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Rachael Gold


Against their people's choice, against their culture, against their tradition, Angela Jones, the next Alpha and Giovani Gilbert, a vampire found themselves tangled with each other in love. However, their love seemed to be good when it suddenly hit a rock that threatened to split them apart. Will their love be strong enough to withstand every obstacles thrown at them even if it means laying their lives for each other? Find out.

Chapter 1 One

"Ouch! That's enough dad. You're being too hard." Angela Jones, a tall, beautiful teenager, screamed as she fell hard from her dad's hit.

She touched her lips and looked at her fingers to confirm her suspicious. She had been cut on her lips by that blow. She hit her hands on the floor in anger as she quickly stood up, staring down her father.

"If you're going to be my heir, you have to be stronger than this. I will have no weakling as my heir!" Her dad said.

Andrew, was the alpha of the Yellow Sky Park and was keen to have a very strong heir, worthy enough to take the throne when the time comes. It was an obsession and so he always took Angela with him to training as they trained as hard as he deemed fit.

He was relentless as he always claimed that tough training was for the tough and weak training, for the weak. He'll hit her as hard as she could without thinking twice about it.

She was to be ready for what was to come as people won't treat her with mercy if they could lay their hands on her. He knew he wouldn't always be around to protect her and she had to learn how to do that for herself.

Hard training was the only available means by which he could help her achieve that and he gave it his all, sometimes, much to the displeasure of Angela, his child.

"Let's go again, little one!" He screamed as he launched towards Angela with his sword who was ready for the attack.

She evaded the first and the second attacks and gave her father a wry smile.

"I'm not little, father." She replied as she also launched towards him, sword in hand.

They hit their swords together, each one trying to push the other back. It was a test of sheer strength and power and in no time, Angela was tripped, after being pushed back with great force.

Once again, she was on the floor, much to the disappointment of her father who dropped his sword in disgust and threw his hands up in the air in protest.

"You're too weak, child and I must say, unwise. You must fight smart. How would you try to beat a wolf, far stronger than you in a test of strength? Sometimes, the brain must be used, my child. That is exactly why you have it." Andrew said, with a look of contempt on his face.

He had expected Angela to be a much stronger opponent, a tough match, and not a weak wolf who was at his mercy, just like most of the other wolves. He had expected his own child to have the same toughness and skill that he possessed. Those qualities have served him well as alpha and if she wanted to be the leader someday, there should be no doubt that she was miles above others in terms of strength, skills and brute force, qualities that sadly seemed absent in Angela in his eyes.

He always wondered why for all her zeal, Angela just wasn't good enough for him. With her qualities, he didn't expect her to last long as the ruler of the park. He stamped his foot on the ground to express his disgust and said,

"You need more training, child. You need to give it your all." She bowed her head in shame and anger.

She wondered what she could do to please her father. She felt she was being judged by an unfair standard as it was literally impossible for her to win a fight against her father, the alpha of the park, the strongest of them all, a wolf who was feared by all the members of the park and the parks around.

Her eyes turned yellow as the rage began to consume her. She could see that his focus had shifted from her and he was a bit distracted by his own thoughts and so she thought it was the best time to attack. With one push, she launched at her dad with full force, hoping to land a telling blow to prove once and for all that she was indeed a worthy opponent, only to find herself in just a matter of seconds, on the floor with very little effort from her father.

He was just too strong and too fast for her and he was not pleased with that.

"Are you truly my child?" He asked, disdainfully looking down at her as he continued,

"Can strength birth weakness? Can bravery birth cowardice? Has life cursed me with such a fate and I am not able to change it?"

With that, she stood up and ran from him. She ran into the fields and sat there alone, thinking of what to do next. Life was just so unfair to her. How on Earth was she going to please her father? Will it ever be possible or was she simply not good enough?

These questions ran through her mind as she drew lines on the floor with her fingers. She imagined being made the ruler of the park with such little strength.

No one would fear her like they feared her father. She would have a lot of people seeking to challenge her and even kill her in a bid to overthrow her, especially since they felt they could do that.

She had trained with other wolves but she wasn't sure if she really won those fights or they just let her win. At least, not after the constant beatdowns she got from her father who made no mistake to tell her just how weak she was after each fight.

She knew she had to train more if she were to earn the fear and respect of the other wolves and most importantly, her father. Being a disappointment to him was never her intention. She longed for the day when her dad would smile at her for what she did right.

That day was not forthcoming and didn't even look close. She also wasn't unaware of the constant wars that had been fought as she had been with him to every war he fought since she came of age, only being able to participate once with no good memories of that.

She was nearly killed by one of the opposing wolves but the saving hands of her father pulled her out and his fangs did the rest. He was so angry that he kept biting and tearing the wolf apart until his neck was off his head. She had never seen her father with bright red eyes until that day. She knew why he was feared by everyone.

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