with Anirudh that night as usual. And that bloody decision was declared to me by none other than my dear husband. Despite being aware of the fact that I was a party bird. And as a good housewife, more than that, as a feared wife, I was supposed to follow him silently, else I would have got ready to pay heavy. Many times, I used to think

"Why does he not try to get the small thing that no wife can love her husband who terrorizes his wife? Such a wife lives with her husband under compulsion only. "

Yes, once I mustered all the bravery and hostility to his call and started to raise him to require Pine Tree State with him. His mother was additionally standing there agape and appalled. How might I challenge her son's decision? However, she failed to intervene in the matter. He got furious at my constant demand and dragged me with my hair. He threw me hard on the bed mercilessly, whipped me continuously, and then ended up rapping me repeatedly, keeping the door open as if he wanted everyone to witness everything. It was my mother-in-law who came forward and shut the door. However, she did not try to stop her son from trying to commit atrocities against me. In truth, she was speaking louder,

"A lady like me deserves to end up the same way. And it is critical to make such a woman fully realize her place in the first place, or else she will begin to dance over her husband's head and set an awful example for other ladies too."

I had heard,

"A woman is a woman's worst enemy"

By saying so, she proved the statement correct. Plus, I was awarded punishment that I would have to go without clothes for another three days or he would make me parade nude around the house. I was left with no strength to stand on my own feet and close the door after he left.

I remained to lie there, absolutely knackered and exhausted, sobbing uncontrollably bitterly. After a short while, a maid named Malti silently walked into the room. My body was unable to respond, but I could hear her feet stepping closer to me. She had some ointment on her hand. She applied it to my bruises, which reduced the stinging. I was overwhelmed with the feeling of shame when the pain subsided and a maid witnessed my bare body.

I was groaning in severe pain. Even then, I could feel she was running her hand all over my bare back and trying to touch me all over my body and feel me. I was feeling uncomfortable with her actions. Then, all of a sudden, she started kissing and licking me all over my body and stroking my hair. Yes, she had switched off the light and bolted the door from inside so that a false impression could be given to the family that it was only me inside the room.

She gave me medicine to pop in. After half an hour, when the medicine began to have an effect on me and the pain subsided, I tried to get up to wear the clothes. She asked me to continue lying like that on the bed in a soft but firm voice,

"There is no use in stopping me from making love with you. My eyes were on you from day one. You do not know how to

I pine for grabbing you in my arms and playing a naughty game with you. Do not worry, I will not hurt you like your husband. "

Thereafter, she ignored my mild protest and gave me a smooch on my lips. She undressed in no time and then, thereafter, she played with me wholeheartedly throughout the night without any intermittence and I let her do it reluctantly. Perhaps I knew somewhere she was not going to stop from my stopping and I would create some more problems for me to raise my voice. Yes, that day, a maid imposed herself on me. And like that, I had become the object of lust for an ordinary woman too.

I was the victim of Malti as well but my mind was thanking her and was not ready to accept that she was guilty and she was awarded punishment. What about Ravi law had sanctioned him to keep a physical term with me but not to thrash me.

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