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Destined Mates

Destined Mates



Over the years, the pack made than enough progress. Callisto had grown into a beautiful lady, taken over the fashion house. Callisto wants to be independent. Aaron was was not there anymore to help her out. They had both sorted their relationship and decided it is best for them to stay as friends. It was indeed hard for Callisto as she was losing her best friend but as the Luna she was, she didn't show it out instead, she fought it. She knew forgetting the memories which they shared together will be tough for her not when she received the news of Aaron returning from his journey. Will Callisto be able to resist the bond tied between them and focus on her fashion house? Or will their destiny play it's part on them once again?

Chapter 1 01

I should have stayed at home instead of following a dumb Aaron to this pack for Christmas shopping.

It was as if he had bewitched me to make me agree to come with him, to get some few stuffs that he had claimed to importantly need.

I watched from afar the market, as he squeeze through sweaty bodies and follow his directions in disguise of course . For a practicing hunter, Aaron has a good eyesight to say. He can see things from a mile ahead, which made him more valuable to the pack as his mother also my Godmother had said.

I break from the crowd and headed for a shop that sells fabrics. A particular one had caught my eyes and what would I have done with getting it? Pout my way home, of course.

I touched the smooth fabric, it was laced with permanent glitters that would not come off no matter what. I asked for the price, it was kind of cheat compared to where I get some of my fabrics and I am no way judging the shops for that.

I paid for the fabrics and some other things that the seller suggested to go well with the fabrics. I mumbled a thank you to the woman and left.

I sat under the tree Aaron had asked me to wait for him. The weather was changing slowly, there is hope for the snow to fall today. Not sure it is going to be heavy or not, one of the reasons why I want to return home before the Alpha will notice our disappearance.

I opened my bag to bring out a container with water in it. I sip the drink then spit it back out. The water was slowly losing it taste due to the preservatives Aaron might have added and I instructed it to add only a pinch of the preservative.

"Cal." A familiar voice called out and lifted my head to sight Aaron walking back to me.

"Sorry, I left you here all alone." He apologized which made me scowled.

"Whatever." If I had known following him to this pack would turn out this way, then I would have stayed at home while I binged read in the Alpha's old library. It is worth better than this actually.

I stood up replacing my hood, hiding my face once again. The hood which I had made some few weeks back really saved me today, when I made it, I had no intention of using it even for once.

But my mother, the Luna suggested I use it for cover up from people recognizing me. It worked, no one could point it out that I am the next Luna in line.

On our way back to the pack, I stopped to get a perked up jewelry for Denasia.

Denasia or Den is the only person that I hang out with. It is hard for me to make new friends when the rest claim you are too sturdy to be their friend.

Den could be a model if she wants, she actually model for me alone and of course, with me and Aaron being the audience only. She got flawless fair skin, long eyelashes, and a well slanted nose. She has the perfect height, but a little bit thick.

"Can you please walk faster?" Aaron seethes. He always complains of how slow I walk, that he'd compare me to a sloth.

I groaned as I made a move to catch up with him. I can't actually wait to get back home and be in my comfort zone. I missed my art room, and of course, my baby sister.

We reached the woods where Aaron has successfully kept the horse, I had been praying to the Goddess that no one would run away with the horse, because if that happens, then we have no choice than to run back home in our wolves form. And I hate that idea.

We rode the horse faster, I could feel the breathe of Aaron dropping on the nape of my neck. On a normal day, I would have picked a fight with him but today, it is different.

I slowly closed my eyes to push back the thoughts that kept on coming back to my mind. I hate it when I think about me and Aaron being a thing.

Soon, we reached the pack border. "Get down and walk yourself back home. I did you the honor of returning you home safely." He barked.

I snorted before I dismantled the horse and sent a kick his way which I missed. "Work on your kicks too, you need it." He says.

I ignored him and continued to walk away from him. I know he was watching me disappear in the pack. I made my way to Den's place, her parents should be in the pack house.

"Cal." She stretches.

"How was the journey?" She questioned.

"It was okay, yes expect for Aaron being an asshole." I sighed as I fall into the couch.

She let out a laugh. She always does that whenever I complain about him. "I knew you would complain about something like that. You both are always fighting." Den says laughing loudly.

"He is always picking a fight Den." I corrected.

Funny how people still fall to get it registered that we are not twins either are we siblings. We only grew up together.

"That, I agree." She nodded her head.

I went ahead to fill her in on how my day went. She had wanted to follow us but our parents will definitely finds out if the three of us are missing at once.

There should be at least one person covering up for us and she volunteered to stay back home since she had to learn her Spanish lesson fast.

I wasn't good enough in Spanish but I am not bad either. I can't say it out but I know the translation to some things.

Remembered the day I embarrassed myself at class. I said Ola comotas, had no idea what it meant but I said aloud.

I earned a lot of laughter and nasty comments from the student, plus Aaron. He kept teasing me about it, he would even be like 'Ola comotas baby' and I hated it. But I paid no heed to it.

The crack head Aaron decided to tell it me it was Hola como estas instead. I hated him for that, I stopped talking to him for a few days.

Then he came to apologize and he came with my favorite chocolate in the pack. Getting them is another story but he did got them for me so why can't I easily forgive him for a mistake I made actually?

Den and I decided to go to the pack house and make a dress for her. Her parents were hosting a ball for her elder brother who found his mate and she wants to make an appearance.

Fair enough to say, she always wants to be the center of attention during a party or ball and she always does. Thanks to my dresses, they make her more beautiful.

"I am back." I shouted seeing my mother in the kitchen with some of the maid, making dinner obviously.

I didn't wait to get a response from her as I dragged Den with me to the art room. I was also actually avoiding Kenny, she had promised the little girl that she will play with her but she broke the promise.

"Oh, do you even know how much i missed this room?" I popped her eyes at the curtain.

The sun was setting slowly while the rooms were getting busier as the time passes by. "Cal, you only left it for some hours, stop exaggerating." Den says, rolling her eyes as she made herself comfortable on the bean couch I got from my parents.

"You know I am not exaggerating anything and for the fact, I do miss the musty smell of this art room." I informed while taking a seat close to her.

"Sure sure." She said jokingly.

Moving to work, i picked my measuring tape to measure her actual size. I do it whenever I am going to make a new dress for her. She tends to grow out or less as the day passes by.

There was a day I decided to surprise her with a knee length gown I had recently learned how to sew. Only for her to wear it and she had outgrown her size.

I had to restitch it after getting her actually weight. Since then, I make sure to measure her before I sew any kind of dress for her.

After putting everything down, I brought out a box containing fabrics that I use to work with. I passed it to her to choose the one that caught her eyes. It is something I always do, I make dresses with the fabrics she chooses.

"This." She said as she played with the end tip of the fabric.

"This is it then." I picked up the fabric and draped over the hanger. I kept the measurements I had written on a piece of paper on the sewing machine.

I watched through the side of my eyes as Den sighed uncomfortably. Something is definitely bothering her and she won't budge until I force it out of her.

I sat down on the carpet making sure I was facing her. "What is wrong Denasia?" I questioned putting my hand on her thighs.

"I have been thinking about this Cal. I hate the idea of staying behind in this pack, I want to be an explorer, I don't want to be tied down to a man in the name of mates. I want to my own wings, to fly far away." She complained.

This sounds just like the life of my mother when she was young. She had told me about everything that had happened through her teenage years. And I believe Den is going through the same things now.

"Did you try talking it out with your parents?" I played with the rings on her fingers. The rings Aaron and I had gifted her for her birthday.

She wiped her tears away as she looked to face me, with sorrow in her eyes. "I did but they don't want to have anything to do with that. They are not supporting me for this. What if I eventually run off without the knowledge of anyone?" She hiccuped.

"I know you won't run to anywhere my love. Try to make them understand about your dreams, because a mistake from you will take your parents down. There must be a reason for them not supporting you, i am also not going to support you for not wanting to be with your mate." I said.


"Because your mate will definitely be hurt when you reject him. You know what it feels like to be rejected by someone mated to you, you have seen how Brickz was after his mate rejected him." I inhaled.

"He is not himself anymore, he is still being detained at the help center, he became a laughing stock in the community by those who don't care and tell me why anyone will anyone that cares about you would allow you to reject your mate?" I asked, making my self emotional when I brought up Brickz.

Poor Brickz. I will visit him soon in the help center.

She sobbed more onto her thigh, wetting my hands in the process. I used my other free hand to pat her back while I said some words to make her calm down.

When she had finally finished crying, she used the bathroom to clean off her face. Even though her face looked so soggy and tired, she still managed to put up a smile for me.

I held her hands as we walked down the stairs to the dining. The maid came to call us for dinner a long time ago but I sent her away seeing the way Den was.

Now all we need is a cover story to explain why her face looks that way.

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