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Forget me Not: Binding Soul to Demon

Forget me Not: Binding Soul to Demon



A girl who was being the loner at college get a chance to get the friends. The popular girl in their class and among the students. On the trip, she was hearing about her crush will join in. So, she willingly say yes for this trip. She was exciting for the trip. At the day of trip, she was reaching the express bus terminal first. As she thought, she get a chance to talk with her crush on bus. She didn't know the bad thing will wait for her. She was loving to see the new scenery outside. She loved to spend time with her friend either. Finally, she drunk the unknown liquid and lose hr mind. When she woke up, she was in the forest near the water fall. She saw everyone around her. They wore the same black robe which hide their face. Her crush was holding the dagger with demon head handle. She was begging him for not killing her. But she was die at that day. The demon king was saving her life and she rebirth as the girl with the power of demon. The bond between her and demon king started like this. She chose to revenge them. They didn't know she get back alive. She wasn't going back to home and contact the normal environment and relatives again. She was standing as different person with the help of demon king.

Chapter 1 Prologue

The university students were preparing for a trip with their friends after the final exam. Amelia wasn't getting in touch with her friends much. This time, her friend Natasha came up to tell her about the vacation trip. She told her everything about the people who will join this trip. Amelia asked her about when and where they will go. Natasha said, "I will message you if everything settles up". Then, Natasha leaves. All those times, she didn't get a call for joining in trips. Now, her new friend Natasha invited her on this trip.

She was being scared to talk with anyone in her class and around the campus. As her mother told, "I must change myself this time for getting more friends before graduating". The final exam result would come out after months later. So, they needed to take a rest for a while by going trip with friends. There was a reason why she want to join this trip. The king of the campus would join in this trip. She heard it from Natasha and also she stalk around his friends. And then, she also heard them talk about this trip. She felt excited because Ryan will join this trip. Ryan was being her crush for long years. Now, she got a chance to meet and talk with him on the trip. When she went back home, she can't sleep still. Her mother said, "why are you rolling up on bed still". She said, "I am sorry I will sleep right now". Mother said, "If you don't sleep yet, come out". She said, "what is it". Mother said, "Your brother is ordering pizza so we need to finish it before going to bed". She said, "Wow, what flavor". Her brother shouts up to her, "Come and have your piece". She said, "I won't eat if it's broccoli pizza". He said, "it's cheese pizza with sausages". She said, "Yay". Then, she had her last midnight treat with her family. She didn't know what will wait for her there. She was feeling extra happiness so she can't stop smiling. While she have a cheese pizza together, her brother said, "what are you smiling at". She was wiping her mouth with a tissue and said, "Nothing". Her mother said, "She was feeling happy about going on a trip with her friends tomorrow". He said, "when did you get friends". She said, "right after the exam". He said, "it sounds strange". She said, "what's strange". He said, "You aren't getting along with them all those years right". She said, "right". He asked, "why did they invite you on their trip". She said, "they just ask me for joining in or out". He said, "it's not normal". She said, "Stop overreacting brother". He said, "If you say so, you should care for yourself". After that, she went to her bed and slept.

On the day of the trip, she was packing everything and go to the express gate. Her friends told her to reach up there at 8:00 am. When she arrived, she see no one there yet. A minute later, Natasha showed up with her Lambougini car. Three minutes later, the others showed up little by little. She was greeting all. And then, Natasha said, "when did you arrive here". She said, "I reach here on time". Natasha said, "Wow". At that time, the last person showed up. He was being her crush, Ryan. He was driving the Volvo. He parked his car in the parking area. And then, he walked up to them. Natasha was introducing all of them to him and he greet all people who are standing there. At that time, she noticed they aren't been friends before. However, they accepted to take this trip together at the end of school. Then, Natasha led the way to their bus. As she explained, Ryan was spending money on this trip. They would go to the scariest place in Connecticut and rest for a month. She couldn't get any further information from them. But she just holds her worries down and keeps going on this trip. This is the last chance to get Ryan's love. On the way to Connecticut, the others were being too talkative. But she put the earphones in her ears and play rock songs all the time. At that time, someone was patting her back. So, she removes the earphone and look at there. She was shocked to see Ryan there. She couldn't notice why she say this. She said, "why are you here". Ryan said, "what do you mean". She was saying, "I mean you take a seat at the front so why are you here". He said, "I can't stand that loud noise so I come here". She said, "Oh, I see". She continued, "is that so why are you calling me". He was giving a snack to her. She was surprised to see the snack in his hand. He said, "You don't like KitKat". She said, "No, I love it". Then, they were talking friends all along the way. Natasha and Susan were looking at them more than one time. She didn't care about them because he may need someone to talk to. He said, "I haven't seen you in class or campus area". She said, "I am always busy with homework, assignments, studies, and everything". He said, "Now, you are still busy". He told her by pointing to the book which she hold in her hand. She said, "My father told me that we need to continue learning until we die". He said, "why". She said, "If we don't, our brain will rust and can't be able to use at problem-solving again". He said, "Wise words". She said, "Yeah, my father is a bookworm and he knows how to fix things well". She continued, "At home, I am the only person who helps my father". He said, "You look like a strong girl of Papa". She said, "I am". He said, "is there anyone at home". She said, "Yes, my brother". He said, "Your brother isn't helping and learning from your father". She said, "my big brother didn't love to fix things and lack of problem-solving skills". He said, "Oh". They continued their conversation until the car stop.

After one hour and forty-five minutes later, they reached the cottage. The playful boys got out of the bus and get into the cottage. The girls were getting out of the bus and looking around the area. Among them, there were a group of boy and girl who wear gothic style. All of their outfits were black. Ryan was following after them. She asked, "where are you heading to". He said, "this is my home so please feel free and look around". She said, "You own this place". He said, "Yes, actually my parents own this cottage and hill". He was pointing to the forest near the cottage by saying, "over there is Enders State forest which has a nice view of forest, waterfall, and many paths". She said, "it's good for going out on adventure trips or hiking trips". He said, "bingo". Then, he told her, "if you want to go, I will show you the beauty of nature". She said, "No thank you for now". He said, "okay". After that, they end up the conversation. He went into the forest. After seeing his back, she walked into the cottage. There she saw Natasha stand near the Antler's head. She was shocked to see the bear's head and Antler's head. Natasha and Susan said, "why are you shocking". Susan said, "Don't you ever see this in horror movies or others". She said, "I was just shocked to see this when I get in". At that time, someone's hand appear on her shoulder. She was shoving away with a shiver. Natasha said, "don't be scared too much, dear". She said, "who are you". He said, "Greeting to you Miss shy". She said, "what's your name". He said, "My name is Carlos, I am the lead football player and also my boyfriend of Susan". She said, "Oh, nice to meet you then". Susan said, "where do you expect to spend your night time". She asked them, "what do you mean". They said, "Look we all have the couple here so we ask you for that". She said, "just a store room or rest room is okay for me". They were looking at each other and said, "we are kidding dear, don't be like this". Susan was hugging Carlos's neck around and kissing mouth to mouth. She was turning her face away from them. At that time, Natasha said, "cut it out guys we have time for that". Natasha grabbed her hand and take her to somewhere else at the back of the house. There, the silent room existed with a great view. She said, "wow, what is this place". Natasha said, "I know you like it but you need to ask permission directly from Ryan". She asked, "Is that true, Ryan spends money on renting the express car and also use this place for trips". Natasha said, "Yes, he did". Natasha said, "He also wants to invite you too". She was confused after hearing Natasha's words. But she didn't reply back to Natasha about their conversation. Then, Natasha left her alone in the room.

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