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The mafia’s queen

The mafia's queen



Kiara Rodriguez wasn't always cold and emotionless. Kiara was the most beautiful girl who was confident in her own skin, that was before a tragic incident took place and kiara lost her only loving and amazing family. Somewhere while burying her parents, she didn't know she was burying a part of herself, the confident and bold part of herself. Now two years later, she is the introvert who doesn't like attention, doesn't like people, and a girl who no one would befriend thinking she was a psycho who needed medical attention, little did they know what kiara had gone through. except for Cassandra Ford, her best friend and the only person who knows her story. Now add in a mafia boss who is ruthless, dangerous, handsome and the most feared man in the whole of America, who shows up at kiara's house at 2 am in the middle of the night, wounded. unknowingly stumbling upon the girl he was searching for! And what if he was secretly in love with her from the past 3 years? And what if Dominic Romano brings out the old kiara, the bold, beautiful and confident girl back? What happens when kiara is finally happy how her life turned out to be, but she speaks too soon when she finds out she is not the person who she really is, and the life she is living was all a lie from the beginning? Read to find out how kiara and Dominic survive in middle of all the chaos and when kiara's haunting past returns in the form of her worst nightmare from which she just couldn't wake up? This is not a cliché, please give it a try. This is my first book, and I am new to writing. I hope u guys like the story. Thank you. Enjoy♥️

Chapter 1 The Pain


The loud ring of my alarm woke me up instantly. I grabbed it from my side table and put it off. I layed in my bed for a few minutes before going to the bathroom to take a shower.

As soon as i entered the shower, my mind started its normal routine again.


That's all I have been doing lately,well from past one year to be precise. I can't seem to forget that. Even if I try forgetting it, my nightmares keeps that incident alive in my head at all times, as if it was just yesterday.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of the shower and went over to the mirror, it was blurred due to the hot shower I took. I wiped the fog from the mirror and looked at the person standing in front of me.

Long chestnut hair falling down to her hips, ocean blue eyes, long thick eyelashes, straight sharp nose, full pink lips, and porcelain smooth skin. She has the perfect body, perfect curves and perfect features. If the only thing that wasn't perfect, was her life.

I stared at the girl in the mirror. The shine she once had in her bright eyes was long gone, replaced by dull,tired blue eyes with heavy bags underneath them. Her once full pink lips were chapped and dry. Her hair were a mess, as if she hadn't combed it in ages. The glow she once had on her face was gone and the redness from her cheeks had disappeared long back, leaving her with a ghostly pale face.

Well, I didn't care about looks anymore like I once used to. I just want to go with the flow, without seeking too much attention. I quickly went out of my bathroom and pulled out the outfit for the day. It was just a simple white tank top, dark washed skinny jeans and my white sneakers with a floral cardigan on top.

I got my fashion sense from my mom, She was a fashion designer whose boutiques were all around the world. It was pretty famous throughout. My dad was a CEO of a company. Rodriguez and Co.

That's what it is.

Was. Past tense.

cause my parents are no more. They died a year ago. And I blame it all on me. If only had I listened to my dad that day, then maybe he and mom would have been here today with me. But no, I was stubborn and blind to see the truth. I believed him more than my dad.

I had loved him. I thought he was my happiness. Only if I knew he was the one to take my happiness away. I sighed. I didn't want to remember that anymore or more specifically him. I turn around to look for my phone to see if I have any missed calls or messages. As expected my best friend cassy my only friend had left me a message saying she was outside waiting for me.

Yeah, I totally forgot I had to go to school. The place I dread going to now, it's funny how I loved being around those people.

Weird how life changes in the blink of an eye. I remember the fun I used to have with all my girlfriends, but they all showed their true colours after my parents death. Everyone left me except for cassy. She has been by my side literally all my life. She is the only one who knows my dark past and has never left. I am so grateful to her for being by my side. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be sane right now.

She was my pillar all these years. She made me cope with my parents death. She tells me its not my fault that they are dead. But I like to think otherwise.

I make my way downstairs into the huge living room. It was empty. Dark. Brooding Just like my soul. This house was once a home. Full of laughter, happiness, cheerfulness. And now it was dead silent. My parents,were rich. No doubt there. But money can't buy you happiness. They left me here with enough money to last my whole life. Their companies were all passed down to me, as I was the only child.

But they are being run by my uncle and aunt whom I had met when I was completely lost after my parents death. I barely remember their faces. I am still 18 And I don't know how the business world works. I look around the hallway and the living room where the portraits once were. They were all removed and kept in the attic. Too many memories.

I silently made my way to the kitchen, Taking an apple in my hand,I made my way to the door. Opening the front door, I was met with an irritated looking cassy sitting in the driver's seat of her car. Audi coupe. It was her favourite car, and she loved it more than anything.


I was late. She is going to be mad.

"Hey" I said as I sat in the passenger seat.

"Hey yourself. I have been waiting here for the past half hour. What took you so long?". she said with an irritated look on her face.

"I woke up late again." I lied. But she knew me well. She knew I had nightmares and how I couldn't sleep because of them. But she didn't say anything though. And I was grateful for that. That's why I love her.

She understands me like no one else. She just rolled her eyes at me and started the engine. But i knew she was concerned for me. Soon we were out of my driveway and onto the road making our way to school. I just hope everything goes on smoothly, without any drama.

"Hey, what's goin' on in that pretty head of yours?." she asked.

"Nothing." I replied.

"You've never been so quiet before." She said. Or more like stated.

"Just thinking." I replied distracted by my thoughts.

"When are you not." she said jokingly, but I could the detect underlying concern in her tone.

"Yeah.....". I trailed off Cassy quickly grabbed my hand in hers

"Are your nightmares frequent again?."

"No!" I said it too quickly. I didn't want to concern her with my problems. She had her own problems to worry about.

"You know you can tell me anything right?".

"I know. Its not that i don't want to tell you, you know that. Its just that I don't want to talk about it." I said with a weak smile.

She quickly got that I don't want to talk about it, and dropped the topic. See? I told you she understood.

Soon we were entering the school gates. We parked our car in the empty parking lot. Guess we were a bit early. There was a commotion outside. Same old drama, I thought.

"Well. Here goes my hope for a non- dramatic day." was the last thing I heard from cassy, before opening my door and stepping out of the car.

Only if I knew what the day holds for me.

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