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Claimed By The Alpha King

Claimed By The Alpha King

King Victory


Samantha's life was bright and she had a good future ahead of her but everything changed when something happened making her to be labeled as the ' traitors daughter' Two days before her eighteenth birthday she decided to leave the pack to a far a way land to get away from things but after six years she hungered to go home so she did just that. Who would have thought that her life will change once she stepped into the pack? She was mated to her Alpha king who is the supreme white wolf. She who did not want a mate finds her self control shattering around him and what is more he wants her when he was supposed to hate her. Her life changes once she stepped into the pack, there is so much going around that she does not know, things are not the way they were when she was leaving six years ago but what are this changes? Enemies are lurking in the dark waiting for the right time to strike, she has to be protected but she is not someone who appreciates being kept in the dark Their long-time enemy the vampire is out for blood but whose?

Chapter 1 Going back home

Samantha was lost in thoughts as she arranged her clothes inside her suitcase. She will be going back to her old pack after six years.

She was sure that many things have changed by now and many people have gone off with their mates to tour the world or If their mate was not from the same pack with them has gone to live with them in their own pack.

She was already twenty four years and still single because she was yet to find her mate but this was something she was grateful for.

She did not wish to find her mate at all. She wanted to stay alone because she does not want anyone to get hurt on her account.

She looked round her closet to check if she have mistakenly left any clothe behind and seeing that there was none she closed it and went to sit on her bed. She needs to fold everything this night because her flight was around six in the morning.

Her lips twitched with a small smile as she thought of the Alpha king of her pack, Alden. She used to have a massive crush on him but she could not act on it because of what happened between their families.

She could not even go near him if she wanted to after all he was someone everyone can only admire from afar but could not get close to.

She have always been impulsive and went after anything she wanted head-on but she could not do that with him because she knew that he hates her for what happened.

She felt her heart sting, he was not just an alpha of their pack but the Alpha king in the North. All the Alpha's of the packs in the North were under him. She like, admires and respect him.

She closed her suitcase when she was done arranging everything she needed. The moving company she contacted will bring her remaining things which she have already arranged in different box.

She does not know why she finally decided to go back home but one thing she knew was that she wanted to go back and stay with her kind. She was tired of living and looking back whenever she was working.

The city was no place for a werewolf like her because there was no place for her to go for her run whenever her wolf wants to.

The only person who sometimes kept her company was her cousin sister and the both of them were age mate but her cousin was older than her with three months.

The two of them were always busy with work so it was not easy to see each other but they always try to make out time to see each other and have sleep overs during weekends, or go out to train their self and their wolf so that they won't become weak.

Like her, her cousin sister was yet to find her mate and was getting anxious so she wanted to go back to their pack with her.

The both of them have already quit their jobs and will meet at the airport tomorrow.


She turn and picked up her phone but when she saw the name displayed on the screen she hissed and blocked the number. It was her ex boyfriend who she broke up with yesterday.

Why was he even calling her anyway? She told him before they started dating that she was not interested in marriage and he agreed but later went ahead to propose to her in their class reunion yesterday.

It was a stupid move on his own part but it gave her a good reason to breakup with him after all she was preparing to go back home finally and won't be returning ever again.

She was already looking for a good reason to breakup with him and he gave it to her by proposing to her. Did he think that because he proposed in front of a huge crowd she was going to accept him?

She has never date any human for more than two to three months but he lasted for six months because she was already thinking of going back home and did not have the time to get bored with him around.


She looked at her phone again when she heard it ring and saw it was an unfamiliar number, she did not want to pick it up thinking that it was her ex boyfriend but she decided to pick in case she was mistaken


"Baby I already said that i am sorry can't you forgive me this once please I will...."

Samantha cut the call and immediately blocked the number not allowing him to complete what he was wanted to say.

Thank God she was going to change her number because she could not use it when she gets to the North. Even if she goes missing, there was no one to look for her.

She has no friends here, but maybe just maybe her ex will look for her but she will do well to send him a message before she leaves.

She went out to eat dinner at a very posh restaurant after all it was her last day in this place that she have spent six years of her life.

She was not going to miss anything here the way she missed her home when she left because she never belonged here.

After eating she took a walk and decided to buy some souvenirs to remember this place.

It was already nine in the night when she got home so she just took her bathe, set her alarm for five in the morning and went to bed.

By this time tomorrow she will be at home sleeping in her king size bed.

It was hard getting taxi early in the morning in the area she lives but thank God she already arranged for one so she got to the airport thirty minutes before her flight departs.

With her supernatural ability to pick up someone's scent she was able to quickly locate her cousin who was already there.

"Hey sis" she called as she dragged her suitcase behind her

Elisabeth looked up from her phone when she heard a familiar voice and her face quickly spilt in a big smile

"Morning girl, are you happy that we are finally going back home?"

Even if Elisabeth knew that Samantha was happy she still asked her because she wanted to hear her say it.

After a long time of fake smiling Samantha have forgotten what it was like to give a genuine smile but because she was going home and she was really happy it came naturally

She gave Elizabeth a big smile as she as sat down beside her. " I am happy"

"I am too" Elisabeth wanted to start blabbing about what she would do if she finally finds her mate but she wisely kept quiet and focused on her phone

She knew how tough life her cousins life was after what happened fourteen years ago.

She knew that her cousin will not appreciate her talking about mates close to her so she kept quiet. It was rare to see her cousin sister smiling genuinely so she was happy that they were going home.

Maybe her cousin will find a good reason to smile when they get back home.

After ten minutes they were asked to start getting on the plane so the both of them got up and dragged their suitcase with them.

Because Samantha told he father that she was finally coming home he did not allow them to stay with regular people but bought a first class ticket for the both of them.

Since the flight was going to take fifteen hours Samantha slept through out because she had nothing to do and have already thrown her phone away.

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