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Bride For Cruel Mafia

Bride For Cruel Mafia

Rising One


Julie Clarissa Zi is the daughter of Alexander Zi who is a famous businessman. Has many hotels scattered throughout the country. Her biological mother died long ago when Julie was a teenager. Five years ago, the father remarried to a woman named Mirriam. Who is now her stepmother. After her father died, her life changed drastically. Her stepmother, who had been very kind in the past five years, had changed. Until one day, Julie is forced to marry to pay off her stepmother's debts. With a threat from Mirriam, Julie agreed without knowing or meeting the man. Yes, Raymond Jason Chu is the man who married Julie. He is known to be very cruel, has many businesses and is of course very rich. How did Julie live her marriage to Raymond?


It was still early, Julie was still curled up under her blanket feeling the chill of the morning. A hand pulled the blanket covering her body, Making her body squirm and both hands looking for the blanket, "Give me back my blanket! It's still early don't disturb my sleep!" Julie shouted as if she already knew who did it.

Yes, it's Julie's stepmother, Mirriam Zi. "Wake up! It's already light. You must prepare for your wedding today."

Julie opened her eyes wide and jolted out of bed. "Who's getting married today?"


"Me? When? With whom? Don't make it up," Julie said.

Suddenly three strangers came into Julie's room with suitcases in his hands.

"Who are they?" Julie asked in surprise.

Mirriam ignored Julie. "You guys do as I told you to. Finish it in two hours because the event will start in two hours and the groom will come soon." Mirriam left Julie's room took her door key and locked Julie from the outside.

Julie banged on the door of her room. "Open the door! Explain what really happened, Ma .... "

Julie didn't get a response from Mirriam. "Who is she? How dare she manage my life like this."

"Did you take a shower? I will do the make-up, Miss. Are you ready to make up?" asked the make-up in Julie's room.

"Dare to touch me, you guys will end by my hand!" Julie threatened.

The three men forced Julie and dragged her into the bathroom. "Madam says if you don't want to, we can force you."

"Let me go!" Julie waved their hands. "Idiot, you guys are rude. I can shower myself without your help."

Julie slammed the bathroom door very hard.

After a while, Julie took a shower, then sat on a chair make up and surrender to be dressed up.

'Let me just do what she wants. Let me ask what actually happened later,' Julie thought.

Julie, a brave girl, will not easily submit and obey her stepmother's orders, Julie was still twenty-one years old and has just finished her college majoring in Fashion Design. The flexibility of her hand to scratch the pen is not only fashion design. However, even on canvas her hands were very talented. Seen in her room decorated with beautiful paintings, her own work.

Julie was done with her make up. Her naturally beautiful face looked even more beautiful after the make up. Julie looked at her own face in the mirror, surprised and stunned.

"Turns out I'm very beautiful when I make up like this."

"Miss, let me help you put on the dress." The other person showed a very beautiful and shiny dress, Julie looked at the dress in front of her gapingly, a beautiful dress that she had always dreamed of. Swarovski studded white dress.

"Is this the dress?"

"Yes. This is the dress your future husband chose," she answered.

'Who exactly is that man? I will reject it firmly and will never marry if not with the person I love,' Julie thought.

Julie put on her dress with the help of the three people. Now Julie is ready to get married, very beautiful and looks different because usually Julie looks simple as she is.

The door to Julie's room was opened by Mirriam, Julie got up from her seat and approached Mirriam, "Explain your reasons why you forced me to get married?"

"Wow, it turns out that you are beautiful too, your future husband will be very happy!" Mirriam said.

"I don't want to get married! I don't want to. Moreover, I don't know the man, I will only marry the person I love."

Mirriam gripped Julie's arm roughly. "You must obey me! Otherwise, we all will not survive."

Julie waved Mirriam's hand. "Won't survive? Who? Us? Do you get wrong!" Julie snapped.

Mirriam showed Julie a video that was on her cell phone. Video of Raiden Aska Zi's confinement who was Julie's brother.

"Who did that?"

"Me! You love him very much, don't you?" Mirriam asked.

"You're crazy! Raiden is your own biological child that you gave birth to. For what are you willing to do something like that?"

"For the sake of you marrying! I have a debt and must pay it is you marry him then my debt will be paid off."

"So you sold me?"

"I didn't sell you. But, you saved my life."

"Nonsense. I will not accept this marriage! I will leave here." Julie left the room to run away. However, there were already standing five gallant men with his black uniform guarded the door.

"Hold her!" Mirriam shouted Mirriam.

"Release me!"

"Raiden's safety is in your hands!" Mirriam threatened.

Mirriam connected the video call to the person guarding Raiden.

"Sister please... Rai was scared... sob... sob...."

"Release Raiden!"

"The decision is not mine but yours," Mirriam said.

Julie only though about Raiden's safety and agreed to her marriage. "Okay I'm getting married. Release Raiden!" Julie shook the two men's hands from hers.

"Why didn't you agree earlier? So don't waste time. Your wedding is ready and your future husband has also arrived. Come on down!" Mirriam walked hand in hand with Julie and was followed by the five bodyguards.

Unlike weddings in general, which were crowded with invited guests and lavish parties. It's just a simple wedding without many people.

Julie descended the stairs to the family room which had been transformed into a place of acceptance without a smile on her lips.

The man was already sitting in front of the penghulu who was going to marry him in a black coat and his dashing body was visible from behind. Julie sat next to him without even looking at him. The Penghulu began the event and the consent and acceptance will be carried out.

"I married Julie Clarissa Zi binti Alexander Zi to you Raymond Jason Chu with a 24 carat Diamond dowry in cash."

In his deep voice the man loudly replied, "I accept the marriage of Julie Clarissa Zi binti Alexander Zi with the dowry in cash."

"Sah..." said everyone who was there.

Julie just looked down without looking and knew who her husband was. The event was over and everyone left the event as previously instructed, it didn't take long.

"Julie ..." Raymond called.

Julie looked up at Raymond. The handsome man in front of her was her husband now. With a strong and tall body with a thin beard on his face, a sharp nose and sharp eyes like the eyes of an eagle.

Yes, he was Julie's husband, Raymond Jason Chu. A mafia who was known to be cruel and rich, with various businesses in which he was involved, from casinos, bars, buying and selling illicit goods to assassins.

Sounds scary. But, that was the reality that Raymond was her husband now.

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