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A man with a soul that is always torn apart by dreams, as if showing a secret to the vastness of this universe. Batara, a man with a quiet disposition to be someone who has the ability, he must do many things to organize his own life journey. A spiritual journey that will lead him to true happiness.

Chapter 1 Black Cat

The void that tells vivid stories, ringing ear-piercingly to the deepest recesses, fills the growing silence, the smell of earthy earth pierces the senses of smell. Legs stumble but still continue to walk somewhere, without a clear purpose. The roaring breath secretly squeezed the chest. It's dark, only darkness can be seen. A faint sound was heard.

'Hah! Just a dream, thought the young man who immediately sat up from his sleep. A sound from outside the wooden door interrupted his dream for the day, forcing him to wake up immediately.

We don't know how many dreams Tara had, a young man with brown eyes, beautiful wavy hair, thin lips, and a nose that wasn't too sharp, but perfectly proportioned to his firm jaw. Cold sweat almost every day did not escape his body when he woke up from sleep. A dream that always makes him think twice, he always asks himself 'why does it have to be the same dream, always like that, unclear and makes him tired. In fact, if someone is sleeping, the body should also rest, ah never mind, he interrupted and then stopped the questions that might not be answered. by anyone.

It was still very early but from outside, two people could be heard talking.

"Never mind, sir, our child is an adult, please let him choose his own path." The woman's voice seemed to be telling her husband a story.

"Yes, thump, you know. Tara has to be the heir to the factory in the future." A middle-aged man who is adamant about his decision.

Tara who heard the voices of her parents quickly got up from the bed. Indeed, the distance between the dining room and Tara's room wasn't too far, so she could hear her parents' morning chatter.

"Tara doesn't want it, Dad, Tara doesn't want to be the heir, just leave it to uncle." Tara replied to her father's words.

"Well, who is your father's son, you or uncle?" interrupted the father, "Who is the heir, if there is a child it is his son, not his brother," continued Tara's father with a sneer.

For a long time, Tara will be handed over to his father's inheritance. However, Tara always adamantly refused, not only because he didn't want to, but there was something else Tara wanted. Reaching for his dream.

"Here, eat breakfast. After that, father immediately went to the factory," said the woman while preparing food on her husband's plate.

Without enjoying breakfast that morning, Tara left his parents. Goes to the room, puts on casual clothes and grabs the device on the table. Go. The only thought that crossed his mind.

The morning that should have been a good start, turned into a small mess in the mind. That's what Tara thought.

The cold air slowly brushed against the skin. Break through the pores to touch the bone. With a face that was not in the mood to do anything, Tara approached a house which was quite close to where she lived. A house with a simple architecture, but still looks elegant. The brown walls that match the wood carvings in every corner, make the main attraction for this house. Tara walked in, without knocking or greeting when she reached the goal. Tara walked over to the chair at the end of the room.

"Why, Tar, you're nagging again?" said the woman who was about the age of three, welcoming Tara's sudden presence.

"It's still early, you know, why are you already frowning." Tara, who didn't budge, didn't hear any questions from his buddha, aunty Rini.

"Tara is tired, budhe, every day you talk about inheritance, right, Tara already said that Tara doesn't want to." The woman who had been busy with her morning ritual–cooking-finally sat down beside her niece.

"Then how do you want it, son?" Samb looked gently at the young man beside him.

"Tara, I just want you to not have to talk about it, after all, you can still take care of everything," said Tara.

Then she got up and stroked Tara gently. Her nephew who she considered her own child, how could he not, her only child had died because of cancer for many years.

The Bumantara family is a family that has a middle to upper economic level. The success of the cracker factory business which has become a place of employment for local residents in East Java. Sooner or later the factory will be given to the heirs. Tara as the only child of the Bumantara family will definitely get these rights.

Tara had been living behind his's house for almost half an hour. Imagining the future in the future, getting dreams that have been floating in the shadows. Drrrt ... drrt .... The vibration of the device in his trouser pocket interrupted his thoughts. There was a notification that there was an incoming message, written on his device -Adi.

[Good morning sir, I'll be waiting at the usual place huh.]

Adi, always like that, never absent every morning just to give a message to Tara. They have to do routine activities every morning. Drinking coffee. Without thinking he got up from his seat, just walking for about ten minutes would arrive at the destination his friend meant. They have known each other for six years, and since then Tara has a brother, for her to be an only child is a curse.

Not having a sibling to joke with, to complain about all her feelings, just the loneliness Tara had been through. However, that feeling slowly disappeared with time, remembering when Tara was still in junior high school, Tara was a very quiet person, wouldn't talk if no one invited her, from the first she thought the world was always boring. Adi is a young man with exotic brown skin, shoulder-length curls, and a snub nose, but that doesn't make his charm go away. From junior high to high school, Adi was known as a man who frequently changed girlfriends. Very different from Tara.

"Wow... this morning was very special, wasn't it Mr. Tara?" Adi teases Tara who just came.

"Come on Di, just call Tara why the hell," Tara muttered a little uncomfortable with the call Adi gave.

"Heh, yes sorry" Adi replied with a little chuckle.

Two cups of Arabica coffee were already in front of them.

"Tar, earlier, I saw a very good chicken I want to take. How do you want to come?"

"You are a habit, yes, you have someone, if you want to take it, tell me," Tara said giving Adi a little understanding. Adi, who has a bad hobby, steals chickens. Not for anything really, he just likes it, then he sells it to the market.

"Alah, just this time Tar, the last one." The outstretched little finger was a witness to Adi's agreement with Tara that this would be the end of this bad habit. Tara, who was not surprised by Adi, just kept quiet while clearing her throat. Adi then smiled happily, acting like he had the approval of the person in front of him.

"I want to take the chicken belonging to the most complicated person in this village, Tar." With a proud face Adi said that.

It didn't take long for them to carry out the action. Not them really, just Adi. It was like that before, Tara only saw Adi's actions from a distance. Tara has told Adi many times not to do that, once when they were still in high school, Adi was caught and threatened to be reported to the police, about chickens, it was to scare Adi and not do it again. Adi is not the name if you are immediately afraid of the frills of excuses like that.

It is about a hundred meters from where Adi took the action.

Tara, who was just silently watching Adi, leaned against the motorbike they brought to the theft, making sure that her friend was in a safe position. It didn't take long, twenty minutes after Adi entered a fairly large chicken coop, a baritone voice came from the opposite direction. Yelling at Adi, Adi who panicked immediately let go of the chicken that was already in his hand. Adi rushed away from the cage, before the owner of the chicken knew that it was Adi who would take the chicken. Knowing this, Tara was also prepared to take Adi away from the location. He started the motorbike, which had been just a support, turned back towards the road so he could escape as soon as possible. Adi smiled seeing what Tara did, indeed she never followed Adi's actions, but always ready to help when Adi is in danger. Proceeded smiling seeing what Tara did, indeed she never followed Adi's actions, but was always ready to help when Adi was in danger. He drove the motorbike at high speed, hoping the chicken owners wouldn't chase them.

After ten minutes they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"You're crazy Di, almost broke my heart, what if you get caught."

Piggybacking Adi with a little shout. Adi just laughed at his friend's nagging. Sunday morning decorated with a very thrilling heart exercise.

Adi and Tara, who are currently studying at the fourth semester level, semester is very boring for them. Even though it was boring, the two of them never skipped class during class. They both have pretty good brains. It was at this college that Tara got a crush, starting from an accident in a lecture in Tara's class when she fell in love with a straight-haired woman with sad eyes and a smile that always looked innocent. Reisa, a woman who is able to break down the big walls of Tara's heart, who is fondly called Tara and Ica. They have been in a relationship for almost a year. Ica, who has a gentle personality in her speech, can calm Tara when she is in trouble, whether related to family or other activities. Ica is a good second listener to Tara, after the aunty-Aunty Rini-.

They only spoke incoherent chatter on the way. I don't know what made Adi, who was in the back seat, want to ride Tara, even though he is usually very lazy when he has to be in the steering wheel. The two of them changed positions. The speed of forty which was previously held by Tara, has now become seventy when the steering control is held by Adi, Adi. really likes high speed driving, while Tara is very scared when Adi rides at high speed. Adi, who was laughing, was satisfied to hear Tara's screams of cursing in fear.

"Enjoy the wind today Tar, haha ...," said Adi while laughing loudly.


Something they had hit, as seen from the mirrors, they had hit something black and .... hairy. What is it, have they hit a rat in the middle of the road, because as far as the eye can see around them there is only a stretch of rice fields. But he looked back. Hah! They were very surprised, it turned out that they had hit a cat. A cat with plain black fur, and there was a lot of blood around its body, where did the cat come from, in a state of shock still only watching the cat from a distance, hoping that it was only injured, not dead.

"Di, turn around quickly!" said Tara, interrupting their thoughts.

With a very worried heart, Adi immediately turned his motorbike, approaching the cat.

Not until they run the motor.

"Hah!" Adi screams a little.

"T-Tar ... where did the cat go?" asked Adi in a trembling voice and body.

Tara, who had been deep in thought for a while, confirmed again that they had really hit a black cat, but when they turned around there was nothing behind them. Just an empty street. Fear immediately surged throughout the two young men's bodies, he made up his mind to turn the motorbike over, made sure to return by looking from the mirror, and remained. Just an empty street. Like nothing happened. Only silence filled the two of them, who were lost in each other's thoughts, fear, anxiety, and panic ambushed as if stabbing their souls to shreds.

"Tar ...." Adi tried to discuss what had happened to them just now.

"Never mind, let's not discuss it again. We'd better go home now." Actually, deep down, Tara is deep inside she is also very curious. Thoughts running everywhere, thinking about things beyond human comprehension. Trying to relate the events that happened to him.

'What the hell is going on, my God' Tara thought with a very restless heart. Trying to remember how she and Adi could hit the black cat.

His device vibrated, indicating that someone was sending him a message, he glanced at the flat object lying beside him.

A message that is desired by all humans.

[Tara, are you okay?] A line of written sentences from a woman with shoulder-length curls -Tara's lover-.

[I'm fine, what's the matter, Ca?] Tara replied to the message in her heart she was a little calm, at least there was one human who was always worried about her condition. For Tara, that was more than enough.

Longing that never knows when it will come, always afflicts two souls who love each other. Neither did the two couples.

Whuss ....

Tara felt a wind blow past her.

He looked at Tara's window. A black shadow appeared, very fast but enough to make Tara suspect that she knew what she had just seen. A cat.

'Whose cat is still wandering around at this time of night,' thought Tara trying to ignore what was happening outside her bedroom window.

He immediately resumed his activities. The lover who wants to talk to Tara. Even if only through virtual media.

They had been discussing things that didn't even matter for almost three hours. Routine activities that are always carried out by lovers. Accompany until one of the two fell asleep.

"Tara, go to sleep," said the beautiful woman on the other end of the phone softly.

"Okay," Tara replied as they hung up.

A cold air suddenly rose to gently caress Tara's skin. Even though he didn't turn on the fan at all in his room. For some reason, his eyes returned to the window. And ... a cat was facing him.

Tara who felt scared immediately covered her body with a blanket. And, hope he fell asleep soon.

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